Chicken Cholera

Chicken cholera is a fatal contagious disease of poultry birds. Almost all farms affected by this disease. The main cause of this disease is a bacteria named pasteurella multocida.

The poultry bird of any age can be affected at any time in the year. This disease spread through affected birds, polluted feed or water and used equipment.

Wet weather and litter helps to spread cholera disease. Blood eating insects like mosquito also spread the germ of this poultry disease.

Chicken Cholera Symptoms

  • If this disease affects acute, then many healthy chicken die suddenly.
  • The closet get green or yellow colored.
  • Suffers by fever and doze.
  • Loose the ability of movement.
  • Affected bird loose appetite.
  • Drinks water frequently.
  • Most of the bird may die within 2-3 days.
  • Eyes and mouth get swollen.
  • Heat flower become blue colored.
  • Head crest, lobe get blue or blackish colored.
  • Saliva spill from nose and mouth.
  • Water spill from eyes.
  • Feathers get gross.
  • Egg production of layer poultry and laying ducks get reduced.
chicken cholera

Chicken Cholera Defense Method

Follow the poultry health rules, so that cholera can’t affect your poultry birds. Cholera disease vaccine is the main way to prevent this disease.


Vaccine for cholera disease can be found in 100cc bottle. Apply 1cc per poultry bird in their run meat as injection.

Apply this vaccine to the chicken when they are 10 weeks of age and to the ducks when they are 2 weeks of age.

Use this poultry vaccine after every 4-5 months. Thus you can make your farm free from cholera disease.


  • Ensure proper treatment according to the advice of veterinarian.
  • You can use medicine of tetracycline group or komu mix plus. Mix 1-1.5 gram medicine with 1 litter clean water or food. Then feed it to the bird for 3-6 days. This will make good result.
  • Keep the affected bird separate from healthy bird.
  • Wash the poultry house, litter and equipment with germicide regularly.

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