Stargard Shaker Pigeon

The Stargard Shaker pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. It was originally developed in Pomerania.

The breed is also known by some other names such as Zitterhall, Swan Neck, French name: Trembleur de Stargard and German name: Stargarder Zitterhals.

Exact origins or the breeds used in the creation of this breed are unknown. It is an old breed which is thought to have existed in the early 1700s.

Stargard Shaker pigeon was one of the champions at the 2007 NPA Grand Nationals. Read some more information about the breed below.

Origin And History of Stargard Shaker Pigeon

The name ‘Shaker’ in the name of this pigeon breed may refer to the characteristic shaking or trembling motion that these pigeons often display (especially when excited or during courtship displays). Their unique appearance and their behavior has made them popular among the pigeon lovers and keepers.

The breed is believed to have originated in the town of Stargard (which is located in present-day Poland). Exact history of the Stargard Shaker pigeon is somewhat obscure. But it likely traces back several centuries.


The Stargard Shaker pigeon is a small to medium sized breed. It has curved swan-like necks that tremble or shake in a way similar to the Fantail pigeons and the Indian Mookee. Wings of these birds are carried neatly on the tail.

The Stargard Shaker pigeons appear in many colors such as black, blue barred, checkered, yellow, lark, red and white. But the red and yellow colors are most common and are the best quality.

They have clean legs and plain head. Although there have been some varieties with a peak crest and/or muffs. Average mature body weight of the Stargard Shaker pigeon is between 290 and 330 grams. Photo and info from Encyclopedia of Bird Kingdom and Wikipedia.

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Housing Requirements

Providing these birds with suitable housing system is very important for raising them. Always try to ensure their good health, comfort, and overall well-being. Essential housing requirements of these pigeons include:

  • Protection from adverse weather
  • Spacious cage or aviary
  • Secure and predator-proof housing system
  • Perches and roosting areas
  • Enough nesting boxes
  • Ensure good facilities for cleanliness
  • Ensure good ventilation system
  • Always ensure access to enough nutritious food and clean water

Dietary Requirements

Good and nutritious food is they key to good growth and overall good health of the birds. You have to provide your birds with very good quality and nutritious food containing a mixture of grains, seeds and pellets. You can also provide them with supplementary seeds such as corn, rice, millet, wheat, barley, peas etc.

You can often offer your pigeons with fresh greens and vegetables as a part of your pigeon’s diet. Leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, kale, and dandelion greens can be nutritious options for your birds. Try to provide access to grit and mineral supplements to your birds to aid in digestion and provide essential minerals for them.

Grit helps the pigeons to grind their food in their gizzard, while mineral supplements help support overall health and vitality. And along with providing all these, try to ensure access to enough clean and fresh drinking water at all times.


Breeding Stargard Shaker pigeons is not a challenging part if you can manage everything perfectly. Breeding these birds is about picking the right pigeon couples that look nice and are healthy. Give the birds a special spot to make a nest, when they are ready to have babies.

The mom and dad pigeons take turns sitting on the eggs until they hatch, which takes about two and a half weeks. After the babies are born, the parents feed them until they are big enough to eat on their own.


Stargard Shaker pigeons are very friendly and calm have temperament. They generally like to spend time with their pigeon friends and enjoy exploring their surroundings. Sometimes, they may shake or bob their heads when they are excited or happy.

They also like to build nests and take care of their babies. These pigeons are gentle and do not usually get into fights with other birds. They are curious and like to peck at things to investigate.


Caring Stargard Shaker pigeons is very easy and simple, but very important to keep them happy and healthy. Try to provide them with a safe and comfortable housing system, clean bedding, feed them nutritious food and contact vet if required.


This pigeon is a dual purpose breed. It is good for both flying and exhibition.

Popularity and Price

These birds are pretty popular in some areas. But it’s very difficult to tell it’s exact price. Because their price vary from place to place and depends on numerous factors. Please contact your nearest breeders to know more about current price.


Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, the Stargard Shaker pigeons have an average lifespan of around 5 to 10 years.

Pros and Cons

Like many other domestic pigeon breeds, these pigeons also have some pros and cons.


  • Distinctive appearance
  • Friendly and gentle temperament
  • Good for aviaries
  • Breeding potential


  • Require specialized care
  • Limited utility
  • Potential health issues
  • Less availability and relatively higher costs

Special Notes

The Stargard Shaker pigeon is a very beautiful bird with uncommon appearance. It is relatively hardy and is very good forager. It is a good feeder of it’s young.

These birds were originally a flying breed, but now raised mainly as a exhibition breed. They have been in the United States for some time. But they never been popular and are fairly rare.

They require a dry house with the inside protected from snow and rain, and they also require suitable nesting materials. Separate houses will be good for mated pairs and odd birds.

The breed is also very good as pets. However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameStargard Shaker
Other NameZitterhall, Swan Neck, French name: Trembleur de Stargard and German name: Stargarder Zitterhals
Breed PurposeFlying, exhibition
Special NotesBeautiful bird with uncommon appearance, relatively hardy, good forager, good feeder of it’s young, require suitable nesting materials
Breed ClassSmall to medium
Weight290-330 grams
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Flying AbilityExcellent
As PetsGood
ColorMainly black, blue barred, checkered, yellow, lark, red and white
Country/Place of OriginPomerania

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Popularity of pigeon farming business is increasing gradually in many countries throughout the world. That’s why many people are trying to learn more about this business. Especially, the beginners ask us many questions about starting and operating a successful pigeon farming business. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Why is Stargard Shaker pigeon popular?

The Stargard Shaker pigeons are popular for numerous reasons. It is popular for it’s friendly behavior, gentle temperament, unique appearance, and also for it’s cultural and historical significance.

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