LaMancha Goats: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

LaMancha goats are formally known as a dairy goat breed. They are well known throughout the world mainly for their high milk production and the comparatively high butterfat content in their milk.

LaMancha goats are member of the Capra genus, like all other domestic goats. They were first bred in Oregon by Mrs. Eula Fay Frey. LaMancha goats are easily recognized by their very short ear pinnae.

Perhaps they are the most distinctive goat breed. In the early 1950s, the short-eared LaManchas were first gained recognition as a distinct breed.

LaMancha goats are the only breed of goat which were developed in the USA. They are among the old dairy goat breeds, and very popular for milk production in the USA. They are highly popular mainly for their adaptability to various environment and circumstances.

Their milk contain a lots of butterfats and other necessary nutrition. LaManchas are also very suitable for the purpose of raising goats as pets. They have wonderful temperament and also exhibited in show rings for recreational purposes.

Origin And History Of LaMancha Goats

LaMancha is a distinct goat breed which is special and well-known for their unique appearance, especially ears. They have short earlobes as compared to other goat breeds that make them look different from other goat breeds.

These goats originated in the United States in the early 20th century. They were first bred in California by Mrs. Eula Fay Frey. She wanted to create a goat breed with high milk production and good tasting milk.

Today, the LaMancha goats are popular for their friendly nature and adaptability to different climates. They are used for milk production and also raised as pets on many farms around the world.


LaMancha goats have many special facts and characteristics, which have made them a distinct dairy goats. The breed characteristics of LaMancha goat are described as follows.

LaMancha goats come with a wide variety of colors. Actually they can be of any color. The bucks stand about 30 inches or more at the withers, and does about 28 inches.

The bucks usually weights about 165 pounds or more, and a doe weights about 130 pounds. Body of these goats is covered with fine and glossy fur coat and they have a straight face. Usually they are diurnal in nature and graze on small shrubs, fresh vegetables, herbs and trees.

The most special characteristic of LaMancha goats is their ears. They are of two types, based on their ears. One with gopher ears and other with elf ears. Their ears are usually wrinkled folds of skin near the head. Gopher ears are shorter (not more than one inch). And the elf ears are about two inches in length. Elf ears have much cartilage than the gopher ears. The ear types turn either up or down at tips (in both these two varieties of goats).

LaManchas are very hardy animals. They can withstand a great deal of hardships (like rough topographical factors and tough climatic conditions). And they love to live in groups. The LaMancha kids have 6 lower incisors (when the young are born). They have a complete set of milk teeth comprising 24 molars and 6 lower incisors, after 4 weeks of their birth.

Their upper jaw has bony plates to rub against the lower jaw (but it doesn’t contain milk teeth). Like other animals, LaMancha kids also start following their mom as soon as they are born. They become independent and walk on their own, after about 10 months of of age after their birth. Young LaMancha goats gain sexual maturity within their 6 months of age.

Lamancha goats, Lamancha goat, dairy goat, dairy goat breeds, best dairy goats

Housing Requirements

Like many other domestic goat breeds, the LaMancha goats also need a comfortable and safe place to stay and live. They should have a shelter that protects them from harsh weather (like rain, snow, and extreme heat).

Ensure that their shelter is well-ventilated and clean enough. And provide them with enough space depending on the number of your goats. These goats also need a fenced area to roam and graze. And make the fence strong and tall enough to keep the goats safe from predators.

Always try to clean your goat’s house on a regular basis. Doing this is very important, because regular cleaning of their living area helps to prevent diseases and keeps the goats happy.

Dietary Requirements

LaMancha goats need very nutritious and balanced diet to stay healthy and active, and also to produce good quality milk. Provide them with access to fresh and clean water. Main food of these goats consists of hay. Hay provides them with fiber and nutrients.

They also need a small amount of grain or feed to meet their energy needs. It is also very important to give them minerals and vitamins to prevent deficiencies. These goats enjoy eating leaves, branches, and grass. So try to provide them with access to pasture.

Always avoid feeding them foods that are toxic to goats (like certain plants and grains). Consult with a veterinarian or a goat nutritionist in your area to help you create a diet plan that meets their specific needs.


LaMancha goats are well behaved, good tempered and calm in nature. They are also very suitable for raising as pets. They are quite dependable dairy goat breeds for their moderate temperament and easy adaptability.


The breeding season of LaMancha goats is in fall or winters. A LaMancha doe goes into heat for 1 to 2 days in every 21 day cycles. And this is the appropriate time for reproduction. After successful mating and fertilization, the does go through about 155 days gestation period.

The does require special care and management during this period. LaMancha goats are usually born as twins or triplets. Bucks also require special care for good health and better reproduction.

Health Management

Keeping these goats healthy is very important for keeping these goats happy and productive. Perform regular health check-ups by an experienced veterinarian to make sure they are healthy.

Vaccinate and deworm them timely, and doing these is very important to prevent diseases. Perform regular hoof trimming to prevent foot problems. Provide them with a clean living environment and give them good and nutritious diet to help them stay healthy.

It is also very important to watch for signs of illness (such as changes in appetite or behavior, and to act quickly if they seem sick. Perform regular grooming and check for parasites.


LaMancha goats are well-known for their hardiness. They can adapt themselves easily to different environments and climates. They can withstand hot and cold weather as long as they have access to good shelter and water.

These goats are also resistant to many diseases and parasites. Thats why they are a sturdy choice for farmers. Their hardiness makes them a popular breed for milk production and also for raising them as pets.


Taking good care of these goats is very important. And caring for LaMancha goats involves numerous tasks, such as providing them with enough nutritious food, water, shelter, and medical attention when needed. Ensure that they have access to adequate clean and fresh water at all times.

Providing them with a good and secure shelter. Perform regular grooming and hoof trimming. Check for signs of illness and take necessary steps as soon as possible.


Average lifespan of the LaMancha goat is between 10 and 15 years.


LaManchas are used for many different purposes. They are mainly known for their high milk production and they are often kept for dairy farming purpose. Their milk is rich and creamy. And their milk is ideal for cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.

These goats are also raised for their meat, and their meat is lean and flavorful. They are also kept as pets for their friendly nature and unique appearance.

Milk Yield

As we have stated above, LaMancha goats are highly milk productive dairy goat breeds. On an average, a LaMancha doe can produce about 3 liters of milk daily over a 10 month lactation period.

They are indispensable diary goats, and does can be milked for a continuous 2 years without the need for re-breeding.

Milk of LaMancha goats contain about 3.1 percent of proteins and about 3.9 percent of butterfats. In a word, they are excellent as dairy goats and very suitable for commercial dairy goat farming.

Popularity And Price

LaMancha is a very popular breed and they are known for their adaptability and hardiness. Their friendly behavior, high milk production, and ability to thrive in various climates contribute to their popularity. Their price can vary from place to place. So, visit any of your nearest suppliers or breeders to know more about the current price.

Pros And Cons Of LaMancha Goats

Like many other goat breeds, these goats also have some pros and cons. Here we are trying to list the most common and notable pros and cons of these goats.


  • High milk production
  • Adaptability
  • Hardiness
  • Friendly nature
  • Versatility
  • Unique appearance


  • High initial cost
  • Space requirements
  • Maintenance
  • Feeding costs
  • Breeding challenges
  • Market demand

Special Notes

LaMancha goats are excellent dairy goat. They are among the best dairy goats. They produce milk highly, and their milk contains higher amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins and lower amount of cholesterol than cow’s milk. The fat content of their milk is much more than that of Swiss goats.

The milk of LaMancha goats is easily digestible and suitable for all aged people. They are very cooperative and calm in nature, so you can easily raise some LaManchas for the purpose of producing fresh milk by your own. They are intelligent and smart enough like other goats. They are good escape artists.

They are also vulnerable when it comes to predators like foxes, fogs, cougars and eagles. So you have to make a strong fence around your property, if you intend to raise them for milk production purpose or as pets. However, review full breed profile of the LaMancha goats in the table below.

Breed NameLaMancha
Other NameAmerican LaMancha Goats
Breed PurposeMilk, Meat
Breed SizeMedium to Large
BuckAbout 75 kg
DoeAbout 59 kg
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Coat ColorMany
Good for Stall FedNot sure
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People ask many questions about LaMancha goats. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about this goat breed, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What are LaMancha goats good for?

The LaMancha is very good dairy goat breed. It it raised and very good for milk production. They are also used for commercial milk production. The LaMancha does can be milked for two years without being freshened.

Why do LaMancha goats have no ears?

The lack of an external ear is actually a common genetic mutation that has been noted in goats the world over, including in ancient Persia and more recently in Ethiopia, Egypt, and Turkey.

How much does a LaMancha goat cost?

Average price of a LaMancha is between $400 and $600.

How big do LaMancha goats get?

Average body height of these is about 3 feet. Usually a LaMancha buck weights about 165 pounds or more, and a doe weights about 130 pounds.

Are LaMancha goats good meat goats?

The LaManchas are actually dairy goats and good for milk production purpose.

How long do LaMancha goats produce milk?

The LaMancha does can be milked for two years without being freshened.

What is the lifespan of a LaMancha goat?

Average lifespan of these goats is between 7 and 10 years.

How many babies do LaMancha goats have?

The LaManchas can have 1-3 kids each season.

What is a mini LaMancha?

The Mini LaMancha is the miniature version of regular LaMancha breed of dairy goat.

Are LaMancha goats born without horns?

A LaMancha goat’s horns are almost always disbudded prior to two weeks of age.

Do you have to milk LaMancha goat?

Yes, LaManchas are dairy goats and the does need to be milked if they have milk in their udder.

Can LaMancha goats hear?

Yes, they can. Although, these goats have very smaller sized ears. Still they can hear fine.

Do LaMancha goats have horns?

A LaMancha goat’s horns are almost always disbudded prior to two weeks of age.

How much milk does a mini LaMancha produce?

A mini LaMancha doe can produce around 500 ml to a litter of milk everyday.

Where are LaMancha goats found?

Today, the LaMancha goats are found in many countries around the world. But they are mainly found in the United States.

Are LaMancha goats smart?

Yes, they are very smart and intelligent.

What are the main characteristics of LaMancha goats?

LaMancha goats come with a wide variety of colors. Actually they can be of any colors. LaMancha bucks stand about 30 inches or more at the withers, and does about 28 inches. Usually a LaMancha buck weights about 165 pounds or more, and a doe weights about 130 pounds. The body of LaMancha goats is covered with fine and glossy fur coat and they have a straight face.

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