Large White Pig: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Large White pig is a breed of domestic pig originating in Yorkshire. It is also known as the Yorkshire pig and the English Large White pig.

It is one of the most popular and most numerous of all pig breeds, and widely used in crossbreeding for intensive pig farming system around the world. As the name suggests, the breed is truly big in size and pure white in coloration.

The Large White pig breed was one of the original founder breeds of the National Pig Breeder’s Association and the breed was first recognized in 1868.

First herdbook for the breed was published in 1884. Although earlier history of the breed in Yorkshire is difficult to trace. The development of the modern performance testing programs led to an increase in worldwide demand for the Large White pig breeding stock from the United Kingdom in the early 1970s.

And more than 8,500 pedigreed Large Whites were exported to all parts of the world in the first three years of that decade. Currently the breed is very popular and mostly raised commercial pig breed around the world.

As the name suggests, these pigs are large in size and white in coloration. It is a big domestic pig breeds with erect ears and slightly dished face. It is used widely in crossbreeding for intensive pig farming business. However, read more information about this breed below.

Origin and History of Large White Pig

The Large White Pig originated in England in the 18th century and it is widely recognized for its distinctive white color and lean body. The breed was developed by focusing on producing pigs with excellent meat quality and efficient growth.

And these pigs gained gained popularity quickly for their meat-producing abilities. And the breed was exported to many countries. Today, they are very common and popular in the pig farming industry.


As the name suggests, the Large White pig is large in size and of pure white coloration. It has white or pink skin, dished face and erect ears of pink color.

The breed is easily distinguished by it’s large size, picturesque bearing, erect ears and dished face. It has excellent conformation with good hams. It is huge in size and coarse boned but is quite sound in feet and legs.

Their length of legs and extra height help them to remain active and they have long useful lives in the breeding pen. Average live body weight of the mature boars is between 350-380 kg. And average live body weight of the mature sows usually vary from 260-300 kg.

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Housing Requirements

Arranging a good and comfortable housing system for your pigs is very important. A good and comfortable housing system helps the pigs to stay healthy and also keep them free from adverse weather conditions.

Install a good ventilation system to ensure supply of sufficient amount of fresh air and light inside the house. Keep separate room for breeding boar, pregnant and nursing sow. And try to make the house highly comfortable for the pigs.

Dietary Requirements

Feeding the pigs with very high quality and nutritious food is the most important part of commercial pig farming business. Good quality and nutritious food helps to keep the pigs healthy and help them to grow faster. You can feed you pigs with almost everything.

But for commercial production, they require special food. Such commercial foods are easily available in the market. You can also make their food with low cost and easily available ingredients such as oats, grains, maize, wheat, rice, sorghum etc. Along with high quality foods, also ensure the availability of clean and fresh water throughout the day.


Like many other domestic pig breeds, the Large White pigs are also naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and produce piglets. Heat period of a sow lasts for 2 to 3 days.

A lactating sow become ready for breeding again 2-10 days after weaning. Gestation period of pigs is not more than 115 days. Generally, a sow can give birth of piglets twice a year, and about 8-12 piglets each time.


The temperament of Large White Pigs is generally calm and friendly. They are known for their docile nature and friendly behavior. And these qualities has made them easy to handle and manage.


Large White pigs are generally healthy and robust animals. They are well-known for their hardiness and resilience. But, it is very important to provide them with a balanced diet, clean and well-ventilated housing environment, and regular access to clean water.

Perform regular routine veterinary check-ups and vaccinations. And doing this can help to prevent common pig diseases and illnesses. Practice good hygiene and cleanliness inside their housing environment.


Pigs generally require less caring and other management as compared to many other farm animals. Ensure hygiene system inside the house. This will help the animals to stay free from all types of health hazard and diseases. Feed them nutritious food and clean water, and monitor their health on a regular basis.


The Large White is the most popular breed for meat production in the world. It is also widely used in crossbreeding for intensive pig farming throughout the world. The breed was actually developed as an outdoor breed, but today it is one of those favored by commercial pig breeders, lending uniformity to pigs produced for meat on a large scale.

Popularity and Price

The Large White Pig is a popular breed in many countries around the world. They are very good for producing high-quality meat, that’s why they are very popular throughout the world.

But the price of Large White pigs can vary depending on numerous factors such as age, size, and market demand. Piglets are usually less expensive than fully grown pigs. Consult with some breeders in your area to know more about the current pricing.

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Pros And Cons of Large White Pigs

Like many other pig breeds, the Large White breed also has some pros and cons. Here we are trying to list some pros and cons of raising Large White pigs:


  • High quality meat production
  • Quick growth rate
  • Able to adapt well to various climates and environments
  • Good feed-to-meat conversion ratio
  • Docile nature and friendly temperament
  • Strong breeding characteristics


  • Susceptibility to disease
  • High maintenance costs
  • Ample space requirements
  • Environmental impact
  • Market price fluctuations

Special Notes

The Large White pig is a rugged and very active and hardy breed. It can withstand variations in climate and do well in other environmental factors. These animals have been known for decades as a favorite market animal where high quality bacon and pork are sought.

The sows are known for having excellent maternal instincts, large litters and also for heavy milk production. When the breed was developed, it was actually developed as an active and outdoor breed which was good for extensive pig farming system.

The animals are also very good for crossbreeding. And their ability to cross with and improve other breeds has given them a leading role in commercial pig farming system and breeding pyramids around the world. However, review full breed profile of the Large White pig in the chart below.

Breed NameLarge White
Other NameEnglish Large White, Yorkshire
Special NotesRugged, very hardy, active, can withstand variations in climate, do well in other environmental factors, produce high quality bacon and pork, sows have excellent maternal instincts, large litters, good for both intensive and extensive pig farming system, good for commercial production, also good for crossbreeding and improving other pig breeds
Breed SizeLarge
Boars350-380 kg
Sows260-300 kg
Climate ToleranceAll climates
ColorWhite with pink or white skin
Country/Place of OriginUnited Kingdom
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Large White is a very big and good breed of pig which is raised mainly for crossbreeding and meat production purposes. Popularity of this pig breed is increasing gradually, and that’s why many people are asking numerous questions about these animals. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions about this breed of domestic pigs, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What is the Large White pig used for?

The Large White pigs are most commonly used in crossbreeding or hybrid programs. And they are very popular in commercial pig production business. And used for commercial meat production purpose.

Is commercial pig farming with Large White breed profitable?

Yes, commercial Large White production is a profitable business. These pigs grow faster and reach marketing weight faster.

Where did the large white pig originate?

The Large White pigs were originated from Northern England. It was developed from the old Yorkshire breed from the county of Yorkshire, in Northern England.

What is the name of the Large White pig?

A Large White pig also called Yorkshire is an exotic breed of pig that has its origin in Yorkshire in England. It is also called English Large White or Yorkshire. The Large White breed of Great Britain is known in Canada and the United States as the Large Yorkshire, or Improved Large Yorkshire.

Is Large White is a good pig breed?

Yes, sure! The Large White is a great pig breed. It grows fast, produces good quality, lean meat and are good mothers.

How big do Large White pigs get?

Average live body weight of a mature boar can vary from 350 kg to 380 kg. And a mature sow can weight 260 kg to 300 kg.

What breed of pig is white?

The Yorkshire pig breed is pure white in coloration.

Where do Large White pigs live?

England! But today, the breed is found in many countries around the world. And most of the commercial pig farms raise these pigs.

How long do Large White pigs live?

Average lifespan of a Large White pig is 15-20 years. But in commercial farms, most of these pigs are marketed within their 6 to 3 years of age.

How many piglets can a Large White have per kidding?

Average litter size is 10-11 piglets.

What are the main characteristics of Large White pigs?

The Large White is a big, white pig, with erect ears and a slightly dished face.

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