Tippler Pigeons: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Tippler pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon. It is raised for participating in endurance competitions. Exact origins of this breed are unknown. But like most other pigeon breeds, this breed has also been developed from the rock pigeon that is endemic to the region between the Mediterranean and China.

It is believed to have originated in 1845, near the silk milling towns of Congleton and Macclesfied in East Cheshire, England.

Some breeds are believed to have originated from the Middle East, but origins of the Tippler is uncertain. It is thought that, the Tippler pigeon was a cross breed.

And it is the result of crossing between the Cumulet and Homing pigeon breed. This cross-breeding was thought to improve the bird’s endurance and allow a larger flight range.

It is also proposed that selection for this long-term flying ability helped to eliminate the breed’s progenitor’s tumbling flight behavior.

Flying results of up to 22 hours (non-stop) have been reported. Read some more information about the Tippler pigeon below.

History and Origins of Tippler Pigeons

The Tippler pigeon has a rich history rooted in the 19th century. It was developed in England, particularly in Lancashire and Derbyshire. It was developed by working-class enthusiasts who bred them from high-flying varieties, including the Cumulet and the Homing pigeon. The breed’s history shows a mix of usefulness and love (highlighting the cleverness of pigeon lovers).


There are different types of Tippler pigeon available. And their size and appearance vary depending on the type. Short descriptions about these types are listed below.

1. Gordon Hughes Tipplers

The Gordon Hughes Tippler is a common type created by Gordon Hughes in Derby, England. This type was developed to participate in endurance competitions, and it is also referred to as Hughes Type. And these birds have flown over 19 hours many times.

2. Irish Blue Tipplers

Irish Blue Tippler is a unique and rare breed of domesticated pigeons and it is known for it’s stunning blue and white plumage. These birds are a sub-breed of Tippler pigeons, and are prized for their endurance and flying abilities.

Irish Blue Tipplers require regular exercise, training, and grooming to maintain their health and flying abilities. And they are often used in competitions and races. They are intelligent and social animals, and they generally require a calm, peaceful and stress-free environment to thrive. Irish Blue Tipplers are excellent as pets and also as show birds.

3. Jack Boden Tipplers

Jack Boden Tippler is a rare breed. And it is highly sought-after breed of domesticated pigeons. And they are known for their exceptional flying abilities and endurance. They are a sub-breed of Tippler pigeons and were developed by Jack Boden (a renowned breeder and flyer).

Like other Tripplers, the Jack Boden Tipplers also require regular training, exercise, and grooming to maintain their health and flying abilities. These birds are also excellent as pets and show birds.

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Jack Boden Tipplers

4. Lovatt Tipplers

Lovatt Tipplers are also rare and highly prized birds. They are known for their exceptional endurance and flying abilities. These pigeons were developed by Dr. Charles Lovatt (a renowned pigeon breeder and researcher).

Lovatt Tipplers are very popular in pigeon racing and competitions. They are also good for raising as pets and also good for competitions.

5. Macclesfield Tipplers

Macclesfield Tippler is another rare and unique breed of domesticated pigeons. This breed is known for it’s exceptional endurance and flying abilities. Like other Tripplers, these birds are also a sub-breed of Tippler pigeons. The breed was developed in the town of Macclesfield in England.

6. Manchester Tipplers

Manchester Tippler is a highly valued breed of domesticated pigeons of Trippler family. This breed is known for it’s exceptional flying abilities. It is also a sub-breed of Tippler pigeons and the breed was developed in Manchester, England. These pigeons are excellent as pets and also as show birds. That’s why they are highly prized among the pigeon keepers.

7. Sheffield Tipplers

Sheffield Tippler is another rare and unique breed of domesticated pigeons. These birds are known for their beautiful appearance and exceptional flying abilities. They were developed in Sheffield, England, and are a sub-breed of Tippler pigeons.

Sheffield Tipplers are usually red and yellow colored, and they are excellent as pets and show birds. They are excellent flyers and some birds have flown over 20 hours many times.

Housing Requirements

You have to ensure a safe and comfortable housing system for raising these pigeons. Try to ensure the availability of good ventilation system for providing adequate airflow inside the house. Try to make the house in such a way so that it can protect the birds from all types of predators and adverse weather conditions.

Try to make the house spacious enough for allowing the birds to move freely, with separate areas for feeding, nesting and perching. Providing nesting boxes is very important for the breeding pairs. And always try to clean the house on a regular basis.

Dietary Requirements

Tippler pigeons require a nutritious and balanced diet for maintaining good health and better performance. Diet of these pigeons generally consists of seeds and grains. Supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals and grit. Providing them grit is very important, because it aids in digestion.

Offer your pigeons with fruits and vegetables occasionally for adding nutrients and variety. And provide your birds with additional protein during breeding and molting periods. Always try to provide your birds with enough clean and fresh drinking water.


Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, the Tippler pigeons are naturally very good breeders. For successful breeding, select Tumbler pairs based on their physical characteristics and tumbling performance to enhance these qualities in their progeny.

Pigeons generally bond for life once paired. Both male and females share responsibilities together such as building nest, incubating eggs and for rearing the chicks. Females generally lay two eggs, and the eggs generally take about 18 days for hatching.


The Tippler pigeons are known for their friendly and social behavior. Generally, they are very gentle and can form strong bonds with their keepers. Their calm temperament has made them suitable for both novice and experienced pigeon keepers.


These pigeons are generally very strong and hardy, and they generally require less caring. Although, taking good care of them is important for ensuring good health and performance. And their caring process involves ensuring their physical health, mental stimulation and overall well-being.

Provide your birds a clean and spacious loft with adequate ventilation and protection from predators and harsh weather. Always provide them a balanced diet of high quality seeds, grains and occasional fruits and vegetables. Always ensure the availability of adequate clean and fresh drinking water as per their demand.

Clean their house on a regular basis for preventing parasites, diseases and other health problems. Vaccinate your birds timely and perform regular health checkups.


Tippler pigeon is mainly raised for flying purpose. It is also good for exhibition or show purpose.

Popularity And Price

Tipplers are pretty popular among the pigeon fanciers. They are especially popular among the people who are interested in endurance flying competitions.


Average lifespan of the Tippler pigeons is between 10 and 15 years.

Pros And Cons

Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, these pigeons also have some advantages and disadvantages. Here we are trying to list the most common and notable pros and cons of Tippler pigeons.


  • Incredible stamina
  • Can fly for many hours without stopping
  • Relatively easy to train
  • Require low maintenance
  • Very hardy birds and can thrive in various climatic conditions


  • Flight risks
  • Require ample space
  • Initial high cost

Special Notes

The Tippler pigeon is a very hardy and active breed. It is a very intelligent bird. These birds can be easily trained for flying long hours and drop only when the trainer asks them to.

Along with excellent flying ability, these birds are also very good for exhibition purpose. Review full breed profile of the Tippler pigeon in the following chart.

Breed NameTippler
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeExhibition, flying
Special NotesBeautiful, very hardy and strong, very intelligent, easily trained, excellent flyers and can fly for long times, good for exhibition purpose
Breed ClassMedium
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
VarietiesGordon Hughes, Irish Blue, Jack Boden, Macclesfield, Manchester, Sheffield
Country/Place of OriginUnited Kingdom

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