Polish Chicken: Characteristics & Best 22 Facts

Polish chicken is a beautiful crested bird and among the most ornamental of all poultry breeds. It is a popular chicken breed and known for it’s wild top hat of feathers.

Polish chicken is also known as Paduan or Poland. The exact origin of the breed is unknown, but it is a European chicken breed.

Although it is known as Poland, but it is not from Poland. But the breed derived it’s name from the resemblance to the square, spreading crests on the feathered caps historically worn by Polish soldiers. Polish chickens are believed to have arrived in America between 1830 and 1840.

And it was very popular and favored by the American farmers and chicken fanciers during a certain period of time. It is a very old chicken breed, and was known in England during the 1700s.

American Poultry Association accepted three Polish varieties into their Standard of Perfection in 1874. And additional varieties were accepted later.

Today Polish chicken breed is mainly raised as an ornamental breed and also used for exhibition. Currently the breed is listed in the watch category of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List. Review characteristics, behavior, temperament and full breed profile of Polish chicken below.

Polish Chicken Characteristics

Polish chicken has many interesting characteristics, and they are very popular mainly for their unusual appearance with beautiful crest. They have a small V-shaped comb of bright red color. Their wattles are small and bright red.

They have small sized white earlobes. Their small wattles and earlobes may be completely hidden by the beard and crest. The legs of Polish chicken are gray and their skin color is white. There are many color varieties of this chicken breed.

And the plumage color vary depending on the color varieties. Bearded White, Bearded Silver, Bearded Golden, Bearded Buff Laced, White Crested Black, Non-Bearded White, Non-Bearded Buff Laced, Non-Bearded Golden, Non-Bearded Silver etc. are some color varieties of Polish chicken breed recognized by the American Poultry Association.

Standard Polish roosters weight about 2.75 kg and hens about 2 kg. And the bantam roosters weight about 0.85 kg and hens about 0.74 kg.


Polish chickens are renowned for their extraordinary head crest, which resembles a fluffy pompom perched atop their heads. This plumage can vary in shape, size, and color, with some individuals displaying crests that completely obstruct their vision.

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The crests can be smooth or frizzled, and they come in various shades, including white, black, buff, and silver. Their feathered legs and v-shaped combs further add to their unique appearance, making them unmistakably recognizable.


While Polish chickens may appear regal and elegant, their temperament is often described as gentle and docile. They are known for their friendly nature and tend to be more easily handled compared to other breeds.

Polish chickens thrive in an environment with human interaction and can be quite sociable, enjoying the company of both humans and other chickens. Their calm disposition makes them a popular choice for families with children and those seeking a breed that is easy to manage.

Egg-Laying Abilities

Polish chickens are not the most prolific layers compared to some other breeds, but they do contribute to the flock with their small to medium-sized white eggs. On average, a Polish hen will lay approximately 200 eggs per year.

It is worth noting that during the colder winter months, their egg production may decrease. However, their ornamental value and charming personalities often outweigh their modest egg-laying capabilities for many enthusiasts.

Care and Housing

Polish chickens are relatively easy to care for, but a few considerations must be made to ensure their well-being. Their head crests require extra attention to prevent damage or injury.

It is advisable to keep their crests trimmed and tidy, especially in damp conditions, to avoid attracting parasites or becoming entangled in fences or other objects. Their feathered legs may require regular cleaning to maintain cleanliness and prevent potential health issues.

Polish chickens are adaptable to various climates, but they are particularly sensitive to extreme heat due to their crest.

Adequate shade, fresh water, and proper ventilation are crucial to keep them comfortable during hot weather. As with any chicken breed, providing a secure coop or shelter to protect them from predators is essential.


The Polish chicken breed encompasses several recognized varieties, each possessing unique color patterns and plumage characteristics. Here are some notable Polish chicken varieties:

White Crested Black: This variety showcases a striking contrast between its lustrous black feathers and its snowy white crests.

Golden: Known for its vibrant golden feathers, this variety’s crest often matches the color of its plumage.

Silver Laced: With beautiful silver lacing on its black feathers, this variety exudes elegance and sophistication.

Buff Laced: These Polish chickens display a soft and warm buff color with delicate lacing, giving them a charming appearance.

Non-bearded: While most Polish chickens possess beards, this variety lacks the characteristic facial feathers, resulting in a unique look.


Some Polish chicken varieties are excellent layers of medium sized white eggs. They are non-sitters and rarely go broody. They are pretty nervous and easily surprised. Their crests tend to obscure their vision, which makes them more prone to aerial predators.

And if the crest gets wet and dirty, it can hang directly in it’s eyes. Which may lead to eye infections and the inability to locate drink and food. So care must be taken for keeping them clean.

Polish chicken is very easy to handle and tame. They are similar to Leghorn chicken in both size and type. They are also good as pets. However, review full breed profile of this chicken breed below.

Breed NamePolish
Other NamePaduan, Poland
Breed PurposeOrnamental/Exhibition
Breed TemperamentFriendly, Easily Handled, Shy, Noisy, Flighty
Breed SizeLarge
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Egg ColorWhite
Egg SizeMedium
Egg ProductivityMedium
Feathered LegsNo
VarietiesMany color varieties are available. Bearded White, Bearded Silver, Bearded Golden, Bearded Buff Laced, White Crested Black, Non-Bearded White, Non-Bearded Buff Laced, Non-Bearded Golden, Non-Bearded Silver etc. are some color varieties of Polish chicken breed recognized by the American Poultry Association.
Country of OriginUnknown

Interesting Facts About Polish Chickens

Polish, also known as Poland chickens, are a unique and fascinating breed that has captivated poultry enthusiasts for centuries. Originating from Poland, these chickens are renowned for their distinctive crests, elegant appearance, and friendly disposition.

Here are some interesting facts about Polish chickens, shedding light on their history, characteristics, and contributions to the world of poultry.

1. Historical Origins

Polish chickens have a long and storied history, with their origins traced back to the Netherlands and Spain. They were introduced to Poland in the late 16th century and quickly gained popularity for their ornamental value.

2. Crest Varieties

One of the most distinguishing features of Polish chickens is their impressive crests, which come in various shapes and sizes. The most common types include the V-shaped crest, the Polish crest, and the crestless variety known as the Bearded.

3. Feather Colors

Polish chickens display a wide array of feather colors, ranging from pure white, black, or blue to more exotic shades like buff-laced, silver-laced, and golden-laced.

4. Egg-Laying Abilities

Despite their regal appearance, Polish chickens are known to be decent egg layers. On average, a Polish hen can lay around 180 to 200 small to medium-sized white eggs per year.

5. Polite and Docile Disposition

Polish chickens are famous for their gentle and calm temperament, making them excellent additions to backyard flocks and family environments. Their friendly nature also makes them suitable for children to handle.

6. Entertainment Value

With their striking appearance and crest flopping around as they walk, Polish chickens are highly entertaining to watch. Their antics and elegant movements provide constant amusement for poultry enthusiasts.

7. Notable Exhibition Breed

Polish chickens are often showcased in poultry exhibitions due to their unique appearance. Their stunning crests and overall elegance make them popular choices for showmanship.

8. Care Requirements

Polish chickens have specific care requirements due to their crests, which need regular cleaning and grooming to prevent dirt and parasites from accumulating. Frequent attention to their crests ensures their overall health and well-being.

9. Cold Hardiness

Despite their crests, Polish chickens are surprisingly cold-hardy. Their small combs and wattles make them less susceptible to frostbite, enabling them to thrive in colder climates.

10. Attention-Seeking Behavior

Polish chickens tend to be more social and attention-seeking than other breeds. They often seek interaction with their human caretakers and may follow them around the yard in search of companionship.

11. Unique Vocalizations

Polish chickens have a distinctive vocalization, producing a soft and melodic sound. Their gentle clucking adds a pleasant ambience to any backyard flock.

12. Non-Aggressive Nature

Unlike some aggressive breeds, Polish chickens are known for their peaceful and non-confrontational behavior. They rarely engage in fights with other chickens, making them suitable for mixed-breed flocks.

13. High Roosting Abilities

Polish chickens possess excellent roosting skills, often perching on higher surfaces such as tree branches or fences. Their balance and agility allow them to navigate elevated roosting spots with ease.

14. Limited Vision

Due to their crest’s size and position, Polish chickens have limited forward vision. They rely more on their hearing and peripheral vision, making them more cautious and aware of their surroundings.

15. Adaptable Breed

Polish chickens are adaptable to various living conditions, including confinement or free-range environments. However, providing them ample space and opportunities for exercise is beneficial for their overall well-being.

16. Unique Feather Structure

The feathers of Polish chickens differ from other breeds in their structure. They have a unique structure called vane splitting, where the individual barbs of the feathers are split, creating a fringed and lacy appearance.

17. Rooster’s Crow

While most roosters have a loud and assertive crow, Polish roosters have a distinct and melodic crow that is often described as more musical. Their crowing adds a charming and harmonious element to the soundscape of a flock.

18. Excellent Brooding Skills

Polish hens are known to be excellent brooders and mothers. They have a strong maternal instinct and will diligently care for their eggs, often staying committed to the nesting process and protecting their chicks.

19. Ornamental Value

The ornamental value of Polish chickens cannot be overstated. Their majestic crests and striking plumage make them highly sought after for ornamental and decorative purposes, both in rural and urban settings.

20. Cultural Significance

In Poland, Polish chickens hold cultural significance and are considered national treasures. They are featured in traditional Polish folk art, embroidery, and literature, symbolizing grace, beauty, and pride.

21. Long Lifespan

Polish chickens have a relatively long lifespan compared to other chicken breeds. With proper care and nutrition, they can live up to 8 to 10 years, providing many years of enjoyment and companionship.

22. Preservation Efforts

Due to their unique attributes and historical importance, there are dedicated efforts to preserve and protect Polish chickens. Breeders and organizations worldwide work together to maintain their genetic diversity and ensure their continued existence.

Best Tips for Raising Polish Chickens

Polish chickens are just like other chickens, and raising them is relatively easy and simple. With their striking appearance, gentle temperament, and unique crests, Polish chickens have become popular additions to backyard flocks.

However, they require specific care and attention to thrive. Here we are going to share some valuable tips for successfully raising Polish chickens, covering various aspects such as housing, feeding, health care, and overall well-being.

Provide Ample Space

Polish chickens are active birds that appreciate space to roam and forage. Ensure that you provide at least 4 square feet of coop space per chicken, and an additional space for outdoor roaming if possible.

Secure Housing

Construct a secure and predator-proof coop to protect your Polish chickens from potential threats. Install sturdy fencing, cover any gaps or openings, and provide adequate ventilation to maintain a healthy environment.

Nesting Boxes

Offer comfortable and clean nesting boxes where your Polish hens can lay their eggs. Ensure that the boxes are secluded and provide suitable bedding material such as straw or wood shavings.

Regular Cleaning

Maintain a clean coop environment by regularly removing droppings, replacing soiled bedding, and disinfecting the coop periodically. Cleanliness helps prevent diseases and keeps your Polish chickens healthy.

Grooming Crests

Polish chickens’ crests require regular grooming to prevent dirt and parasites from accumulating. Gently clean their crests by carefully wiping them with a damp cloth or using a soft brush to remove debris.

Proper Nutrition

Offer a balanced diet to meet the nutritional needs of your Polish chickens. Provide a high-quality layer feed containing essential nutrients, supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats like mealworms.

Fresh Water

Ensure your Polish chickens have access to clean and fresh water at all times. Regularly check waterers and clean or replace them to avoid contamination.

Protect from Extreme Temperatures

Polish chickens can be sensitive to extreme temperatures. Provide adequate shade and ventilation during hot weather, and insulate the coop during cold weather to maintain a comfortable environment.

Dust Bathing Area

Create a designated area for dust bathing, as it is a natural behavior that helps Polish chickens maintain feather health and remove parasites. Fill the area with fine sand or dusting material like diatomaceous earth.

Monitor Crested Chicks

Crested Polish chicks require special attention. Ensure that their crests do not obstruct their vision or impede their ability to eat and drink. Separate any chicks with severe crest impairments to prevent potential issues.

Social Interaction

Polish chickens are sociable birds that enjoy the company of their flock mates. Provide opportunities for social interaction and ensure they have compatible and non-aggressive companions.

Integrate Gradually

When introducing new Polish chickens to an existing flock or integrating chicks into the flock, do so gradually. This allows them to establish a pecking order and reduces stress and aggression.

Predation Prevention

Protect your Polish chickens from predators by using secure fencing, installing motion-activated lights or alarms, and utilizing deterrents such as netting or wire mesh.

Monitor Health

Regularly observe your Polish chickens for any signs of illness or distress. Look out for changes in appetite, feather quality, droppings, or behavior. If any concerns arise, consult a poultry veterinarian.

Parasite Control

Implement a parasite control program to prevent and treat external and internal parasites. Regularly check for lice, mites, and worms, and use appropriate treatments recommended by a veterinarian.

Provide Perches

Polish chickens enjoy perching, so provide sturdy and varied perching options within the coop.

Exercise and Free-Range Time

Encourage exercise and natural behaviors by allowing your Polish chickens regular free-range time. It not only provides them with mental and physical stimulation but also allows them to forage for insects and vegetation.

Protect Crests in Inclement Weather

During rainy or snowy weather, take extra precautions to protect the crests of Polish chickens. Provide shelter or cover to prevent their crests from becoming soaked, which can lead to discomfort or frostbite.

Monitor Egg Production

Keep track of the egg production of your Polish hens. If you notice a sudden decline or irregularities, it may indicate an underlying health issue, and prompt action or veterinary advice should be sought.

Avoid Overfeeding

While these chickens enjoy treats, it’s important not to overfeed them. Excessive treats or overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems. Moderation is key when offering supplementary foods.

Quarantine New Additions

When introducing new Polish chickens to your existing flock, quarantine them for a minimum of two weeks. This helps prevent the spread of potential diseases and allows you to observe their health and behavior.

Learn About Breed-Specific Needs

Educate yourself about the specific needs and characteristics of Polish chickens. Stay informed about their unique crest grooming, vision limitations, and potential health issues associated with their breed.

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