Damascene Pigeon

The Damascene pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon. It is thought to have originated in Damascus, Syria and the breed was named so for it’s place of origin.

The breed was actually developed over many years of selective breeding.

This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the feral or wild rock pigeon. It is an old breed mentioned in some of the oldest literature regarding domesticated pigeons.

Damascene Pigeon Full Breed Information

The Damascene pigeon breed is said to be around 3,000 years old. However, read some more information about this beautiful pigeon breed below.

Origin of Damascene Pigeon

The Damascene pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon that is believed to have originated in Syria, particularly in the city of Damascus, which is where it gets its name. The breed is also known as the Damascene Fairy or the Syrian Damascene.

Damascus has a long history of breeding and trading pigeons, and it is likely that the Damascene pigeon was developed there through careful selection and breeding of various local pigeon varieties. The breed is prized for its beautiful feather patterns and its overall elegance.

Today, the Damascene pigeon is a popular breed among pigeon fanciers around the world, and it is recognized by various breed standards organizations, including the National Pigeon Association in the United States and the British Pigeon Fanciers Association in the United Kingdom.

Damascene Pigeon Characteristics

Damascene pigeon is a medium sized bird with very beautiful appearance. Two most striking features of these beautiful birds are the dark plum eye ceres and the bright eyes.

Their head is fairly large and somewhat round, with moderate stop over the wattle. Their eyes are very bright, and the ceres are of damson or plum color. They have blunt beak which is of dark color and stocky.

And the beak is nearly as wide as long. Their breast is broad, prominent and protrudes forward.

Wings of the Damascene pigeon are held tight against the body, lying over the tail with the tips just touching. The feet and legs of these birds are dark red in color with black toenails.

Average live body weight of the mature Damascene pigeon is between 370 and 425 grams.

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Here are some of its notable characteristics:

Feather Patterns

The Damascene pigeon is best known for its striking feather patterns, which can include intricate designs of bars, checks, and laces. These patterns come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, red, and silver.

Short Beak

The Damascene pigeon has a short, curved beak that is ideal for picking up small seeds and grains.

Small Head

The breed has a small, rounded head that is proportional to its body size.

Smooth Head Feathers

Unlike some other breeds of pigeon, the Damascene pigeon has a smooth, featherless patch on the top of its head.

Medium-length Tail

The breed has a medium-length tail that is typically carried at a slight upward angle.

Graceful Posture

The Damascene pigeon has a graceful, upright posture that emphasizes its elegant feather patterns.

Calm Temperament

The breed is known for its calm and friendly temperament, which makes it a popular choice for fanciers and breeders.

Feeding Damascene Pigeons

The feeding requirements of Damascene pigeons are not significantly different from those of other domestic pigeon breeds. Here are some general guidelines for feeding Damascene pigeons:

Feed a High Quality Pigeon Feed

A good-quality commercial pigeon feed should make up the bulk of the Damascene pigeon’s diet. These feeds are typically formulated to provide all the nutrients that pigeons need to thrive, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Offer Fresh Water

Access to clean, fresh water is essential for all pigeons, including Damascene pigeons. Make sure to provide a source of fresh water at all times, and clean and refill the water dish regularly.

Supplement With Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

In addition to pigeon feed, Damascene pigeons can benefit from occasional servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Good options include leafy greens, carrots, peas, and apples.

Offer Grit and Oyster Shells

Pigeons require grit to help digest their food, and oyster shells are a good source of calcium, which is important for healthy bones and egg production in female pigeons.

Limit Treats and Table Scraps

While it can be tempting to offer pigeons treats like bread or crackers, these foods are typically low in nutrients and can contribute to obesity and other health problems. Stick to a balanced diet of pigeon feed, fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplements to ensure that your Damascene pigeon is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Damascene Pigeon Breeding

Breeding Damascene pigeons requires a good understanding of the species’ behavior and needs. If you are new to pigeon breeding, it’s a good idea to seek advice from experienced breeders or avian veterinarians.

Breeding Damascene pigeons requires careful attention to several key factors. Here are some general guidelines for successful Damascene pigeon breeding:

Select Healthy, High-Quality Birds

Choose birds that are healthy, active, and have good feather patterns. Look for birds with good posture, bright eyes, and clean feathers.

Create a Comfortable Breeding Environment

Provide a spacious, clean, and well-ventilated breeding loft for your Damascene pigeons. The loft should be free from drafts and kept at a comfortable temperature. Provide nesting boxes filled with clean, dry nesting material.

Allow for Natural Courtship and Mating

Damascene pigeons typically form monogamous pairs during the breeding season. Allow the birds to choose their own mates and provide privacy for the pair during the mating and nesting process.

Incubation and Hatching

Damascene pigeons typically lay two eggs per clutch, and the eggs hatch after about 17-19 days of incubation. The parents will take turns incubating the eggs, and both parents will help care for the chicks once they hatch.

Feeding and Care of Young

Damascene pigeon chicks are fed a special “pigeon milk” produced by both parents, which is rich in protein and nutrients. As the chicks grow, they will also begin to eat small amounts of solid food.

Make sure to provide a balanced diet for the parents and chicks, and monitor the health and development of the young birds closely.

Damascene Pigeon Uses

The Damascene pigeon is a show breed in the United States. And raised as a utility bird in Europe.

Damascene pigeons are primarily kept for exhibition purposes and as pets, rather than for utilitarian purposes like egg or meat production. Here are some common uses of Damascene pigeons:

Exhibition and Showing

Damascene pigeons are highly prized for their beautiful feather patterns and elegant appearance. They are commonly exhibited at pigeon shows and competitions around the world, where breeders and fanciers showcase their birds and compete for prizes.


Many pigeon fanciers breed Damascene pigeons for sale to other fanciers or for exhibition purposes. Breeding these birds requires careful attention to genetics, feather patterns, and overall health.

Pet Companions

Damascene pigeons can make delightful pets for those who appreciate their calm temperament and striking appearance. They can be kept in outdoor aviaries or indoor cages, and they do well in social situations with other pigeons or with humans.

Symbolic and Cultural Significance

Pigeons have played important roles in many cultures throughout history, and Damascene pigeons in particular are associated with the city of Damascus and its rich history of pigeon breeding and trading. They are often used as symbols of peace, love, and fidelity, and are frequently depicted in art and literature.

Special Notes

The Damascene pigeon is a very strong and hardy bird. It is very intelligent and will benefit from the exercise of being flown. Although it is a show bird, not racing or homing, but the birds are still worth seeing in flight.

These birds can drop straight down into the loft from a height of perhaps a 100 ft or so. These birds have also a reputation for being good parents, and they care for their own young longer than many other domestic pigeon breeds.

They are pretty long lived birds with an average lifespan of about 10 years. Review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameDamascene
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeExhibition, pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, attractive appearance, excellent for show purpose, good for raising as pets, very strong and hardy, very intelligent, good parents, long lived with around 10 years of lifespan
Breed ClassMedium
Weight370-425 grams
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Flying AbilityGood
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginDamascus

Top 8 Interesting Facts About Damascene Pigeons

Here are some interesting facts about Damascene pigeons:


Damascene pigeons are believed to have originated in the city of Damascus in Syria, where they have been bred for hundreds of years. They were historically prized for their beauty and used for trading and exhibition purposes.

Feather Patterns

Damascene pigeons are known for their unique feather patterns, which feature a combination of white, black, and iridescent green or purple feathers. These patterns can be quite intricate and striking, and are highly prized by pigeon fanciers.


The genetics of this pigeon feather patterns are complex and not fully understood. The patterns are thought to be controlled by multiple genes, and can vary widely even within a single clutch of eggs.


Damascene pigeons are known for their calm and gentle temperament. They make good pets for those who appreciate their beauty and peaceful nature.


Damascene pigeons are not particularly vocal, but they do make soft cooing sounds to communicate with each other and their young.


With proper care and nutrition, these pigeons can live for up to 15 years in captivity.


Damascene pigeons are frequently exhibited at pigeon shows and competitions around the world. They are judged based on their feather patterns, posture, and overall appearance.

Cultural Significance

In the Middle East, pigeons have a long history of cultural and symbolic significance. Damascene pigeons are often associated with the city of Damascus and its rich history of pigeon breeding and trading.

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