Faroese Goose

The Faroese goose is an oldest breed of goose originated in the Faroe Island. It is called Føroyska Gásin in Faroese.

It is probably the oldest form of tame goose in Europe and possibly the direct descendants of the tame goose that the Landnám folk brought from Scandinavia and the British Isles.

There are no predators for the goose in Faroe Islands, so there has developed a special ‘goose culture’ in the Islands. And there are no such facilities in the neighboring countries.

The flocks of goose can be seen there from May to October, walking freely in the outfields. There they are mostly fed on the short summer grass, mostly without any other feeds.

The Faroese goose move freely in the cultivated infields of the villages in Winter. In some villages, the infield is of such good quality that earlier the goose did not even need complementary feed in the winter.

But there is given complementary feeds in most places when there is snow. And complementary feeds are also given just before and during laying eggs. Read some more information about the breed below.

Faroese Goose Characteristics

The Faroese goose is described as a not too large and ‘not at all rough build’. The properties that the Faroese goose have today, is the result of natural selection over centuries, where only the most hardy and frugal birds have managed to get offspring.

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Average mature body weight of the Faroese ganders is about 5 to 5.5 kg. And average live body weight of the mature geese vary from 4 to 4.5 kg. Photo and info from Wikipedia.


Faroese goose is a very good meat bird. It is suitable for meat production.

Special Notes

The Faroese goose is a very hardy breed of goose, and it is resistant to diseases and can tolerate harsh climate. It is very good food-seekng bird, and produce good juicy meat.

The birds are sometimes aggressive in temperament, and they protect their goslings very well. Especially they become very aggressive and protective during the breeding season.

The chicks get slaughtered after three to four weeks of fattening. However, review full breed profile of the Faroese goose in the chart below.

Breed NameFaroese
Other NameCalled Føroyska Gásin in Faroese
Breed PurposeMeat
Special NotesVery hardy and active, resistant to diseases, can tolerate harsh climate, food-seeking bird, produce good juicy meat, can be aggressive during the breeding season, protect the goslings very well
Breed ClassMedium
Ganders5-5.5 Kg
Geese4-4.5 Kg
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Egg ColorWhite
Egg SizeLarge
Egg ProductivityMedium
Flying AbilityGood
Country/Place of OriginFaroe Islands

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