Fish Farming In Nigeria: Business Plan For Beginners

Among the agribusiness, commercial fish farming in Nigeria is very popular. Fish farming is also an established lucrative business. And the demand of catfish is increasing continuously.

Among all the fish species, catfish farming has a great demand in Nigeria. You can start fish farming in small scale for fulfilling your daily family demands or for earning some extra cash with your regular income.

How to Start Fish Farming in Nigeria?

Fish farming has great opportunities in Nigeria and you also can go for large scale commercial production. Here we are discussing more about commercial catfish production in Nigeria.

Step 1. Choose Right Fish Species

There are numerous species of catfish around the world. All of those species are not suitable for farming according to the weather and climate of Nigeria.

A few of those can be used for commercial fish farming in Nigeria. Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Heterobranchus hybrid (Heteroclarias), Clarias nigrodigitatus, Heterobranchus spp, Clarias spp are common and most popular catfish species in Nigeria for commercial fish farming business.

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Step 2. Determine Farming Method

Concrete tanks and fingerling outdoor systems both are very suitable for catfish farming. Most species of catfish are cannibals. So, you have to take proper care during sorting them as outlined by their size. In case of fingerling outdoor culture, you have to prevent the predatory insects.

You can ensure their protection by covering the tanks with mosquito nets. This will keep the predatory insects away from your fish. Polyculture of catfish with other common fish species like tilapia fish also very popular in Nigeria. Polyculture of catfish in tanks with tilapia or other fish species ensure proper use of supplementary feed and higher production.

Step 3. Provide Good Quality Feeding

For successful fish farming and better production in Nigeria, you have to feed the fish good and nutritious supplementary fish feed. Always ensure sufficient availability of amino acids like arginine, methionine, lysine and crude protein in their feed. Fishmeal is a great source of crude protein.

You can also use some low cost conventional or unconventional animal by-products and plant residue in fish feed. Groundnut cake, soybean meat etc. are Plant residue those can fulfill the nutrient requirements of catfish.

Nowadays, most of the fish farmers of Nigeria are using pelleted floating feeds. This types of food ensure all necessary nutrients for fish and help to increase growth rate and production.

Step 4. Breeding

Generally, artificial breeding through hormonal induction is used for catfish. After successful breeding, you have to take special care of the fry during the first week.

During this time you can feed the larvae zooplankton. The main problem with catfish is their cannibalism. So, keep the different aged and sized fish separate from each other.

Fish farming is a great business idea in Nigeria. And the demand of catfish is increasing rapidly. Because, it is a great source of nutrition and food. And there is already a suitable market available.

As a developing nation, fish farming can play a great contribution in the national income in Nigeria. The government have to create more and facilities for spreading fish farming business throughout the Nigeria.

Step 5. Caring

Taking good care of the fish is very important for maximum growth and production. Always try to take good care of your fish. Ensure a good pond environment, provide good and nutritious food and always monitor their health on a regular basis.

Step 6. Harvesting

Timely harvesting is very important. So, try to harvest the fish when they reach marketing size.

Step 7. Marketing

Marketing fish is very easy and simple. Because fish has very good demand and value in the market. You can target your local market for selling your fish. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful fish farming business in Nigeria. Hope this guide has helped you. Good luck and may God bless you!

1 thought on “Fish Farming In Nigeria: Business Plan For Beginners”

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