Start Goat Farming In Nigeria By Following 9 Easy Steps

Goat farming in Nigeria is very popular and common. The agriculture sector of Nigeria greatly contributing the total national income and economic growth.

And domestic or commercial goat farming playing an important role in the overall economic system of this country.

Commercial goat farming is very popular in northern part of Nigeria than southern part. Goat meat is very popular throughout the country and has a great demand in the local restaurants, hotels and the head sells like hot cake in catteries.

Due to high demand of goat meat and other products, there is a great opportunities of establishing commercial goat farming business in Nigeria.

Benefits of Goat Farming in Nigeria

  1. The weather and climate of Nigeria is very suitable for goat farming.
  2. Goat produces high quality meat and milk for human consumption. And goat products has a great demand in Nigeria.
  3. People of any profession can establish goat farming business with their current job. Because, goat farming doesn’t require much labor.
  4. Initial investment for starting goat farming in Nigeria is very less.
  5. Housing, feeding, caring and other management costs are less in goats.
  6. Goat farming in Nigeria can be a great source for earning extra income from foreign countries.
  7. Goat produce meat, milk, skin, fiber, manure etc. and none of those is a waste. Every products are marketable.
  8. Goat farming is a great source of self employment for the unemployed educated people and housewives of Nigeria.
  9. You can easily raise 8-10 goats with the same place or feed needed for a cow.
  10. Goat farming is very easy and simple. Even the care and management process can be done by the children and housewives.
  11. Goat manure is a great organic fertilizer which directly helps to increase the crop production.
  12. Commercial goat farming in Nigeria can help to eradicate poverty form Nigeria.
  13. Commercial goat farming has a great return of investment ratio (ROI). That means you will get good returns of your total capital or investment within a year or two. Good profit starts from second year of starting goat farming in Nigeria.
  14. Goat farming gives the people economic freedom. And it helps to reduce economic crisis and crime.

How to Start Goat Farming in Nigeria?

If you want to be self-employed or want to earn some extras with your regular income, then commercial goat farming business can be perfect for you.

goat farming, goat farming in Nigeria, goat breeds Nigeria, goat farming business Nigeria

Get necessary training first form your nearest livestock farming training centers or any experienced goat farmer and then follow the step by step guide I have included here.

Step 1. Select A Suitable Farm Location

Selecting a suitable land for your farm is very important. While selecting land for starting goat farming in Nigeria, consider the availability of some facilities which I have listed below.

  1. Select a land which is not too far from the town.
  2. Find out if there is another farm located or not, near your selected location.
  3. The place must have to be suitable enough to set up a pasture or grazing place.
  4. A market near the farm land, so that you can easily buy necessary equipment.
  5. Availability of all types of veterinary services.
  6. Great source of fresh and clean water.
  7. Good transportation facilities with the nearest market or town.

Step 2. Meat or Milk What You Want to Produce

Goats are multi-purpose animal. You can produce meat, milk, skin, fiber, manure etc. from the goats at the same time. Determine what type of products has a great demand in your location.

If goat milk has a great demand in your location, then you can set up a dairy goat farming business. If goat meat has high demands, then you can easily establish a meat goat farm.

So, before starting goat farming in Nigeria, analyze your local market and start producing those products which has a great demand.

Step 3. Buy High Quality Breeds

Buying high quality healthy goat breeds for your farming business is one of the most important part. After determining which products you are going to produce, buy high quality, fresh and healthy goats.

Nigerian dwarf, Maradi, Pygmy, Boer, Saanen, Nubians etc. are very suitable for farming according to the weather of Nigeria.

Step 4. Ensure Good Housing

For commercial goat production you should keep your goats in clean pens which is free of dampness, drafts and pests like flies and rodents.

As, goats are small sized animal they also require adequate fencing. Don’t keep your goats in airtight buildings. For desired growth and good health you have to ensure proper ventilation system and flow of sufficient air and day light in the house.

Generally, small scale farmers keep their goats with other livestock animals like cattle or sheep. But, for commercial production you have to make special house for them.

Always keep the house or shelter clean and use fresh hay or straw for bedding. You can also keep some toys inside the house to keep your goats busy and entertaining. Some producer found that, this has a good result in the health of goats.

Step 5. Provide Nutritious Feeding

By feeding your goats high quality, fresh and nutritious food regularly, you can desire maximum production from your business. Always try to feed your goats fresh and nutritious food.

Most successful commercial goat breeders feed their goats 12%-18% protein containing feed. Never include urea in the food because it is toxic to goats.

If you can make a good pasture and browsing place for your goats, then you can give them less grain. Always provide hay or green food in abundant supply.

Add necessary nutrients elements like vitamins, minerals, salt etc. And always serve them sufficient amount of fresh and clean water according to their demand.

Step 6. Give Your Goats Access To Pasture

Making a pasture or grazing place for your goats will be a great idea. This will help you to minimize food cost. Grazing place also helps to keep your goats healthy.

Step 7. Provide Veterinary Service

Always ensure all types of veterinary services for your goats. If the service center become too far from your farm, then try to make a stock of some necessary medicines and vaccines in your farm or house.

Step 8. Take Special Care and Management

Along with providing providing good housing, food etc. your goats also need some special care and management for continuous maximum and profitable income. Vaccinate your goats timely.

Never let them to go outside the farm area. Always feed them fresh food. Try to avoid used or contaminated food. Take special care to the breeding bucks and does.

Keep bucks and does separate from each other. Take special care to the kids for few months. Make a report of total expenditure and income of your farm.

Step 9. Marketing

Good marketing strategies can maximize your income. While marketing your products, first of all try your local markets. If there are good demands of goat products and a suitable market in your local area, then you will be able to sell your products easily. If you can’t sell your products in reasonable price in the local market, try the international market.

Before starting goat farming in Nigeria, read more about raising goats and try to visit some farms practically for learning more about goat farming basics. Make a proper plan before starting and do all the tasks according to the plan. Keep records of all types of activities. And finally, you will be succeed in goat farming business. Good luck and may God bless you!

6 thoughts on “Start Goat Farming In Nigeria By Following 9 Easy Steps”

  1. NASIRU Balarabe ungogo

    I have gone through the goat farming write up IAM interested and hope to practice it in commercial quantity.
    My email address for more information please.
    Thank you.

    1. Oluwasanmi Ogunmola

      I am interested in starting up the goat farming business but on a small scale for now, say 3 males, 7 females. I believe a plot of land would do.
      Kindly furnish me with more information.

  2. I am interested in Goat farming. will be interested in ur advice. I will be starting the farm by 20th of september 2021, about 3wks from now. I have gotten a piece of land of about 3000sqm. Interested any help u can render to me. Thanks.

    1. I want to start with 4 goats and not for commercial. I want to experiment from home.
      What type of grass do I need to plant to supplement the food that I will be buying?
      Secondly, I guess to don’t make much noise because I don’t want to disturb my neighbour.

  3. I am interested in goat farming but don’t have much money .
    Please educate me on the list amount I can invest and that will bring me income at the harvest time.

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