American Yorkshire Pig

The American Yorkshire pig is a breed of domestic pig. As the name suggests, it is from the United States and it is the American version of Large White pig.

And it is the most recorded pig breed in the United States. The Yorkshire pig breed was developed in Yorkshire, England in 1761.

The Yorkshire breed was first imported to the United States in 1830. It was specifically imported to Ohio, but it did not become popular until the late 1940s mainly because of their slow growth rate.

During that time, for the ruggedness and favored carcasses of the large Yourkshires, many large Yorkshires were imported from Canada and England. And then the American Yorkshire pig breed improved rapidly through selection.

Currently the American Yorkshire pigs are found in nearly every American state. The largest population of the breed is found in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and Nebraska. Read some more information about the breed below.

American Yorkshire Pig Characteristics

The American Yorkshire pig is a large animal. It is mainly white in color and has erect ears. The modern animals are muscular with a high proportion of lean meat.

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The mature sows on average weight around 204-295 kg. And average live body weight of the mature boars vary from 250 to 340 kg. Photo and info from Wikipedia.


These pigs are just like many other domestic pig breeds, and you can provide them with regular foods that you usually give your other pigs. Actually, you can feed them with a wide variety of foods including grains, fruits, vegetables, kitchen scraps etc. For large scale or commercial production, you should supplement their regular diet with pig pellets that are packed with all the micronutrients they need for a healthy life.


The American Yorkshire pigs are excellent breeders, and they will breed easily if you keep good ratio of males and females in your farm.


The American Yorkshire is a very strong and hardy breed. And these animals generally require less caring and other management. You can easily take good care of them, even if you are a beginner. Feeding them with good and nutritious food and providing them with a good housing facilities will fulfill most of the caring demands.

Special Notes

The American Yorkshire pig is a rough and strong breed that can endure deviations in climate and other ecological factors. The sows are good mothers and their average litter size is about 13 piglets per sow.

Yorkshire data have been maintained with great diligence, including growth, sow productivity, and backfat formation, representing the largest source of documented livestock performance records in the world.

The breed was actually developed as a vigorous and outdoor breed. But it can also perform very well in confined or concentrated conditions.

However, review full breed profile of the American Yorkshire pig in the following chart.

Breed NameAmerican Yorkshire
Other NameNone
Special NotesActive, rough and strong, can adapt themselves in a wide variety of climatic conditions, sows are good mothers, average litter size is about 13 piglets per sow, very good for extensive pig farming system, also do well in confined or concentrated conditions
Breed SizeLarge
Boars250-340 kg
Sows204-295 kg
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

Frequently Asked Questions

People ask many questions about the American Yorkshire pigs. Here we are listing the most common questions about this beautiful pig breed, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is American Yorkshire pig farming profitable?

Yes, commercial production of American Yorkshire is a very profitable business. These animals require relatively less care and other management, so raising them is very easy. Even the beginners can start raising them for making profits.

How to start American Yorkshire pig farming business?

Starting commercial production of American Yorkshire pig is very easy. First of all, select a very good location for your farm, then build house for the animals, purchase good quality pigs, feed them with good quality and nutritious food, provide them with required medicines and vaccines and always try to take good care of them.

Where did the American Yorkshire pig originated from?

The Yorkshire pig breed was developed in Yorkshire, England in 1761. And as the name suggests, the American Yorkshire was developed in the United States and it is the American version of Large White pig.

What do American Yorkshire eat?

These pigs are just like many other domestic pig breeds, and you can provide them with regular foods that you usually give your other pigs. Actually, you can feed them with a wide variety of foods including grains, fruits, vegetables, kitchen scraps etc. For large scale or commercial production, you should supplement their regular diet with pig pellets that are packed with all the micronutrients they need for a healthy life.

Is American Yorkshire a popular breed?

Yes, the American Yorkshire is a very common and popular breed. It is the most recorded breed of swine in the United States and in Canada. This breed is found in almost every state in the United States, with the highest populations being in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio.

What is the American Yorkshire pig known for?

The American Yorkshire breed is originally a bacon breed, and the boar is used considerably as a sire of crossbred litters out of colored dams. It is the most widely distributed breed of pig in the United States and also in Canada.

Are American Yorkshire friendly?

Yes, they are very friendly and it’s very easy to raise them.

What are the characteristics of the American Yorkshire?

The American Yorkshire pig is a large animal. It is mainly white in color and has erect ears. The modern animals are muscular with a high proportion of lean meat. The mature sows on average weight around 204-295 kg. And average live body weight of the mature boars vary from 250 to 340 kg.

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