Szegedin Highflyer Pigeon

The Szegedin Highflyer pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon from Hungary. It was developed in Szeged and other cities, over many years of selective breeding.

It is also known as a Crested Tippler and originally brought up from the Orient. These birds along with other breeds of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the rock pigeon.

And the Szegedin Highflyer pigeon belongs to the Flying/Sporting pigeons group.

It is an ancient breed and currently pretty rare. The breed was probably developed in the late 17th or early 18th century. Read some more information about the breed below.

History And Origins Of Szegedin Highflyer pigeon

The Szegedin Highflyer pigeon breed originated from Hungary (specially from the city of Szeged). The breed was developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was primarily raised by the local fanciers who aimed to create a pigeon with exceptional flying capabilities and distinct aesthetic features. Today the breed is popular and known for it’s endurance and ability to perform high-altitude flights (often soaring for several hours).


Szegedin Highflyer pigeon is a medium sized breed with relatively small appearance. It has half-upright body position with wide chest.

Head of the Szegedin Highflyer pigeons is round, and usually have crest. Length of the wings is average, and average body length is about 24-26 cm.

They have relatively long tails with about 12 primary feathers. Their tail is sloping to the rear, but usually do not touch the ground. Their legs are short without any ornamental feathers. Photo and info from Wikipedia.

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Housing Requirements

Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, the Szegedin Highflyer pigeon requires specific housing conditions to thrive well and perform at it’s best. These pigeons need a spacious housing system that allows the birds to fly and exercise freely.

Ensure that their housing system is well ventilated and is protected from harsh weather conditions. And also ensure that their housing environment is also dry and draft-free.

Provide your birds with enough nesting boxes and also provide them separate compartments. Doing this will help the birds to reduce stress and aggression among the birds. Arrange enough lighting system depending upon the number of your birds.

Always try to clean the house on a regular basis, so that your birds stay active and healthy. Regular cleaning also helps the birds to stay free from diseases and parasites.

Dietary Requirements

Like most other domestic pigeons, these pigeons also require good quality and nutritious food to stay healthy and active. Nutritious and balanced diet helps the birds to maintain their high-flying capabilities and overall health.

Generally, their diet consist of high-quality grains and seeds such as corn, rice, wheat, barley, peas etc. Try to provide them legumes, greens and vegetables occasionally to ensure the supply of adequate vitamins and minerals.

Also provide them grit to aid digestion. Oyster shells are vital supplement to ensure adequate calcium intake for your birds. Provide your birds with high protein content and specific nutrients during the breeding and molting seasons. Doing this is very important to support the increased physiological demands of these birds.

Along with providing your birds with very good quality and nutritious food, always try to provide them with enough fresh and clean water.


The Szegedin Highflyer pigeons are naturally very good breeders, like many other domestic pigeon breeds. They will breed easily if you arrange all their breeding requirements.

For successful breeding, select the Szegedin Highflyer pairs based on their physical characteristics and tumbling performance to enhance these qualities in their progeny.

Pigeons generally bond for life once paired. Both male and females share responsibilities together such as building nest, incubating eggs and for rearing the chicks. Females generally lay two eggs, and the eggs generally take about 18 days for hatching.


The Szegedin Highflyer pigeons are known for their calm temperament and friendly behavior. They are typically energetic and they exhibit a strong homing instinct. They are generally docile in nature and can adapt themselves well to human interaction.

The Szegedin Highflyer pigeons are social birds. and they are very suitable for both new and experienced pigeon keepers. They are very social birds, and they can thrive well in the company other pigeons. They are very suitable for raising as pets.


The Szegedin Highflyer pigeons are very strong and hardy and they generally require less caring and other management. Although taking good care of the birds will help to ensure their good health and maximum performance.

Regularly feed your birds with a balanced diet of seeds and grains. And also supplement their diet occasionally for ensuring their health and performance. Always try to provide them with enough clean and fresh drinking water.

Try to maintain a clean and spacious housing system with proper ventilation system. Give them protection from predators and other problems. Perform health checkups on a regular basis, and take necessary steps if you notice anything uncommon.


Szegedin Highflyer pigeon breed is an excellent flyer. It is well known for it’s flying ability. But it is also good for raising as pets.

Popularity And Price

The Szegedin Highflyer is a pretty popular pigeon breed. It is popular among the pigeon fanciers mainly because of it’s flying abilities, endurance and distinctive appearance.

It is not possible to tell it’s exact price, because it depends on numerous factors and can vary from place to place. Their exact price vary based on lineage, training and overall quality. Average price of these pigeons can range from just $50 to several hundred dollars.


Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, average lifespan of the Szegedin Highflyer pigeon is between 10 and 15 years.

Pros And Cons

Just like many other domestic pigeon breeds, the Szegedin Highflyer pigeons also have some advantages and disadvantages. Here we are trying to list the most common and notable pros and cons of Szegedin Highflyer pigeons.


  • Exceptional flying ability
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Distinct appearance with slender bodies
  • Intelligence and trainability
  • Strong homing instinct
  • Docile nature
  • Highly social birds


  • Specific housing requirements
  • Specific dietary needs
  • Require regular maintenance
  • Initial high cost

Special Notes

The Szegedin Highflyer pigeon is an excellent flyer, and it is known for it’s flying ability. Although some breeders claim that since the development is done, there has been a deterioration of the performance of flights on these varieties.

The breed is relatively calm in nature and make excellent pets. However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameSzegedin Highflyer
Other NameCrested Tippler
Breed PurposeMainly flying
Special NotesBeautiful, known for their flying ability and are excellent flyers, relatively calm in nature, make excellent pets
Breed ClassMedium
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginHungary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Popularity of pigeon farming business is increasing gradually in many countries throughout the world. That’s why many people are trying to learn more about this business. Especially, the beginners ask us many questions about starting and operating a successful pigeon farming business. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions about Szegedin Highflyer pigeons and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

How long do Szegedin Highflyer pigeons live?

Average lifespan of the Szegedin Highflyer pigeon is between 10 and 15 years.

How much is a pair of Szegedin Highflyer pigeon?

Average price of these pigeons can range from just $50 to several hundred dollars.

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