Valencian Figurita Pigeon: Best 26 Facts & Tips

The Valencian Figurita pigeon is a fancy breed from Spain. It was developed over many years of selective breeding, and actually originated in Valencia, Spain.

It is a pretty old breed and originally developed hundreds of years ago. It is believed that these birds or their ancestors were introduced by the Moors during their occupation (which ended in 1492).

The breed is promoted by the Valencian Figurita and Italian Owl Club in the United States, and promoted in Netherlands by the Figurita Club Nederland. And the breed is promoted in Germany by the Figurita-Movchen-Club Deutschland.

Actually the Valencian Figurita pigeon along with other domesticated pigeon breeds, all are descendants of the rock pigeon. The breed was threatened with near-extinction in the 20th century, during the government of General Franco.

However, the breed was actually named for it’s bright eyes. The word ‘Figurita‘ means ‘dainty‘ or ‘petite‘, which is a good description of this bright eyed bird. It is one of the smallest of the many fancy pigeon breeds. Read more information about the breed below.

Valencian Figurita Pigeon Appearance

Valencian Figurita pigeon is a smaller sized bird. And it is one of the smallest of the many fancy pigeon breeds. It is available in a wide variety of colors.

Most common colors are ash-red, black, blue, blue and red grizzle, dun, silver, yellow and white. It also appears in the patterns bar, check, and spread.

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These birds have bright eyes, sharp angular head and a well defined breast with frilled chest feathers. As a smaller sized breed, average body height of these birds is around 12 cm.

The mature Valencian Figurita pigeon on average weight between 150 and 190 kg. Photo and info from RightPet and Wikipedia.


Valencian Figurita pigeon is mainly raised as a show bird. But it is also good for flying purpose.

Special Notes

The Valencian Figurita pigeon is a very alert bird. It is mainly a show bird, but also used for flying purpose.

These birds are very intelligent and are highly regarded as a naturally tame pet with steady nerves. They do extremely well in the loft, sitting tight on their nests even if visitors stop by, because they aren’t bothered by humans or other birds.

The breed is known for its small size, angular-shaped head, frilled chest feathers, and perky disposition. They are very tame and make excellent pets.

However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameValencian Figurita
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeExhibition, flying, pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, small sized, angular shaped head, frilled chest feathers, very alert, good for show and flying purposes, good as pets, very intelligent, very tame
Breed ClassSmall
Weight150-190 grams
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
ColorMost common colors are ash-red, black, blue, blue and red grizzle, dun, silver, yellow and white. But also appear in the patterns bar, check, and spread.
Country/Place of OriginSpain

Valencian Figurita Pigeon Facts

Valencian Figurita Pigeons are known for their small size, elegant appearance, and friendly temperament. Now we will explore the top Valencian Figurita Pigeon facts that every pigeon enthusiast should know.

  1. The Valencian Figurita Pigeon is also known as the Little Valencian Pigeon, or simply the Figurita.
  2. These pigeons are one of the smallest pigeon breeds in the world, weighing in at only 200-250 grams.
  3. The Figurita is an old breed, with a history that can be traced back to the 15th century.
  4. They were bred for their unique appearance and friendly temperament, and were originally used as pets and for their meat.
  5. The Figurita is a compact and elegant pigeon, with a slender body and a small, round head.
  6. They have short beaks and small, bright eyes that are usually black or dark brown.
  7. The Figurita’s feathers come in a wide range of colors, including black, white, red, blue, and silver.
  8. These pigeons are known for their friendly and sociable personalities, and are often kept as pets.
  9. They are also popular in the world of pigeon racing, due to their small size and quick flying abilities.
  10. The Figurita is a hardy breed of pigeon, and is able to thrive in a variety of climates and environments.
  11. They are easy to care for and require minimal maintenance, making them a popular choice for novice pigeon keepers.
  12. The Figurita is a very active and energetic breed of pigeon, and requires regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.
  13. They are also intelligent birds, and can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and behaviors.
  14. The Figurita is a very vocal bird, and is known for its distinctive cooing sound.
  15. They are highly social birds, and prefer to live in flocks or pairs.
  16. The Figurita is a monogamous bird, and will mate for life with its chosen partner.
  17. They are also excellent parents, and are known for their nurturing and protective instincts.
  18. The Figurita is a very curious and inquisitive bird, and enjoys exploring its environment and investigating new objects.
  19. They are very adaptable birds, and can be kept in a variety of different housing setups, including aviaries and pigeon lofts.
  20. The Figurita is a very healthy breed of pigeon, and is not prone to any major health problems or genetic defects.
  21. They have a lifespan of around 8-10 years, although some individuals have been known to live much longer.
  22. The Figurita is a beloved breed of pigeon in its native Spain, where it is often featured in art and literature.
  23. They are also becoming increasingly popular in other parts of the world, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  24. The Figurita is a very social bird, and requires regular interaction with its owner or other pigeons to stay happy and healthy.
  25. They are also very clean birds, and require a clean and well-maintained living environment.
  26. The Figurita is a truly unique and wonderful breed of pigeon, and is sure to bring joy and companionship to anyone who chooses to keep one as a pet.

Tips for Raising Valencian Figurita Pigeons

Valencian Figurita Pigeons are a unique and beautiful breed of pigeon that require special care and attention. If you are thinking about raising Valencian Figurita Pigeons, here are the top tips that you should keep in mind to ensure that your pigeons are healthy, happy, and thriving.

Provide Adequate Space

Valencian Figurita Pigeons require adequate space to move around and exercise. You should provide them with a spacious aviary or loft that is large enough for them to stretch their wings and fly around.

Create a Comfortable Environment

The environment in which your pigeons live should be comfortable and conducive to their health and well-being. This means that you should provide them with clean bedding, fresh water, and a balanced diet.

Provide Adequate Ventilation

Proper ventilation is important to ensure that your pigeons have clean air to breathe. You should provide plenty of ventilation in their aviary or loft to prevent respiratory problems.

Keep the Environment Clean

Keeping the environment clean is crucial to prevent the spread of disease and maintain the health of your pigeons. You should clean the aviary or loft on a regular basis and dispose of any waste properly.

Provide Fresh Water

Fresh water is important for the health and well-being of your pigeons. You should provide them with fresh, clean water on a daily basis.

Provide a Balanced Diet

Valencian Figurita Pigeons require a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. You should provide them with a high-quality pigeon feed that is supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Provide Grit

Grit is important for the digestion of food in pigeons. You should provide your pigeons with a supply of grit in their aviary or loft.

Provide Calcium

Calcium is important for the development of strong bones in pigeons. You should provide your pigeons with a source of calcium, such as crushed eggshells or oyster shell.

Provide Nesting Materials

Valencian Figurita Pigeons require nesting materials to build their nests. You should provide them with a supply of straw or other nesting materials in their aviary or loft.

Provide a Nesting Box

Nesting boxes are important for the health and well-being of your pigeons. You should provide them with a nesting box in which to lay their eggs and raise their young.

Monitor Temperature

Pigeons are sensitive to temperature changes. You should monitor the temperature in their aviary or loft to ensure that it is within a comfortable range for them.

Monitor Humidity

Humidity levels can affect the health of your pigeons. You should monitor the humidity levels in their aviary or loft to ensure that they are within a comfortable range.

Provide Adequate Lighting

Adequate lighting is important for the health and well-being of your pigeons. You should provide them with sufficient light in their aviary or loft to support their natural circadian rhythms.

Provide Perches

Valencian Figurita Pigeons require perches to roost on. You should provide them with perches of varying heights and materials to ensure that they can roost comfortably.

Provide Toys

Toys are important for the mental and physical stimulation of your pigeons. You should provide them with toys and other forms of enrichment to keep them entertained and engaged.

Monitor Their Behavior

You should monitor the behavior of your pigeons to ensure that they are healthy and happy. Any changes in their behavior or appearance should be addressed promptly.

Handle Them with Care

Valencian Figurita Pigeons are delicate birds that require gentle handling. You should

Practice Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is crucial for the health and well-being of your pigeons. You should practice good hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly before and after handling your pigeons, and by disinfecting their aviary or loft on a regular basis.

Provide a Dust Bath

Dust baths are important for the health of your pigeons. You should provide them with a shallow dish filled with dust or sand in which they can take a dust bath.

Provide Medication if Necessary

If your pigeons become ill, it is important to provide them with medication as prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not attempt to treat your pigeons on your own, as this can be dangerous.

Quarantine New Birds

If you are introducing new pigeons to your flock, it is important to quarantine them for a period of time before introducing them to the rest of the flock. This can help prevent the spread of disease.

Keep a Record

Keeping a record of your pigeons’ health, behavior, and breeding activity can be helpful in identifying potential problems and tracking their progress over time.

Learn from Experienced Breeders

If you are new to raising Valencian Figurita Pigeons, it can be helpful to learn from experienced breeders. Attend pigeon shows and talk to breeders to gain insight into the best practices for raising these birds.

Be Patient

Raising Valencian Figurita Pigeons takes time and patience. Be patient with your birds and give them the time they need to grow and develop.

Seek Veterinary Care

If you are unsure about the health of your pigeons, or if you notice any signs of illness or injury, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.

Enjoy the Process

Raising Valencian Figurita Pigeons can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Take the time to enjoy the process and appreciate the beauty and unique qualities of these birds.

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