Ice Pigeon

The Ice pigeon (also known as Ice Pouter pigeons) is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Germany. It is known as Polish: Lazurek and German: Eistaube. It is one of the oldest of the German color pigeon breeds and was developed over many years of selective breeding.

The breed is actually from the South Germany. And it was first developed in the region from eastern Germany to western Poland, with most early breeding in Saxony and Silesia.

The Ice pigeon and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral rock pigeon. In 1856, Charles Darwin is known to have crossbred the Ice pigeon in order to ascertain color patterns.

This work came just three years before his groundbreaking publication, On the Origin of Species. It’s a feather footed breed from Saxony, Silesia and Lausitz. The checkered Ice (Forellen) were developed in Silesia and South Germany.

Ice Pigeon Breed Information

These pigeons are very beautiful birds with calm and gentle nature. They are very good for exhibition and ornamental purpose, and also very good for raising as pets.

It is a fancy pigeon breed and raised mainly for exhibition purpose. However, read more information about this pigeon breed below.


Ice pigeons are believed to have originated in Germany in the 19th century. They were created through selective breeding from various other breeds of domestic pigeons, including the German Pouter and the Cumulet.

The goal of breeding the Ice Pigeon was to create a bird with a distinct appearance and behavior, characterized by a unique puffing out of the crop, or the throat area, during courtship displays.

The name “Ice” refers to the bird’s striking coloration, which is predominantly white with black or blue markings. Today, Ice pigeons are popular show birds and are admired for their striking appearance and distinctive behavior.


Ice pigeon is an average sized bird which is named and known for it’s ‘ice-blue’ coloration. It’s head is slightly oblong, and have smooth head.

It has several varieties, which are differing in the type and color of their wing pattern. But the basic color of these birds is a pale grey.

Eyes of these birds are of different color depending on the variety. The black barred and checked version has orange to yellow orange colored eyes. And all other varieties have black eyes.

Neck of the Ice pigeon is of medium long and gently forward stretched. The beak is medium to long and slender and dark in color.

Chest of these birds is broad and deep, and forward stretching. They have long wings which are resting on the tail, and their back is broad between the shoulders and then gently sloping down and narrowing towards the tail.

Their tail is long and well closed, and the legs are tight fitting and feather rich but not excessively long on the muffed. And there is also a clean legged variety of the Ice pigeon. Photo and info from Wikipedia.

Here are some of the most notable characteristics of Ice pigeons:


Ice pigeons are easily recognizable by their striking coloration, which is predominantly white with black or blue markings. They have a short beak, a broad chest, and a plump, round body.

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One of the most distinctive features of the Ice pigeon is its crop, which can puff out during courtship displays, creating a unique and captivating visual display.


Ice pigeons are known for their distinctive behavior, which includes puffing out their crop during courtship displays.

They are also known for their calm and gentle temperament, making them ideal pets for bird enthusiasts. They are social birds that enjoy the company of other pigeons and can form close bonds with their owners.

Racing Ability

Despite their unique appearance and behavior, Ice pigeons are also known for their racing ability. They are fast and agile flyers, making them ideal for racing competitions where they compete to see who can fly the fastest back to their home loft.

Show birds

Ice pigeons are popular choices for show birds, where they are judged on their physical features and overall condition. These competitions can be highly competitive and require a lot of skill and dedication to prepare the birds for judging.


Arranging good housing facilities for your pigeons is a very important. So, try to arrange a good house or shelter for your birds. You can also purchase ready-made cage from the market, if you already don’t have the shelter ready.

Space requirements

Ice pigeons require enough space to move around freely and engage in natural behaviors, such as flying and perching.

Ideally, they should be housed in a large aviary or loft that allows them to spread their wings and fly. The minimum recommended size for a loft is 8 feet by 8 feet, with a height of at least 6 feet.

Nesting areas

Ice pigeons require nesting areas where they can lay eggs and rear their young. Provide nesting boxes or baskets in a secluded area of the loft to encourage breeding behavior. It is recommended to provide one nesting area for every pair of pigeons.


Ice pigeons love to perch, so it is important to provide them with plenty of perching areas. Perches should be made from natural wood or a similar material, and placed at various heights throughout the loft.


Proper ventilation is crucial to maintain a healthy living environment for your Ice pigeons. Good ventilation helps to reduce moisture and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Install windows or vents to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the loft.


Maintaining a clean and hygienic living environment is essential for the health and well-being of your Ice pigeons. Regularly clean the loft and nesting areas to prevent the buildup of feces, feathers and other debris. Use a mild disinfectant to kill any harmful bacteria.

Protection from predators

Ice pigeons are vulnerable to predators such as hawks, cats and raccoons. Ensure that the loft is secure and provides protection against these predators. Use wire mesh or netting to cover any openings and secure the doors with sturdy locks.


This is another most important part of pigeon farming business. Good and nutritious food helps the birds to stay healthy and grow better. Like many other pigeon breeds, you can also feed your Ice pigeons with wheat, maize, paddy, rice, enamel, legume, mustard, gram etc.

Try to feed at least twice a day, or keep food inside their shelter if you raise a few number of birds. Also provide them with enough clean and fresh water as per their demand.

Commercial Feed

Commercial pigeon feed is readily available and provides a well-balanced diet for your Ice pigeons. Look for a feed that is specifically formulated for pigeons, as it will contain the appropriate balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they need.

Supplemental Feed

In addition to commercial feed, it is recommended to provide supplemental feed for your Ice pigeons. This can include grains such as corn, wheat, barley and millet, as well as seeds like sunflower and safflower. Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce, peas, and apples can also be included in their diet.


Fresh, clean water should always be available for your Ice pigeons. Change their water daily and ensure that it is free from debris and contaminants. In hot weather, consider providing a shallow water dish for them to bathe in, which can help to cool them down.

Feeding Schedule

Establish a regular feeding schedule for your Ice pigeons. Offer food and water in the morning and evening, and monitor their consumption to ensure they are getting enough to eat. Avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Calcium Supplements

Ice pigeons require calcium for strong bones and healthy egg production. Provide a calcium supplement, such as crushed eggshells or oyster shells, which can be offered in a separate dish for them to consume as needed.


Ice pigeons are excellent breeders, and they will breed easily if you keep them in pair. Arrange a good nesting box for them and let them get alone, and they will do their job.

Breeding Pairs

Select healthy and genetically diverse breeding pairs. Pairs should be at least one year old and in good physical condition. Consider their physical appearance, temperament, and genetic history when choosing pairs.

Breeding Season

Ice pigeons typically breed in the spring and summer months. During this time, provide the breeding pairs with a nesting area, nesting material, and a comfortable environment to encourage breeding. The ideal breeding temperature for Ice pigeons is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Nesting Area

Provide a nesting box or platform for the breeding pairs to lay their eggs. The nesting area should be clean, dry, and secure to protect the eggs and chicks. Add nesting material, such as straw or wood shavings, to the nesting area to provide comfort and insulation.


Ice pigeon eggs take approximately 17-18 days to hatch. The eggs should be incubated in a warm and humid environment until they hatch. A commercial incubator can be used, or the eggs can be placed under the breeding pairs for natural incubation. Monitor the eggs closely during incubation to ensure they are developing properly.


Once the chicks hatch, they should be kept warm and protected in the nesting area. Feed the chicks a high-protein diet, such as pigeon feed or soft foods, to promote healthy growth and development. The chicks should be kept with their parents for at least 4-6 weeks before they are weaned.

Health and Hygiene

Maintain good health and hygiene practices to ensure the breeding pairs and chicks remain healthy. Clean the nesting area regularly to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. Monitor the breeding pairs and chicks for signs of illness or injury and seek veterinary care if needed.


The Ice pigeons are excellent, and they are very hardy. They generally require less caring and other management. Although, taking additional caring will help them to grow well and stay healthy. So, try to take good care of them. Monitor their health on a regular basis for any signs of health problem, and ask veterinarian if you notice anything wrong.


Provide a spacious and comfortable housing area for your Ice pigeons. The housing should be clean, dry, and well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. The ideal temperature range for Ice pigeons is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Provide perches and nesting areas to encourage natural behavior.


Feed your Ice pigeons a high-quality diet to promote good health and optimal performance. Offer pigeon feed that contains a balanced mix of seeds, grains, and nutrients. You can also offer fresh fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce, apples, and carrots, as a supplement to their diet. Provide clean, fresh water at all times.


Maintain good grooming practices to keep your Ice pigeons clean and healthy. Regularly clean the housing area, perches, and nesting areas to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. Trim their nails and beaks if needed to prevent overgrowth.

Health and hygiene

Monitor your Ice pigeons closely for signs of illness or injury. Common health issues in pigeons include respiratory infections, mites, and parasites. Seek veterinary care if you notice any signs of illness or injury. Keep the housing area and surroundings clean and free of waste and debris to prevent the spread of disease.


Provide ample opportunity for your Ice pigeons to exercise and stretch their wings. Allow them to fly freely in a safe, enclosed area or provide a spacious aviary for them to move around in. Exercise helps to promote good physical and mental health in pigeons.


Ice pigeon is a fancy pigeon breed. It is raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes.


Ice pigeons are known for their distinctive look, with their fluffy head crest, broad chest, and upright stance. They come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, and red, and are prized for their striking and eye-catching appearance.

Ice pigeons are often exhibited at pigeon shows and competitions, where they are judged on their appearance and conformation to breed standards.


In addition to their physical attributes, Ice pigeons are also valued for their calm and docile nature. They are easy to handle and are often used in showmanship competitions, where handlers showcase their skills in presenting and displaying the birds to the judges.

Pigeon Racing

While not as common as other breeds, some Ice pigeons have been trained for racing. Pigeon racing is a popular sport in many parts of the world, and involves releasing trained pigeons to fly back to their home loft as quickly as possible. Ice pigeons are not known for their speed, but their endurance and stamina can make them a competitive racing bird.


Ice pigeons are also used for breeding purposes, either for exhibition or as pets. Breeding Ice pigeons requires careful selection of breeding pairs based on their physical attributes and conformation to breed standards.

Breeders aim to produce offspring with desirable traits, such as a well-defined crest, broad chest, and strong body.

Raising Ice Pigeons As Pets

These pigeons are excellent as pets, even the beginners can also raise them. They are very friendly to humans and very docile. So, if you are looking for pigeons for raising as pets, then these birds can be very good for you.


Ice Pigeons require a spacious and secure housing environment. A large aviary or loft is recommended, with plenty of space for the birds to move around and stretch their wings.

The housing should also be well-ventilated and provide protection from the elements. It’s important to keep the housing area clean and tidy to prevent the build-up of dirt and bacteria.


A well-balanced diet is essential for the health and well-being of Ice Pigeons. A high-quality pigeon mix should be provided, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s also important to provide access to clean drinking water at all times.


Ice Pigeons are known for their calm and docile temperament, and enjoy the company of their human caregivers. Spending time with your birds, talking to them, and handling them gently can help to build trust and create a strong bond.


Ice Pigeons require regular exercise to maintain their physical health and mental well-being. Providing opportunities for flight and movement, such as allowing them to fly around the aviary or providing perches and toys for them to climb on, can help to keep them active and engaged.

Health care

Regular health care is essential for the well-being of your Ice Pigeons. This includes regular check-ups with a veterinarian experienced in avian care, as well as regular grooming, such as trimming their nails and beaks. It’s also important to monitor their health closely and seek veterinary care if you notice any signs of illness or injury.

Special Notes

The Ice pigeon is a very beautiful bird with calm and gentle nature. It is very good for exhibition and ornamental purpose. And also very good for raising as pets. However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameIce
Other NamePolish: Lazurek; German: Eistaube
Breed PurposeExhibition, ornamental, pets
Special NotesBeautiful, calm and gentle in nature, good for ornamental purpose, good for exhibition, good for raising as pets
Breed ClassSmall to medium
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Flying AbilityAverage
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginGermany

Interesting Facts About Ice Pigeon

Here are some interesting facts about Ice pigeons:

  1. Ice pigeons are believed to have originated in Europe, specifically in Germany and the Netherlands, where they were bred for their distinctive appearance.
  2. Ice pigeons are known for their distinctive appearance, with a fluffy head crest, broad chest, and upright stance. They come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, and red.
  3. Ice pigeons are known for their calm and docile temperament, making them easy to handle and train. This makes them a popular choice for showmanship competitions, where handlers showcase their skills in presenting and displaying the birds to the judges.
  4. Breeding Ice pigeons requires careful selection of breeding pairs based on their physical attributes and conformation to breed standards. Breeders aim to produce offspring with desirable traits, such as a well-defined crest, broad chest, and strong body.
  5. While Ice pigeons are not known for their speed, they are known for their endurance and stamina. This makes them a competitive racing bird, although they are not as commonly used for racing as other pigeon breeds.
  6. Ice pigeons are often exhibited at pigeon shows and competitions, where they are judged on their appearance and conformation to breed standards. They are prized for their striking and eye-catching appearance.
  7. Ice pigeons are known for their unique vocalization, with a distinctive cooing sound that is deeper and more resonant than other pigeon breeds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Ice pigeon is a very beautiful and friendly breed of domestic pigeon from Germany. It is a pretty old breed which was developed in the 1850s. It is a fancy pigeon breed and also raised as pets. People are asking some questions regarding this excellent pigeon breed. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions about this breed and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Where do ice pigeons live?

They were actually developed in Germany. But today, they are available in many countries around the world outside of it’s native place.

What is the price of ice pigeon?

$100 to several hundreds or even thousands. Exact price depends on numerous factors, and can widely vary from place to place.

What to feed the ice pigeons?

Like many other pigeon breeds, you can also feed your Ice pigeons with wheat, maize, paddy, rice, enamel, legume, mustard, gram etc.

How do you breed ice pigeon?

Arrange a good nesting box for them and let them get alone, and they will do their job.

How long do ice pigeons live?

Average lifespan of these pigeons is around or up to 10 years.

What is so special about ice pigeons?

They are very beautiful and very good for show, they are friendly with humans, and breeding them is extremely easy.

What are the color varieties of ice pigeons?

The basic color of these pigeon is a pale grey. They appear even lighter due to their abundant powder down, which covers the entire plumage in whitish dust.

Is ice pigeon good as pets?

YES, they are very friendly with humans and very good as pets.

Any ice pigeon for sale near me?

Not sure! Please search your local online classified websites.

What is the scientific name for ice pigeon?

Scientific name of this pigeon breed is ‘Columba livia domestica‘.

What about ice pigeon flying?

YES, these pigeons are moderate flyers.

What are the main characteristics of ice pigeon?

Beautiful, calm and gentle in nature, good for ornamental purpose, good for exhibition, good for raising as pets.

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