All About A Doeling Goat

Usually a female goat under one year of age is called a doeling goat. Different animals and birds are called by different name in different age and gender.

For an example, baby turkeys are called a poult, baby fish is called a fry, baby goats are called kids or billies, adult female productive goats are called doe, a young male goat under one year of age is called buckling, adult male goats are called bucks and the goats both male and female under one year of age are called yearlings. The term ‘doeling goat‘ is just like this.

What is Actually a Doeling Goat?

The female goat who is under one year of age and sexually not active yet is called a doeling goat. Doeling goats are considered physically and emotionally immature but they are sexually capable of reproduction. Doe and doeling goats are different.

Does are fully grown, sexually active and productive goats. One the other hand, doelings are under one year of age and sexually not active.

Although the correct name for all female goats is doe. If people call a young female goat doeling, that means she is still a little girl.

Raising Doeling Goats

Before planning for raising doeling goats, decide why do you want to raise them? You can raise them as pets, use them as fresh milk producer or use them for producing highly meat producing goats.

After determining your raising purpose, search your local farms and explore various types of available goat breeds and select a suitable one which match best for your needs.

In case of pet goats, the selected goats must have to be healthy and no need to be any particular breed, age or sex. The same consideration applied for other goats, if you want to raise some doeling goats for clearing brush and weeds from your property.

But for a specific production purpose, you have to raise a specific breed. For commercial milk production form goats, you need to raise some world famous milk producing goats such as Saanen, Nubian, Jamunapari, LaMancha, Alpine or some other local and traditional milkers.

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In case of commercial meat production, you have to choose one or a few from numerous highly meat productive goat breeds such as Boer, Beetal, Black Bengal or some other local breeds which are suitable for commercial meat production.

Consider miniature goat breeds such as Nigerian dwarf or Pygmy goats, if you have limited space for raising goats. So before planning, consider your production purpose and purchase healthy and fresh doeling goat from any of your nearest goat farms.

Assessing a Doeling Goat

For operating a dairy goat farm, try to learn more about the ancestors of your desired doelings. Look carefully the doeling’s health, breed type, some essential characteristics such as good mothering and quality milk production.

Observing the udder of a dairy goat is very important for determining it’s milk production capability.

But it’s really very tough to determine the milk production capability of an immature doe or doeling goat, because her udder is unformed prior to kidding.

So observe the udder of her mother or dam. Observing them closely will give you some idea about the shape of your doeling’s udder after producing kids and what sort of mother she likely will be.

Good dams usually produce offspring with strong maternal instincts. Observing the mother of her father is also important.

The udder quality of your doeling is also influenced by the udder quality of her father’s mom.

The more you will be able to closely observe the relatives of a doeling, the more chances of getting a better an productive doeling goat. This is also very important for meat producing goats.

Try to learn more about the meat production capability of your selected doeling’s ancestors. After observing everything perfectly, take decision and purchase a or a few doelings for your farm.

Where to Get Your Doelings

Most of the experienced farmers or experts in this industry suggest not to buy goats from an auction or a ‘sale barn’. Because some people exhibit and sale their sick or worst animals in this type of auction.

Always try to buy fresh and healthy doeling from any of your nearest farms. There are numerous good and reputable associations and agencies also available in some place.

They can help you finding high quality and diseases free goats. Once again, before purchasing, visit the farms practically and learn more about the goats and finally bring her to your home.


Keep the doelings with their mother for at least eight weeks. Naturally mother goats wean their young doelings after a certain period.

So if you don’t have any problem, then don’t separate the doelings form their mother. But for dairy goats, they should be separated after a few weeks of their birth.

Reproduction in Doelings

Be very careful about breeding your doelings, because they are new in this process and have not any previous experiences.

Prior to breeding, ensure all your doelings are physically fit. It’s not a good idea to bred any unhealthy or sick doelings. For breeding, they must have to be healthy with proper body weight according to their age.

Generally at the age of 4 to 8 months, your doelings will come into their first heat or estrus.

Bred your doelings after they have reached at least 60 percent of their expected adult weight.

The doelings bred before this stage may have difficulties in giving birth of kids or may not be able to supply adequate milk for their first kids. Some breeders wait until their doelings reach 15 to 18 months of age. Read yearling goat.

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