Hook Bill Duck Farming: Business Plan For Beginners

Commercial Hook Bill duck farming is less popular, because it is a less popular breed of domestic duck. It is actually one of the oldest European duck breed which was originated from the Netherlands.

The Hook Bill duck is actually a very old breed and the breed can be traced back to the 17th century in the Netherlands. And it was traditionally raised along canals in the Netherlands. It was very popular then as a good egg laying breed.

But total population of the Hook Bill duck has reduced immensely since 18th Century. Although recently the total population of Hook Bill duck is increasing gradually. And today the breed is raised for eggs, exhibition and also for the meat.

The name of the Hook Bill duck refers to it’s distinctive Roman nosed beak. The breed is also known by some other names such as Kromsnaveleend or Noord-Hollandse Krombek End in Dutch.

Exact origin of the Hook Bill duck has never been determined, and nobody really seems to know where this breed came from. But it is speculated that it developed from early importations of the Indian Runner ducks.

However, the Hook Bill ducks are pretty good egg layer and they are also good for meat (previously it was used as an utility bird and used for both meat and eggs production). So commercial Hook Bill duck farming can be a good business for earning some additional income.

How to Start Hook Bill Duck Farming Business

Starting commercial Hook Bill duck farming business is relatively easy. Because these ducks are very strong, hardy and active. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Hook Bill duck farming business from purchasing ducks to caring and marketing.

Purchase Ducks

First of all, you have to purchase very good quality, healthy and disease free ducks from any of your nearest poultry market or existing Hook Bill duck farms. You can also search your local online classified websites for purchasing ducks.

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Like many other domestic duck breeds, the Hook Bill ducks also don’t require elaborate housing facilities. They will be just fine if you can arrange basic housing facilities for them.

A good housing system not only helps the birds to stay healthy but also helps them to stay free from all types of predators and adverse weather. So try to make a good and comfortable house for your ducks.

While making the house for your ducks, install good ventilation system and ensure flow of sufficient air and light inside the house. As a smaller sized duck breed, a mature Hook Bill duck will require between 3 and 4 square feet housing space.


Feeding the birds with good and nutritious food is the most important part of Hook Bill duck farming business. So always try to feed your ducks with enough good and nutritious food, and never feed them with contaminated feeds.

You can feed your ducks with ready-made or commercial duck feeds or poultry feeds. And provide them with enough clean and fresh water as per their demand.


Keeping good ratio of male and female ducks will ensure good breeding results. So keep one male duck with 8-10 female ducks. And doing this will ensure production of enough fertile eggs for hatching.


The Hook Bill ducks are very strong and active birds, and they generally don’t require much caring. Although taking additional caring will ensure good health and growth of your birds. So try to take good care of them. Vaccinate them timely and keep good contact with a vet in your area.


Marketing duck’s products is not a problem. Because both meat and eggs of the ducks have good demand and value in the market. So you will probably be able to easily sell your products in the local market. Although you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful Hook Bill duck farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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