Start Chicken Farming Business In 7 Easy Steps

Do you want to start chicken farming business? There are many advantages of starting a chicken farming business. Chicken farming is profitable, require less labor and you can get profit within a short period of time. Small scale production system or small chicken farms are gaining popularity gradually.

If you are willing to start chicken farming business, then you are not only going to become a chicken farmer but also a businessman as well (depending on what markets you want to target and what part of the chicken industry you want to tap into).

There are actually two main sectors in the chicken industry: Layers (the chickens which are raised and bred for eggs), and broilers (the chickens which are raised and bred for meat). However, you have to make responsible managerial and financial decisions whatever sector you choose to make your chicken farming business more profitable.

How to Start Chicken Farming Business

Here we are describing more about starting the business. If you love chickens and want to start chicken farming business, then read the following steps very carefully.

Make a Business Plan

First of all, make a business plan and do everything in accordance to the plan. Making a proper business plan is one of the most important things to draw up as part of your operation. The business plan should have the goals you wish to achieve and how you intend to get there.

Dire Necessities

Land, capital and equipment are the dire necessities to start chicken farming business, and you can’t start up or maintain a chicken farm without these. Land is a mandatory to have the buildings on and to grow crops on for feeding the chickens. And the building is a must for keeping your chickens, either conventional or free range. And the equipment and machinery are require for keeping the farm running.

Choose Your Sector

Decide what you want to produce from your chicken farm. Chicken or poultry farming is a wide industry and there are basically two types of the farming. These types are layers and broilers. Layers are chicken that are raised for producing eggs, and the broilers are raised mainly for meat. You can also start chicken farming business for incubating eggs and raising chicks. Many chicken farmers do this business in multiple sectors such as meat, eggs, chicks, both meat and eggs or a combination of all these.

how to start chicken farming business, start chicken farming business, starting a chicken farming business

Decide How You Want to Raise

Make a decision how to best raise your chickens. Chicken farmers generally raise their birds in two main ways, conventional and free range. In free-range system, the chickens are allowed to just about have the run of the farm to behave as naturally as possible. But the chickens are confined to barns that are temperature and photo-period controlled areas in conventional systems.

Buying Chickens

Buying newborn chicks is the cheapest way to start chicken farming business. Between 4 and 10 birds will be good for starting a small chicken farm, and you can add additional birds as demand grows. But you should start with a minimum number, especially if you are a beginner.

Caring For Chickens

You should always take good care of your birds for getting maximum production. Always provide your birds with adequate nutritious food and provide them sufficient drinking water. Always keep their house clean and contact a vet if you notice any sign of sickness.


Make yourself known to potential consumers and customers. You can advertise yourself and your products simply by letting other people know you have meat or eggs for sale. Often selling by word-of-mouth is a lot cheaper and easier but at the same time the most popular means of advertising. You can also use your local online classified websites for marketing your products.

These are the common steps for staring a chicken farming business. If you want to start chicken farming business, then follow these steps very carefully.

9 thoughts on “Start Chicken Farming Business In 7 Easy Steps”

  1. Wow, thanks for the information provided, I like to farm chicken that lays eggs. What I want to know is how to take of them during winter or summer and what is the name of the foods to feed them.

  2. Maxwell M Sesay

    Im a risident of America. I need to start Chicken Farming Business in Sirra Leone West Africa with starting of $2.000.00.. I need your guarding..

  3. Wow thank you so much my leadership for this information. I will use it to start my cheken farming in bramfisher soweto. I kind of have an idea on what to do but i need to know about the legality side of this business. Do i neef papers to be able to run this business

  4. I’m living Kimberley town, Northern Cape province, South Africa I want to open a small chicken farm for meat but have no knowledge no land, please advice

  5. My name is dudu Mkhwebane I’m interested in chicken and eggs farming I just want more information and how to start.

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