Bhadawari Buffalo: Characteristics, Origin, Facts & Tips

The Bhadawari buffalo is a breed of water buffalo from India. It is actually an improved water buffalo breed from Uttar Pradesh, India.

The breed is kept mainly for milk production in the Agra and Etawah districts, and also the Bhind and Morena districts of Madhya Pradesh. It is also known as Bhadwari and Etawah.

Buffaloes actually play an indispensable role in the Indian economy. And buffalo milk account for approximately 56 percent of total milk production in the nation, and 64 percent of the world’s production.

Contribution of the buffaloes has been overwhelming due to their ability to thrive under harsh climatic conditions and low requirement of input contribution.

The Bhadawari buffalo is specifically renowned for the high content of buttermilk fat found in their milk (which ranges from 6 to as high as 13 percent).

These animals are efficient in converting animal feed into butterfat. And their unique, advantageous profile therefore attracts farmers of many developing countries to interbred them with one of the best breed of buffaloes, the Murrah buffalo breed.

Increasingly important in the livestock industry of countries with agricultural-based economies such as Bulgaria, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Nepal, the resulting hybrid breed of the Bhadawari and Murrah both enhances the milk production of other low-yielding breeds and creates a better market for liquid milk. Read some more information about this buffalo breed below.

Bhadawari Buffalo Physical Characteristics

The Bhadawari buffaloes are medium sized animals with wedge-shaped body. They have comparatively small and light head, bulging out between the horns and sloping down slightly towards the forehead.

The head is slightly heavier and coarse in males. They are generally copper colored with scanty hair, which are black at the roots and reddish-brown at the tips (sometimes the hairs are completely brown).

There are two white lines at the lower side of the neck, which is a distinct feature of these animals. Their horns are curled slightly outwards, parallel to the neck with the tips curled upwards.

Their tail is long, thin and flexible running down the hocks with black and white or pure white switch. Ears of the Bhadawari buffalo are of average size which are rough and pendulous.

The udder of the cows is not so well developed as in the case of Murrah, but the milk veins are fairly prominent. The teats are of medium size, though not of uniform length.

Average body height of the mature bulls is around 128 cm, and around 124 cm for the cows.

The mature bulls can reach around 475 kg live body weight, and the cows can reach around 425 kg. Photo and info from Dairy Knowledge Portal and Wikipedia.

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The Bhadawari buffalo is a dairy buffalo breed. It is raised mainly for milk production.

Special Notes

The Bhadawari buffaloes have an excellent ability. They are famous for the efficient ability to utilize low quality coarse fodder available in the area.

They mainly subsists on coarse feed, straw and corn products, roughage such as barley, wheat, straw, cornstalks, sorghum and sugar cane residuals.

They can survive on low quality crop residues and green forage under dire circumstances.

Although they are not too high in milk production and total lactation yield is lower, but the fat content in their milk has been recorded as high as 13 percent.

The cows generally lactate during 272 days with an average milk yield of 752-810 kg in this period. However, review full breed profile of the Bhadawari buffalo in the table below.

Breed NameBhadawari
Other NameAlso known as Bhadwari and Etawah
Breed PurposeMilk
Special NotesVery hardy, have the efficient ability to utilize low quality coarse fodder available in the area, they mainly subsists on coarse feed, straw and corn products, can survive on low quality crop residues and green forage under dire circumstances, not too high in milk production, but the milk is of very high quality, fat content in the milk has been recorded as high as 13 percent
Breed SizeMedium
BullsAround 475 kg
CowsAround 425 kg
Climate ToleranceAll climates
ColorCopper-colored and grayish black
Country/Place of OriginIndia

Some Interesting Facts about Bhadawari Buffalo

Buffaloes have been an integral part of India’s agriculture and dairy industry for centuries. Among the various buffalo breeds in India, the Bhadawari buffalo stands out as a remarkable and prized breed.

This breed is well known and renowned for its exceptional milk production, sturdy build, and adaptability. This buffalo breed has a rich history and several interesting facts associated with it. Here are some interesting facts about this breed.

1. Breed Origin

The Bhadawari is an Indian buffalo breed. It originates from the Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh, India. Along with the native area, the breed is also available in some other places around India.

2. Ancient Breed

This breed has a very long history, that’s why it’s called as a ancient buffalo breed. It has a history that dates back several centuries, making it one of the oldest buffalo breeds in India.

3. Good for Milk Production

Bhadawari is a very good and well known buffalo breed for milk production. These buffaloes are famous for their high milk production, making them a valuable asset in the dairy industry.

4. Very Good Milk Quality

Milk of these buffaloes is also of very good quality. The milk of these buffalo is rich in fat content, which makes it ideal for producing ghee and other dairy products. Milk of these buffalo is very costy and has high demand.

5. Attractive Physical Characteristics

These buffaloes are known for their distinctive hump and long, drooping ears, giving them a unique appearance. They are very beautiful and attractive in appearance.

6. Adaptability

Bhadawari buffaloes are highly adaptable to various climatic conditions, making them suitable for different regions in India. Thats why these buffaloes are available in many states throughout India.

7. They are Excellent Grazers

These buffaloes are excellent grazers and they can thrive on a diet of natural forage. If you are planning for raising these animals, then you have to ensure enough grazing place for these animals.

8. Importance of These Animals in Indian Agriculture

Bhadawari is such a buffalo which has traditionally been used for agricultural purposes, such as plowing fields and transporting goods. The breed play a vital role in rural economy in it’s native area.

9. Average Milk Yield

On average, a Bhadawari buffalo can produce around 1,200 to 1,800 liters of milk per lactation period. The milk is of very good quality and highly priced to the local consumers.

10. Lactation Period

The lactation period of Bhadawari buffaloes usually lasts for about 280 to 300 days.

11. Milk is of Rich Nutritional Value

Milk of this buffalo is known for it’s high nutritional value, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. The milk contains a high percentage of butterfat, making it perfect for butter and ghee production.

12. Very Hardy and Disease Resistance

Bhadawari Buffaloes are known for their hardiness and ability to thrive in adverse conditions. They have a good resistance to diseases, which makes them a preferred choice for dairy farmers. They are very hardy and generally do very well in almost all climates throughout the country.

13. Genetic Improvement

Efforts have been made to improve the breed through selective breeding programs to enhance milk production and overall quality.

14. Economic Significance in India

These buffaloes contribute significantly to the rural economy through milk and dairy product sales, especially in it’s native area.

15. Traditional Farming Practices

Many rural households in India still rely on Bhadawari buffaloes for traditional farming practices.

16. Conservation Efforts

Conservation programs have been initiated to protect and preserve this valuable breed from genetic erosion.

17. Drought Resistance

They can withstand periods of drought and scarcity of fodder better than some other buffalo breeds.

18. Social Importance and Cultural Significance of These Animals

Bhadawari buffaloes are considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth in many rural communities. They play a role in various cultural and religious rituals in India, particularly during festivals.

Tips for Raising Bhadawari Buffalo

it’s essential to follow best practices in their care and management to ensure the health and productivity of your herd. Here we are trying to share some best tips for raising these buffaloes.

1. Select Quality Breeding Stock

Begin with selecting healthy, disease-free buffalo with a good genetic lineage for breeding purposes. Selecting and purchasing good quality animals is very important, because only good quality animals can ensure good production.

2. Ensure Good Housing and Shelter

Providing the animals with comfortable housing system is very important. Try to provide spacious, well-ventilated shelters to protect your buffaloes from harsh weather conditions.

3. Arrange Fencing and Security

Ensure sturdy fencing around your farm area to prevent escapes and also to protect your buffaloes from predators. You can install modern security instruments for your farm’s security.

4. Ensure Proper Feeding and Nutrition

Feeding the animals with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of raising these buffaloes. Good and nutritious food helps to keep the animals healthy and productive.

Offer a balanced diet rich in nutrients, including green fodder, concentrates, and mineral supplements. Adjust the diet based on the buffalo’s stage of lactation, pregnancy, and overall health.

Regularly assess body condition of your animal to avoid over- or underfeeding. Ask for help from an expert if you don’t have enough experience.

5. Ensure Clean Water Supply

Buffaloes drink a lot of water. So, try to ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water to keep your buffaloes well-hydrated. Always provide them fresh water, and must avoid contaminated water.

6. Perform Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Schedule routine check-ups and vaccinations to monitor and maintain your buffaloe’s health. Doing this is very important for ensuring good health of your animals.

7. Implement Good Disease Prevention Measures

Must implement disease prevention measures, including regular deworming and vaccination. And always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area, so that you can call for help.

8. Practice Hygiene and Cleanliness

This is very important for good health of your animals. Maintain clean stables and milking areas to minimize the risk of infections.

9. Provide Comfortable Flooring

Try to use comfortable and non-slippery flooring materials to prevent injuries and lameness.

10. Milking is Also Important

Follow strict milking hygiene practices to ensure the quality of milk. Establish a consistent milking schedule to prevent stress in the buffaloes. Store milk in clean, hygienic containers at the right temperature to maintain its freshness.

11. Ensure Good Calf Care

Caring the calf properly is also very important. So, pay special attention to calf care, ensuring they receive adequate colostrum and nutrition. Implement a gradual weaning process to reduce stress on calves.

12. Hoof Care

Hoof care of the buffalo is a very important part of raising these animals. Try to trim hooves regularly to prevent lameness and discomfort.

13. Keep Record of Everything

Always try to maintain detailed records of each buffalo’s health, breeding, and milk production. Also include all expanditure and income from your venture.

14. Ensure Good Breeding Management

You can use both natural and artificial breeding. Use artificial insemination or quality bulls for controlled breeding to improve genetics. Be prepared to provide assistance during calving to ensure a safe delivery.

15. Experienced Staff is Required

Ensure your staff is properly trained in buffalo handling and care. Training your staff will make the raising tasks easy.

16. Grazing Management

As we have mentioned above, the Bhadwari buffaloes are excellent grazers. So, it’s important to ensure a good grazing place for them. Plan and manage grazing areas to ensure a consistent and high-quality forage supply.

17. Heat Stress Mitigation

Install cooling systems in the shelter to protect buffaloes from extreme heat. You can use electric fan inside the shed for keeping their body cool.

18. Keep Breeding Record

Maintain accurate breeding records to track reproductive performance. Doing this is very important. Consider crossbreeding with other buffalo breeds to enhance milk production.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to Bhadawari buffalo. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this beautiful buffalo. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What is a Bhadawari buffalo?

A Bhadawari buffalo is a breed of buffalo native to the Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The breed is well known for it’s high milk production and adaptability.

How is the milk production of Bhadawari buffalo compared to other breeds?

Bhadawari Buffaloes are known for their exceptional milk production, often exceeding 1,200 to 1,800 liters per lactation period. And their milk is of very good quality.

Are Bhadawari buffaloes suitable for small-scale dairy farming?

Yes, these buffaloes are very good for small-scale dairy farming business. They are adaptable and can be raised in small-scale dairy operations.

Do Bhadawari buffaloes require special care compared to other buffalo breeds?

No, they actually require similar care to other buffalo breeds, with a focus on nutrition, health, and breeding management.

What is the lifespan of a Bhadawari buffalo?

On average, a Bhadawari buffalo can live up to 20 years.

How do you identify a healthy Bhadawari buffalo?

A healthy buffalo will have a shiny coat, alert demeanor, and regular eating and drinking habits.

Can Bhadawari buffaloes withstand hot and humid climates?

Yes, they are adaptable to various climatic conditions, including hot and humid environments.

What is the ideal diet for Bhadawari buffaloes?

Their diet should include green fodder, concentrates, and mineral supplements to ensure balanced nutrition.

How often should Bhadawari buffaloes be dewormed?

Buffaloes should be dewormed every 3 to 4 months to prevent parasitic infestations.

What is the milk fat content in Bhadawari buffalo milk?

Bhadawari buffalo milk is known for its high fat content (ranging from 6 to 12 percent), making it ideal for ghee and butter production.

Can Bhadawari buffaloes be used for plowing fields?

Yes, traditionally, they have been used for plowing and other agricultural tasks.

Are Bhadawari buffaloes resistant to diseases?

They have good disease resistance, but regular veterinary care and vaccination are essential for their health.

How can I improve the genetics of my Bhadawari buffalo herd?

You can use artificial insemination or quality bulls for controlled breeding to enhance genetics.

What are some common diseases that Bhadawari buffaloes may be prone to?

Common diseases include foot and mouth disease, mastitis, and respiratory infections.

What is the ideal milking schedule for Bhadawari buffaloes?

Establish a consistent milking schedule, typically twice a day, to maintain milk production.

Can I crossbreed Bhadawari buffaloes with other breeds?

Yes, crossbreeding can be done to enhance milk production and other desirable traits.

Are there any unique cultural or religious practices associated with Bhadawari buffaloes?

Yes, they are often involved in various cultural and religious rituals, particularly during festivals.

How can I prevent heat stress in Bhadawari buffaloes during the summer months?

Install cooling systems in their shelters and provide ample shade and water to prevent heat stress.

What is the age for weaning Bhadawari buffalo calves?

Weaning can be done gradually, typically starting at 2 to 3 months of age.

What is the economic significance of Bhadawari buffaloes in rural areas?

These animals contribute significantly to the rural economy through milk and dairy product sales.

How do Bhadawari buffaloes impact agriculture in rural India?

They play a vital role in traditional farming practices, including plowing fields and transporting goods.

What are the physical characteristics of Bhadawari buffaloes?

These buffaloes have a distinctive hump, long, drooping ears, and a sturdy build, giving them a unique appearance. They are very beautiful.

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