Fish Farming In Bangladesh: 11 Advantages And 7 Steps!

Fish farming in Bangladesh is playing an important role to the total national income of this country. Bangladesh is a south Asian country and there are hardly any areas in the country where river or any other water source is not available.

In a word, Bangladesh is surrounded by rivers and various types of water sources like pond, stream, lake etc. And a major part of the total population of this country are directly or indirectly involved with fish or fish related business.

Especially, most of the people of southern area of Bangladesh are directly engaged with commercial fish farming or fish farming related business.

Khulna, Barisal, Bagerhat, Satkhira etc. are considered as the best place for commercial fish farming in Bangladesh. However, I am describing the main benefits of fish farming in Bangladesh and the starting process.

Advantages/Benefits of Fish Farming in Bangladesh

The economy of Bangladesh is mostly dependent on agriculture and agriculture related business. And fish farming has a great contribution. The main benefits of starting fish farming in Bangladesh are listed here.

  1. The climate and environment of Bangladesh is very suitable for fish farming.
  2. Various types of fish species are available which are very effective for profitable fish farming business.
  3. Easy source of water and necessary elements.
  4. Low cost labor and other management costs are also minimum.
  5. Suitable market for selling the products. Fish has a great demand to the people of Bangladesh. So, you don’t have to think about marketing the products.
  6. You can start fish farming business in both small and large scale production type.
  7. Fish farming in Bangladesh is already a major source of employment and many working facilities can be created through high tech commercial fish farming system. Even the unemployed educated people can also contribute this business and create a lucrative business and earning opportunity for them.
  8. Bangladesh is exporting fish products from a long time ago and earning good foreign currencies. Developed fish farming methods can produce more and help to earn more foreign currencies.
  9. Various govt. and non-govt fish farming training centers are available. So, if you want to start fish farming business, then you can easily train up yourself from those training centers.
  10. Fish farming business requires some initial investment. Many local or international banks are available which are ready to sanction loan. Some govt. banks also providing loan for this type of business with a very low interest rate.
  11. In a word, fish farming in Bangladesh has many benefits and opportunities. You can take this earning opportunities for making a good profit form fish farming business.
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How to Start Fish Farming in Bangladesh?

Starting profitable fish farming business in Bangladesh is not too difficult. If you go through some easy and simple process, then you will be able to make good profit by fish farming in Bangladesh.

Here I have described the basic steps for starting this business. Follow the process very carefully.

Step 1. Select A Suitable Land/Area

Selecting a suitable land/area for commercial fish farming is the most important part. Although, almost all places of Bangladesh are suitable for fish farming.

But some areas are suitable for specific fish species. For example, southern part of the countries are suitable for saltwater fish farming and the middle or northern parts are famous for freshwater fish farming.

However, while choosing a suitable area or land for your fish farming business, consider the followings.

  1. Try to avoid steeply sloped lands and select the land which is relatively level.
  2. While selecting the land, keep in mind about your future business plan. Try to select large land that is perfect for performing all types of necessary activities.
  3. Try to avoid polluted and flooding areas. Flooding area can seriously damage your business.
  4. Selected land must have to be far from the crop fields. Because crop farmers use a lots of pesticides and fertilizers in their field. And this type of fertilizers and pesticides get mixed with air and rain water and pollute the water of fish farm and make a horrible environment. So, always try to avoid this types of lands.
  5. If the selected land become slightly lower than the main water source then it will be very cost effective to fill the land with water. You can easily use gravity to fill the land with water rather than by pumping.
  6. Good transportation system with the nearest market or city is very effective.

Step 2. Pond Construction and Design

After selecting a suitable farm land, it’s time to make a good designed pond with availability of all types of required facilities for fish farming. The design of the pond depends on the fish species and production system.

In southern part of Bangladesh, the farmer used to make large ponds by making a embankment surrounding the flat land. This type of pond is called “Gher”.

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This ghers are generally used for shrimp production by using traditional farming methods. The farmers make a sluice gate for filling the gher with river water, stock some shrimp minnow and depend on the nature for growth.

However, you have to make a proper designed pond according to your location and desired fish species. Ensure good environment in the pond where the fish can grow happily. See pond management.

Step 3. Selecting Fish Species

Select the fish species according to your location and market demand. Tilapia fish farming is very profitable and it is a common fish species of Bangladesh and suitable for commercial production in every place of this country.

In southern parts of Bangladesh shrimp is the widely cultivated fish species. Shrimp has a great demand and high value in local and international market.

Along with shrimp crab, bhetki, tangra, horina chingri etc. are common fish species which grow naturally in saltwater gher.

Katla, rui, mrigal, common carp, boal, pabda, chital, koi, shol, gozar, various types of catfish etc. are common freshwater fish species. You can choose any of the fish species according to your location.

Step 4. Feeding

Feeding high quality fish feed ensures maximum production. Although most of the farmer depend on natural fish feed and have no interest in supplementary fish feeding.

But, for commercial production and high profit, you must have to feed your fish high quality and nutritious food. Various types of fish feed prepared for commercial production are available in the market.

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You can easily buy and feed your fish those commercial food. If you want to prepare the feed at home, then you have to learn about the nutrition requirements of fish and buy all the feeding elements separately.

And then you have to mix it in proper ratio. While making supplementary feed for fish always try to add all types of nutrient elements, vitamins, minerals, salt etc. Feed your fish twice a day. Once early in the morning and another time at evening.

Step 5. Special Care and Management

Always take good care of your fish. Do all tasks timely. If good water source available, change the water after a several period. Try to keep the pond environment suitable for proper growth and production.

Test the water, soil and fish health on a regular basis. Make a stock of necessary medicines and use them timely if something goes wrong. Prevent entrance of all types of harmful animals and predators like frogs, snakes etc.

Step 6. Fish Collection

Collect the fish timely when the fish reach marketing age. Collection time varies depending on the fish species. You can easily collect fish from pond by removing the water or by using net. After collecting, send the fish in the market as soon as possible.

Step 7. Marketing

Marketing fish products in Bangladesh is very easy. All types of fish has a huge demand in the local and international market. You can easily sell the fish in your local market. So, don’t think about marketing the fish.

If you want to start fish farming business in Bangladesh just do the other steps perfectly. Fish farming in Bangladesh is absolutely a lucrative business. If facilities available, then you can also do this business along with your current job or profession. Because, in fish farming business you don’t have to work 8 or 12 hours a day. Before starting fish farming in Bangladesh, learn more about this business and try to complete a training. Good luck!

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