West of England Tumbler Pigeon: Best 20 Facts

The West of England Tumbler pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from United Kingdom. It was developed over many years of selective breeding.

And the breed along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the rock pigeon. It was actually developed in England in Bristol and the surrounding West Country in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

It is a remarkable dual purpose pigeon breed which is good for both flying and exhibition purposes.

Today, most of the West of England Tumbler pigeons are bred in the United States, and are a popular show birds. They are very well-regarded as a reliable breeders, and it is probably the main reason for their growth in popularity with the American fanciers.

Although there are many fanciers in the British Isles who are interested in this flying bird.

The breed is well known for their ability to fly very high (almost to the point of disappearing in the sky) in the British Isles. Similar to the modern Birmingham Roller Pigeons, the early West of England Tumbler pigeon could perform well in teams known as ‘kits’.

These birds were flown for up to twelve hours, according to some records from the nineteenth century, and they were trained to go extremely high.

Currently some breeders are working to develop the West of England Tumbler pigeons which don’t go quite as high as the traditional birds, which is sometimes described as going up to become a speck in the sky. Read some more information about the breed below.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon

West of England Tumbler pigeon is an average sized breed. It is a very beautiful and colorful bird with a very attractive white or pearl eyes. The birds have muffs on their legs which are also very attractive.

Currently it is mainly bred as a show bird in the United States, with emphasis on the interesting colors, markings and patterns. The breed is actually available in many color varieties.

Average height of the mature West of England Tumbler pigeons is between 20 and 23 cm. And the mature birds on average weight between 255 and 340 grams.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon Origin

The West of England Tumbler Pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon that is renowned for its ability to perform aerial acrobatics. These birds are native to the West of England region, particularly the counties of Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Wiltshire.

The origin of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon is somewhat unclear. However, it is believed that the breed was developed during the 18th century. It is thought that breeders in the West of England region selectively bred birds with exceptional tumbling abilities, resulting in the development of this unique breed.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon Characteristics

Here are the notable characteristics of these pigeons:


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon has a distinctive appearance, with a round and muscular body, short neck, and broad chest. They have a short beak and a small head that gives them a charming and adorable appearance.

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The West of England Tumbler Pigeon is available in a range of colors, including blue, red, black, and white. They have feathered legs and feet, which gives them a distinctive look, and their wings are broad and powerful, allowing them to perform their aerial acrobatics with ease. These pigeons are also known for their gentle and affectionate nature, making them an ideal choice for a pet.

Tumbling Ability

One of the most striking characteristics of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon is its tumbling ability. This breed is capable of performing a range of tumbling maneuvers in mid-flight, including backward flips, cartwheels, and somersaults.

These acrobatics are not only impressive to watch, but they also serve a practical purpose. The tumbling action can disorient predators, making it easier for the pigeon to evade capture.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon is a relatively low-maintenance breed, making them ideal for beginners. They require a simple diet of high-quality pigeon feed and fresh water, and their grooming needs are minimal. However, it’s important to provide them with ample space to fly and exercise, as this will keep them healthy and happy.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon Housing

The West of England Tumbler pigeons require adequate housing to keep them healthy and happy. Now we will discuss the essential elements of housing for these pigeons.

Size of the Housing

The size of the housing is crucial for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon’s wellbeing. They are active birds that require ample space to fly and exercise.

A single bird should have at least 8 square feet of floor space. If you plan to keep more than one bird, the housing should be proportionally larger to accommodate the additional birds.

Location of the Housing

The location of the housing is equally important. It should be placed in a sheltered area that protects the birds from the elements, such as wind, rain, and direct sunlight.

The housing should be raised off the ground to prevent predators from accessing it, and it should be placed in a quiet area away from loud noises that could startle the birds.

Type of Housing

The type of housing for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon can vary depending on personal preference and budget. Some popular options include:


A coop is a traditional housing option that provides ample space for the birds to fly and exercise. It can be built with wood or metal and should be well-ventilated to promote good air circulation.


An aviary is a larger and more elaborate housing option that allows the birds to fly and exercise in a more natural environment. It can be built with wire mesh and should include perches, nesting boxes, and other accessories to make the birds feel at home.


A loft is a housing option that is specifically designed for racing pigeons, but it can also be used for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon. It should be well-insulated to regulate the temperature and should include multiple perches and nesting boxes.


The housing for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon should include various accessories to keep the birds entertained and comfortable.

These accessories can include perches, nesting boxes, water and food dishes, and toys. It’s also essential to maintain good hygiene by regularly cleaning the housing and replacing the bedding.

Feeding West of England Tumbler Pigeons

Like any other animal, the the West of England Tumbler pigeon require proper nutrition to maintain good health and energy levels. Now we are going to discuss the essential elements of feeding the West of England Tumbler Pigeon.


The diet of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon should consist of a balanced mix of grains, seeds, and pellets. A commercial pigeon feed is readily available and formulated to provide the essential nutrients that the birds need.

You can mix your own feed by combining grains such as corn, wheat, and barley with seeds like sunflower and millet.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon also requires supplements to ensure they receive all of the necessary nutrients for their health.

Calcium is an essential supplement for pigeons, as it helps maintain strong bones and eggshells for breeding birds.

Grit is another supplement that pigeons require to help with digestion, as they swallow food whole and require grit to break it down.


Water is essential for the health of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon. They require clean and fresh water to drink at all times, and it’s recommended to use a water dispenser to keep the water clean and prevent contamination.

Feeding Schedule

The feeding schedule for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon should be consistent and routine. It’s recommended to feed them twice a day, in the morning and evening.

However, the amount of food given should be based on the individual bird’s needs and activity levels. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues, while underfeeding can cause malnutrition and weakness.


Treats can be given to the West of England Tumbler Pigeon as a reward for good behavior or as a way to supplement their diet.

Some popular treats include fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, and peas. However, it’s important to remember that treats should be given in moderation and not exceed more than 10% of the bird’s diet.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon Breeding

Breeding the West of England Tumbler Pigeon can be a rewarding experience for pigeon enthusiasts. This unique breed is known for its distinctive appearance and impressive aerial acrobatics, making them a fascinating bird to breed. Here, we will discuss the essential elements of breeding the West of England Tumbler Pigeon.

Breeding Age

The West of England Tumbler Pigeon can begin breeding when they are around six months old, although it’s recommended to wait until they are at least a year old to ensure they are physically mature and healthy.

Breeding Pair

Breeding the West of England Tumbler Pigeon requires a compatible breeding pair. The male and female should be healthy, of similar age, and have no genetic abnormalities.

They should also be of similar size and conformation, as this can increase the likelihood of successful breeding.

Breeding Environment

The breeding environment for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon should be clean, quiet, and free from any potential sources of stress.

A separate breeding cage or loft should be provided, with ample nesting boxes and perches. It’s recommended to provide privacy to the breeding pair, as this can encourage them to mate and lay eggs.

Egg Laying

The female West of England Tumbler Pigeon typically lays one or two eggs, which hatch after approximately 18 days.

The eggs should be left with the parents to incubate and hatch naturally, although it’s recommended to check on the eggs periodically to ensure they are developing correctly.

Chick Rearing

Once the chicks have hatched, they should be left with the parents to rear naturally. The parents will feed and care for the chicks until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

It’s important to provide a clean and comfortable environment for the chicks to grow in, with plenty of space and access to food and water.


The chicks will naturally wean themselves from the parents’ care when they are around four weeks old. At this point, they can be separated from the parents and placed in a separate cage or loft. It’s important to continue providing a healthy and balanced diet to ensure the chicks grow and develop correctly.

Caring West of England Tumbler Pigeons

Caring for these birds requires attention to their specific needs and ensuring they have a comfortable and healthy environment. In this article, we will discuss the essential elements of caring for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon.


The housing for the West of England Tumbler Pigeon should be clean, spacious, and well-ventilated. The birds require ample space to fly and exercise, with perches and nesting boxes provided for comfort.

The housing should be sheltered from the elements and located in a quiet area away from loud noises and disturbances. Regular cleaning of the housing is essential to prevent the build-up of dirt and debris that can lead to disease and infection.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon’s diet should consist of a balanced mix of grains, seeds, and pellets, with supplements and treats given in moderation.

Fresh and clean water should be available at all times, with a water dispenser used to prevent contamination. The feeding schedule should be consistent and routine, with the amount of food given based on the individual bird’s needs and activity levels.


Grooming the West of England Tumbler Pigeon involves maintaining their feathers and nails. The feathers should be checked regularly for signs of damage or illness, with any affected feathers trimmed or removed. The nails should also be trimmed regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or injury.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon requires ample exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. They should be allowed to fly and exercise regularly, either in a safe and enclosed area or while free-flying under supervision. The birds also enjoy toys and accessories that provide mental stimulation and entertainment.

Health Care

The West of England Tumbler Pigeon should be monitored regularly for signs of illness or injury. Any unusual behavior, lethargy, or change in appetite should be reported to a veterinarian immediately. Regular check-ups and vaccinations are also recommended to prevent the spread of disease and maintain good health.

West of England Tumbler Pigeon Uses

These pigeons are primarily kept as pets, they also have various uses in different fields. In this article, we will discuss the uses of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon.

Pigeon Racing

One of the most popular uses of the West of England Tumbler Pigeon is in pigeon racing. These birds are bred for their speed, endurance, and agility, making them a popular choice among racing enthusiasts.

Pigeon racing involves releasing the birds from a specific location and tracking their flight speed and direction to determine the winner.

Pest Control

Pigeons have a natural tendency to roost and nest in large groups, which can cause problems in urban areas, such as building damage, noise, and droppings.

The West of England Tumbler Pigeon, with their impressive aerial acrobatics, can be used to control pest pigeon populations by scaring them away or preventing them from nesting in certain areas.

Feather Production

The West of England Tumbler Pigeon’s unique appearance makes them a popular breed for feather production. The feathers are used in various crafts, such as fishing flies, clothing accessories, and home decor.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon’s gentle and affectionate nature makes them an ideal pet for individuals or families. They are low-maintenance and require minimal grooming and exercise, making them suitable for those with busy schedules or limited space.


The West of England Tumbler Pigeon can also be used in various competitions, such as bird shows and beauty contests. These events judge the birds based on their appearance, color, size, and other factors.

Special Notes

The West of England Tumbler pigeon is well known for it’s natural tameness and relatively calm attitude. It is one of the easier fancy pigeons for beginners to raise and bred with success.

The breed can also be good as pets if properly cared, but be aware of the predators. The West of England Tumbler pigeons are excellent flyers, and they turn or tumble occasionally.

Although they are a high flying performing birds, but they may not tumble so persistently as some other breeds. Average lifespan of these birds is about 7-10 years.

However, review full breed profile of the West of England Tumbler pigeon in the following chart.

Breed NameWest of England Tumbler
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeFlying, exhibition
Special NotesWell known for it’s natural tameness, relatively calm in temperament, easy to care, good choice for beginners, good as pets, excellent flyers, tumble occasionally
Breed ClassMedium to large
Weight255-340 grams
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginUnited Kingdom

Best Tips for Caring West of England Tumbler Pigeon

  1. Provide a clean and spacious loft or aviary for your West of England Tumbler pigeon. The loft should be well-ventilated and provide enough space for the bird to fly and exercise.
  2. Ensure that the loft is kept dry and free from drafts, as these can cause respiratory problems.
  3. Use proper nesting materials, such as straw or wood shavings, to keep the loft clean and comfortable for the birds.
  4. Provide fresh, clean water at all times, and clean and refill the water dish daily.
  5. Feed your West of England Tumbler pigeon a well-balanced diet that is high in protein. A mix of grains and legumes, such as peas and lentils, can be a good option.
  6. Provide grit for your birds, as this will help them digest their food properly.
  7. Monitor your birds’ weight and adjust their diet accordingly.
  8. Keep the loft or aviary clean and free from droppings to prevent the spread of disease.
  9. Check your birds’ health regularly and seek veterinary attention if you notice any signs of illness.
  10. Provide your birds with plenty of natural light, as this can help regulate their internal clock.
  11. Make sure that the loft or aviary is secure, as West of England Tumbler pigeons can be prone to predators.
  12. Allow your birds to fly and exercise regularly, as this is important for their physical and mental well-being.
  13. Provide perches and toys for your birds to play with and explore.
  14. Keep your birds in a quiet and peaceful environment, as they can be easily stressed by loud noises or sudden movements.
  15. Avoid overcrowding your birds, as this can lead to territorial disputes and other problems.
  16. Keep the loft or aviary well-lit and free from shadows, as this can help prevent accidents and injuries.
  17. Train your birds using positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewards and praise.
  18. Handle your birds gently and regularly to build trust and socialize them.
  19. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaning agents in the loft or aviary, as these can be harmful to your birds.
  20. Keep the loft or aviary well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of harmful gases.
  21. Provide a nesting box or area for your birds to lay eggs, and remove any eggs that are not going to be hatched.
  22. Provide access to a mineral block or supplement to ensure that your birds are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  23. Keep your birds away from other animals, including cats and dogs, as these can be a danger to your birds.
  24. Monitor your birds’ behavior and look for signs of aggression or territorial behavior.
  25. Join a local pigeon club or association to learn more about West of England Tumbler pigeons and connect with other pigeon enthusiasts.

Interesting Facts about West of England Tumbler Pigeon

Here are some interesting facts about the West of England Tumbler Pigeon.

  1. The West of England Tumbler pigeon, also known as the Bristol Tumbler, is a breed of domestic pigeon.
  2. It originated in the west of England, specifically in Bristol, during the 16th century.
  3. The breed is famous for its acrobatic abilities and can perform a unique tumbling flight while in the air.
  4. The West of England Tumbler pigeon is classified as a fancy breed and is often kept for exhibition and show purposes.
  5. The bird is medium-sized, with a stout and muscular build. It has a broad chest and a short, thick neck.
  6. The West of England Tumbler pigeon comes in a variety of colors, including black, blue, red, yellow, and white.
  7. The breed is known for its distinctive facial features, including a large beak and a pronounced forehead.
  8. The West of England Tumbler pigeon is an active and energetic bird that requires plenty of space to fly and exercise.
  9. These pigeons are highly social and thrive in flocks. They are often kept in aviaries or lofts with other birds.
  10. The West of England Tumbler pigeon is a hardy breed that is relatively easy to care for.
  11. The bird is a prolific breeder and can produce several clutches of eggs each year.
  12. The West of England Tumbler pigeon has been featured in many works of art, including paintings and sculptures.
  13. The breed has also been used in scientific research, particularly in studies of bird behavior and communication.
  14. In the past, the West of England Tumbler pigeon was used for messenger and homing purposes, but it is now primarily kept for its ornamental value.
  15. The breed is recognized by many pigeon fanciers’ associations, including the American Pigeon Racing Union and the National Pigeon Association in the United Kingdom.
  16. The West of England Tumbler pigeon has been crossbred with other pigeon breeds to create new hybrid varieties.
  17. The breed is sometimes used in competitive pigeon racing events.
  18. The West of England Tumbler pigeon has a calm and docile temperament, making it an excellent pet for bird enthusiasts.
  19. The bird requires a diet that is high in protein, which can be obtained through a mixture of grains and legumes.
  20. The West of England Tumbler pigeon is a beloved breed among pigeon fanciers and is often featured in exhibitions and shows around the world.

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