English Poultry Breeds: Best 5 Breeds For Meat And Eggs

There are many highly productive English poultry breeds available. English poultry breeds become medium in sized. Legs are covered with feathers. Famous for both egg and meat production. Their skin become white colored. Lobe become red colored. Almost all English poultry breeds lay brown colored eggs.

Top English Poultry Breeds

The name and characteristics of some English poultry breeds are described below.

1. Australorp Chicken

Australorp poultry breeds are very famous throughout the world for their egg production. They also produce meat highly. Their feathers become bright greeny black colored.

Their body is wide and weight high. There is a medium sized crest over their head. Their skin is of white color. The body of this types of chicken become straight and very strong. There are no feathers in their legs.

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An adult rooster weights about 4 kg and hen weights about 3 kg. Hens lay about 200 to 250 eggs yearly. Eggshell become brown colored.

2. Cornish Chicken

Cornish chickens have four variant. Black Cornish, white Cornish, white led Cornish and buff Cornish.

The original name of this breed is “Indian Game”. Their neck is comparatively long than their body. Their crest is like pea comb. Lobe is red colored. Their legs are featherless. Skin of their body is yellow color. Their feathers are very small. Eggshell is brown colored.

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This breed is very popular for meat production. Cornish is used for producing broiler strain. Their body is very fleshy and strong. An adult rooster weights about 5 kg and hen about 4 kg.

3. Dorking

Head crest of Dorking chicken is single. Lobe is of red color. They have five finger in their feet. Three in the front side and two in back side. Comb is very beautiful.

english poultry breeds, dorking, dorking chicken, dorking chicken photo, dorking chicken picture

An adult rooster weights about 4 kg. An adult Dorking hen weights about 3.5 kg. Hens lay lay white colored eggs.

4. Orpington Chicken

Feathers of Orpington chicken become white, buff, blue and black colored. They contain single crest in their head. Their comb is pea comb.

english poultry breeds, orpington, orpington chicken, orpington chicken photo, orpington chicken picture

An adult Orpington rooster weights between 4.75 kg to 5.25 kg. An adult Orpington hen weights about 4.5 kg. Their eggs become big in size and are of brown color.

5. Sussex Chicken

The feathers of Sussex chicken is of white color. But some feathers around their neck and tail become black colored. They lay good amount of eggs in summer season. An adult Sussex rooster weights about 4.5 kg and hen weights about 3.5 kg.

Sussex, sussex chicken

Their Lobe is of red color. There are no feathers in their legs. Skin color is white. Eggshell become brown colored. These chickens are suitable for raising for both meat and egg production.

These are some top most popular English poultry breeds. Hope this guide has helped you. Good luck and may God bless you!

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