What Type Of Grass Do Goats Prefer?

Do you know what type of grass do goats prefer? Goats are both grazers and browsers at the same time. Although they are not picky eaters like other animals.

They usually consume almost all types grass which they find in front of them, and they will also chow down on weeds with just as much exertion.

What Type Of Grass Do Goats Prefer

Goats are not so picky in this part. Goats are sometimes selective in their munching when they browse or graze through the forage in front of them (they can select and only eat the plants at their fullest nutritional value).

Goats love to have a mixture of grasses and plants in their diet and this mixture meets their needs. However, here we are describing about some type of grasses that goats usually prefer.


Bahiagrass grows well in all types of soil. It is a competitive grass and can tolerate drought well. Their competitive ability is very helpful in such areas where in a pasture bahiagrass is trodden by the hooves of many goats and other animals. Although they are not desirable trait in settings such as lawns.

Bahiagrass can also grow in some areas where other grasses can’t. It is not a high quality grass but it will still be there in the pasture or other types of land when all other grasses are gone. That’s why it’s a very important grass and goats also prefer bahiagrass.


Bromegrass comes in two varieties and those are northern and southern. It is high in protein. Northern bromegrass is suitable for pasture land.

what type of grass do goats prefer, types of grass that goats like most, best grasses for goats

Northern bromegrass benefits pastures by building up sod with it’s extensive and deep roots. Young bromegrass plants are leafy. Goats love this young grass and find them very easy to digest.


Actually clover is a legume, not a grass. It is sweet in taste. That’s why it attracts goats and goats also enjoy the sweet taste of clover. Adding some clover to the pasture land is a good idea and it is an efficient way for adding stability to the grazing areas.

Clover is also very helpful for the soil. Because it is a nitrogen fixer and growth of clover actually adds nitrogen to the soil which is essential for other plants to use. Growing process of clover also help to protect the soil from erosion.

Because clover sends out stolons that cover the ground. A lot of foot traffic is a common occurrence with goats. Clover can handle this easily and it can stand up against a lot of foot traffic.


Fescue grass can tolerate adverse environment highly and grows well. It can highly tolerate drought, diseases and insects. These type of quality gives fescue the ability to persist in the field even when grazed heavily in the pasture land. And heavy grazing is very common with goats.

Fescue also grows well in the cooler areas and in moist climates. Fescue grass also does not require reseeding each growing season. So your goats can enjoy fescue continuously once you have planted in your land.


Millet is an annual grass. Actually it is a productive choice for producing winter hay for goats and other animals. Millet grows very quickly and reach 40 to 50 inches within 60 to 90 days (if left alone). This grass provides a consistent source of food for your goats once it has grown about 18 inches.

You can mix millet with other grass seeds for your own pasture land. The digestible protein value in millet is higher than that of corn and also comparable to those of barley and oats. Goats also love to eat millet and enjoy it very much.

These are the common type of grass that goats usually like most. You can consider a variety of grass, legume and plants for your own pasture land. This will ensure good health and growth of your goats.

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