11 Pros And Cons Of Goat Farming Business

Discussing about the pros and cons of goat farming (advantages and disadvantages) is very important for starting and operating a successful goat farming business.

Commercial goat farming business has many advantages and disadvantages. It is a very profitable business, and at the same time it also has some disadvantages.

If you are a beginner, and want to start a goat farming business, then you should know about these pros and cons of goat farming business.

Here we are trying to describe about the top pros and cons of goat farming business. Hope this guide will be helpful for you to take proper decision.

Pros and Cons of Goat Farming Business

Goats are wonderful creatures, and they are being raised for long time in India. There are many advantages/pros of goat farming business. Currently, goats are being raised commercially in most of the parts of the world.

And popularity of commercial goat farming business is increasing gradually. Huge market demand and availability of many different goat breeds are the main advantages of goat farming business.

There are already many large goat farming companies available in many parts of the world, and they control a notable portion of the total market demand. As the population increasing, the demand of food is also increasing. Commercial goat farming business can play a very important role to meet up this increasing food demand.

Goat products such as milk and meat, both are very nutritious and good for human health. Goats are among the main meat producing animals in many countries.

Most of the people who consume meat, generally prefer goat meat. So, goat meat has great demand in the international market. The milk is also popular in some areas.

Goats are actually multi-purpose animals. Along with meat and milk production, their skin and fiber are also valuable. Goat manure is also of very good quality and can be used for crop or other green production.

pros and cons of goat farming, advantages and disadvantages of goat farming

Pros/Advantages of Goat Farming in India

Goats play a very important role in the rural economy of some poor countries. If you are thinking about starting goat farming business, you need to know about the advantages/pros of goat farming business.

Goats are multi-purpose animals, and there are many breeds available to choose from. However, here we are describing more about the main advantages of goat farming business.

1. Require Less Space

Goats are smaller sized animals. So they generally require less space, compared to some other domestic animals. They have less housing demands, and a house with minimum facilities will be good for them. Even the goats can be kept with your other farm animals (in small scale family farm production).

2. Less Feeding Requirements

As the goats are smaller sized animals, so they require less feeds. There are some goat breeds available in India which can survive in low quality feeding also.

3. Easy to Care

Most of the goat breeds generally require less caring and other management. They are very easy to care, even women and children can care for them.

4. Utilities

Goats are multi-purpose animals, and they are raised for many different purposes. Their multipurpose utility is another advantages of goat farming business. Goats are generally raised for meat and milk.

But some goat breeds are also used for fiber or skin production. Some goat breeds are also very good for raising as pets.

5. Availability of Many Breeds

Depending on your area, there are some native goat breeds available, and you can choose any. You can choose any breed depending on your production purpose.

Among the native goat breeds, some are popular for meat production, some breeds are good for milk and some goat breeds are good for both meat and milk production.

Jamunapari, Beetal , Jakharana and Surti goats will be good for you if you want to start commercial dairy goat farming business. Some good meat goat breeds are Sirohi, Sojat, Osmanabadi etc.

If you want to produce both meat and milk, then selecting dual-purpose goat breeds will be good. Beetal, Sirohi, Barbari, Marwari, Mehsana, Kutchi, Gohilwadi and Zalawadi goats are good dual-purpose goat breeds. There are also some exotic goat breeds available (such as Boer, Alpine etc) in some countries.

6. Ready Market

Goat products such as meat and milk have great demand in international market. So you don’t have to be worry about marketing your products. Goat products have no religious taboo, and are highly accepted for consumption.

7. Climate Tolerance

Goats are very hardy animals, and they can adapt themselves with almost all climates around the world.

8. Goats are Hardy Animals

Goats are very strong and hardy animals. They are capable of surviving well than other animals. They are capable of resisting many common goat diseases.

9. Grow Faster

The goats are faster growing animals. They become mature quickly and multiply their numbers in the flock within a very short period of time. Goats generally reach slaughtering weight much faster.

10. Great ROI

Goats are easy to care, and they require less spending on their feeding, housing and caring. So, they make good profit for the farmers compared to total costs.

11. Employment Source

Commercial goat farming is a great employment source for the people. Especially for the educated unemployed people.

These are the main advantages of goat farming business. If you are a beginner and willing to start a new goat farming business, then you also need to know about the disadvantages of goat farming business.

Cons/Disadvantages of Goat Farming

Along with many advantages of goat farming in India, there are also some difficulties or disadvantages of this business. Traditional farming system and lack of knowledge are the main disadvantages of goat farming business.

Goat farming business is very easy, and definitely profitable if you can manage everything perfectly according to a plan. Although, there are some disadvantages that you should be aware of. The main disadvantages of goat farming business are listed below.

1. Traditional System

Most of the goat farmers use traditional system for raising goats. And a majority of the farmers used to keep their goats in extensive management system. They are not aware about the modern system.

2. Lack of Knowledge

There are also lack of knowledge about running the goat farming business effectively. There are many agriculture extension offices, Universities and Research centers available. But most of the people are not using these govt. services.

3. Inability to Choose Right Breed

Most of the goat farmers, especially the beginners fail to choose right breed for their business. As a result, they don’t get good production. And then they leave this business.

4. Starting Without Experience

Some of the beginners start raising some goats immediately after making the decision. This is not wise, and the beginners without any practical goat farming knowledge will face high cost and mortality rates. And they generally make less profit or even face loss.

5. Lack of Vet Service

Adequate vet service is not available throughout the country. This is also a great disadvantages of goat farming business.

6. Marketing Difficulties in Some Area

A good market is not always ready in some places. So the producers face problems for selling their products. This is not good for running a profitable goat farming business.

7. Lack of Specially Designed Vehicles

Specially designed vehicles are needed and very useful for transporting live goats from one place to another. And there is lack of such vehicles.

8. Lack of Capital

The poor farmers in some poor countries don’t have enough capital to start goat farming business in large scale. Enough capital for running a farm with at least 50-100 goats, will ensure good income from this business.

These are the common pros and cons of goat farming business. Please review wisely both disadvantages and advantages of goat farming before making decisions. Hope this guide has helped you to learn more about the top pros and cons of goat farming business. Good luck!

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