King Pigeon

The King pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon which is raised primarily for utility purpose. It is from United States and was developed over many years of selective breeding.

The King pigeons along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the feral or wild rock pigeon.

The breed was actually developed during the 1890s by crossing four older pigeon breeds. And those four varieties were Duchess, Homer, Maltese and Runt.

The Duchess were selected for grace, Homer for alertness, Runt for body and size, and the Maltese for compactness and style.

King Pigeon Full Breed Information

Currently the King pigeon is a popular breed in it’s native area and also in some other countries around the globe. Read some more information about this beautiful pigeon breed below.


The exact origin of the king pigeon is not known, but it is believed to have originated in Belgium in the early 1800s.

The king pigeon was developed from the rock pigeon, a wild species found throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa. In the early 1800s, pigeon racing became a popular sport in Belgium, and fanciers began to selectively breed pigeons for their speed and endurance.

The king pigeon was developed through a process of selective breeding, which involved crossing various breeds of racing pigeons to create a bird that was both fast and resilient.

Over time, the king pigeon became known for its exceptional speed, stamina, and navigational abilities, making it a highly prized racing pigeon.

Today, the king pigeon is one of the most popular breeds of racing pigeon in the world, with a large following among pigeon fanciers and enthusiasts. While its exact origin is uncertain, the king pigeon’s legacy as a fast and hardy racing bird has ensured its place in the history of pigeon racing.


The King pigeon is a large breed of domestic pigeon. It is by many deemed to be one of the most beautiful of all the pigeon breeds.

It has a quite round body, and the breed is available in many colors and patterns. This could appear ‘plump’ – but its size is actually more in height than in width – which may be the reason why there were named ‘King’.

It’s not too easy to identify the gender of these birds. Because both males and females look almost similar. Although, close observation of their interactions usually allows for a fairly accurate gender identification.

There are two types of the King pigeon: utility and and the show form. The show form are much more compact and upright than the utility birds.

The show form is referred to as ‘Show Kings‘, and it is one of the most popular show birds in the United States and also globally.

Average live body weight of the mature King pigeon is about 570 grams, but some birds can reach up to 900 grams.


The King Pigeon’s feathers are also quite distinctive. They are silky and soft to the touch, with a distinctive sheen that catches the light.

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The feathers are usually a solid color, with shades of blue, silver, black, white, or red being the most common. The bird’s head is adorned with a small, rounded crest of feathers that gives them a regal appearance.


One of the most striking features of the King Pigeon is its size. These birds are significantly larger than other domestic pigeon breeds, with males weighing up to 1.5 kg and females up to 1.2 kg. Their bodies are muscular and well-proportioned, with broad, rounded chests and long, powerful wings.


Despite their large size and impressive appearance, King Pigeons are generally gentle and easy-going birds. They are known for their docile and friendly nature, and make excellent pets for those who are interested in keeping pigeons.


King Pigeons are also quite intelligent birds, with an excellent sense of direction and an ability to navigate over long distances. They have been used throughout history as messenger birds, and were even used during the two World Wars to transport important messages across enemy lines.


Appropriate housing is essential for the health and wellbeing of king pigeons. The housing should be designed to provide enough space, be made of durable and easy-to-clean materials, have proper ventilation and lighting, and be kept clean to ensure the health of the birds. With proper housing, king pigeons can thrive and perform their best in racing and breeding.

There are many factors to consider when designing and building housing for king pigeons. These include the size of the housing, the materials used, the ventilation and lighting, and the cleanliness of the space. Here are some tips for creating suitable housing for king pigeons:

Size of Housing

King pigeons need enough space to move around comfortably and stretch their wings. A minimum of 2 square feet of floor space per bird is recommended for standard-sized king pigeons.

However, if you are housing a breeding pair, you should provide a nesting box that measures at least 18 inches long by 12 inches wide by 12 inches high. The nesting box should be placed in a secluded area of the housing to ensure privacy for the breeding pair.

Materials Used

The materials used to construct the housing should be durable and easy to clean. Wood is a common material used for pigeon housing, but it should be treated with a non-toxic sealant to prevent warping and rot. You can also use metal, plastic, or other materials that are easy to clean and disinfect.

Ventilation and Lighting

King pigeons need fresh air and sunlight to maintain their health. The housing should have proper ventilation to allow for air circulation and prevent the buildup of ammonia from their droppings.

Additionally, natural lighting is important for the pigeons’ health and behavior, so ensure that the housing has adequate natural light or supplemental lighting.


Cleanliness is essential for the health of the king pigeons. The housing should be cleaned regularly to remove droppings and debris. The nesting boxes should be cleaned and disinfected after each breeding season. Additionally, the water and food containers should be cleaned daily to prevent the buildup of bacteria.


Feeding king pigeons is not difficult, but it requires some knowledge and attention. By providing them with a balanced diet of commercial pigeon feed, grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, you can ensure their health and well-being.

Remember to feed them twice a day, give them access to fresh water at all times, and wash your hands before and after feeding them. With proper care and feeding, your king pigeons can live a long and healthy life.

What do King Pigeons eat?

King pigeons are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, their diet consists of grains, seeds, fruits, and insects. As pets, they can be fed a variety of foods, including commercial pigeon feed, grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Commercial pigeon feed

This is the most convenient and complete food for king pigeons. It is specially formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients that pigeons need for good health and growth.

You can buy pigeon feed from a pet store or online. Look for a brand that is high in protein and contains a mix of grains and seeds.


King pigeons love grains, such as wheat, corn, and barley. You can feed them whole grains or mix them with their commercial feed. Grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates and fiber, which help to keep your pigeons healthy and active.


Pigeons also enjoy seeds, such as sunflower, safflower, and millet. Seeds are high in fat, which provides energy for pigeons, especially during cold weather. However, too many seeds can cause obesity, so feed them in moderation.

Fruits and vegetables

Pigeons love fruits, such as apples, grapes, and berries. They also enjoy vegetables, such as peas, carrots, and lettuce. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which help to maintain the health of your pigeons. Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding them to your pigeons.

How often should you feed your King Pigeons?

King pigeons should be fed twice a day, in the morning and evening. They should have access to fresh water at all times. The amount of food you give them depends on their age, size, and activity level. Young pigeons and breeding pairs may require more food than adult pigeons.

How to feed King Pigeons?

You can feed king pigeons in a variety of ways, such as in a feeding dish, scattered on the ground, or by hand. If you choose to feed them by hand, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after feeding them. This will prevent the spread of diseases between you and your pigeons.


Breeding king pigeons can be a rewarding experience for bird enthusiasts and breeders. However, it requires some knowledge and preparation to ensure success. In this article, we will provide a guide to breeding king pigeons.

Breeding Age

King pigeons reach sexual maturity at around 6 months of age, but it is recommended to wait until they are at least 1 year old before breeding them. This allows them to reach their full size and strength, and ensures that they are physically and mentally mature enough for breeding.

Breeding Pairs

King pigeons are monogamous, which means they mate for life. Therefore, it is essential to select a breeding pair carefully.

The pair should be healthy, well-fed, and of the same size and breed. Make sure that the male and female are compatible and show interest in each other before introducing them for breeding.

Breeding Environment

King pigeons should be provided with a comfortable and secure environment for breeding. This can be a breeding loft, nesting box, or a secluded area where they can have privacy and safety.

The breeding area should be kept clean and dry, and well-ventilated. The nesting materials should be soft and comfortable, such as straw, hay, or shredded paper.

Breeding Season

King pigeons can breed throughout the year, but it is recommended to breed them during the breeding season, which is from February to September.

During this period, the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the pigeons are more active and healthy. It is also easier to find food and nesting materials during this season.

Breeding Process

Breeding king pigeons is a natural process that requires minimal intervention from the breeder. The male pigeon will court the female by cooing, puffing up his chest, and bowing his head.

The female will respond by accepting the male’s advances and bowing back. The male will then mount the female and copulate for several seconds.

The female will lay one or two eggs, which will hatch after 18 to 21 days. The male and female will take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks until they are ready to leave the nest after about 4 weeks.

Breeding Care

Breeding king pigeons requires some care and attention from the breeder. The breeding pair should be provided with a balanced diet of grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and fresh water at all times.

The breeding area should be cleaned regularly, and the nesting materials should be replaced when soiled. The chicks should be monitored closely and provided with a comfortable and safe environment until they become mature.


Caring for a king pigeon requires a commitment to providing a suitable living environment, a healthy diet, regular health checks, exercise, and socialization. With proper care, king pigeons can live for up to 15 years and make wonderful, loving pets.


King pigeons are not suitable for living in a small cage, so it is important to provide them with a spacious living area. A large aviary or a converted shed can make a great home for a king pigeon.

The aviary should be at least 6 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 6 feet high to allow the bird to fly and exercise. The floor of the aviary should be covered with a layer of bedding material such as straw, hay, or wood shavings.


A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for the health of a king pigeon. Their diet should consist of a variety of seeds, grains, and legumes, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Commercial pigeon feed can also be used, but it should be supplemented with fresh foods. Water should always be available, and it should be changed daily.


Regular health checks are important to ensure that your king pigeon is healthy. Signs of illness include lethargy, loss of appetite, and respiratory problems. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to take your bird to the vet as soon as possible.


King pigeons require exercise to maintain good health and prevent boredom. They should be allowed to fly freely in a safe, enclosed area for at least a few hours each day. You can also provide toys and perches to encourage exercise and mental stimulation.


King pigeons are social animals and enjoy the company of other pigeons. If possible, it is recommended to keep at least two pigeons together. If you only have one pigeon, you should spend plenty of time socializing with it to prevent loneliness and boredom.


King pigeons were originally bred for meat production, these birds have also been used for various other purposes over the years. They have many different uses, ranging from meat production to racing, showing, therapy, and research.

Despite their many uses, it is important to remember that these birds require proper care and attention to ensure their health and well-being.

Meat Production

King pigeons were initially bred for their meat, and they are still used for this purpose today. Their large size and tender meat make them a popular choice for meat production in some parts of the world.


King pigeons are often used in racing due to their speed and endurance. But they are less popular as a racing breed due to their large size and heavy weight.

Show Birds

King pigeons are also used as show birds in various competitions and exhibitions. They are judged on their physical appearance, including their size, color, and feather quality. Breeding and showing king pigeons is a popular hobby for many bird enthusiasts.

Therapy Animals

Pigeons have been used as therapy animals for many years. Their gentle nature and calming presence can help reduce anxiety and stress in people with mental health issues. King pigeons, in particular, are well-suited for this role due to their calm demeanor and affectionate personality.


Pigeons, including king pigeons, have been used in scientific research for many years. They have been used to study a range of topics, including behavior, genetics, and neuroscience. Pigeons have also been used in medical research to study diseases and develop new treatments.

Special Notes

The King pigeon is a very beautiful bird with attractive appearance. It is a smart bird and sweet in nature. These birds are calm in nature and have full of personality.

They are of good behavior and make excellent pets. King pigeons are one of the pigeon breeds used for squab production.

But the show form is excellent for showing and very attractive. However, review full breed profile of this breed below.

Breed NameKing
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeShow, utility, pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, calm and gentle in nature, docile temperament, attractive appearance, smart and sweet, excellent for show, very good for raising as pets
Breed ClassLarge
WeightAround 570 grams
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Flying AbilityAverage
As PetsGood
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

King Pigeon Interesting Facts

Here are a few fun facts about these Pigeons:

  1. King Pigeons are one of the largest domestic pigeon breeds, with males weighing up to 1.5 kg and females up to 1.2 kg.
  2. They were originally bred in Belgium and were first introduced to the United States in the early 1900s.
  3. They have been used throughout history as messenger birds, and were even used during the two World Wars to transport important messages across enemy lines.
  4. These pigeons are known for their docile and friendly nature, making them excellent pets for those who are interested in keeping pigeons.
  5. These birds are intelligent birds with an excellent sense of direction, and can navigate over long distances with ease.
  6. They are also used for meat production in some parts of the world, as their large size makes them a good source of protein.
  7. The King Pigeons are sometimes referred to as “show pigeons,” as they are often bred and exhibited in pigeon shows around the world.
  8. These Pigeons come in a variety of colors, including blue, silver, black, white, and red, and can have solid, mottled, or pied feathers.
  9. They are excellent parents and are known for their attentive care of their young.
  10. These birds are sensitive to temperature changes and require a warm, dry environment to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

King pigeons are very beautiful and amazing birds. They are very popular and available throughout the world. They are mainly used for squab production and exhibition purpose. But they are also very good for raising as pets.

Popularity of this fantastic pigeon breed is increasing gradually, and that’s why many people are asking numerous questions about these birds. However, here we are trying to list the most common questions about this breed of domestic pigeon, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What are king pigeons used for?

Mainly squab production and exhibition. King is a very common and popular breed of domestic pigeon which is very good for squab production purpose.

Are King pigeons good pets?

YES, sure! They make great pets because they are calm, sweet, sweet and full of personality.

Can king pigeons fly?

YES, they can fly to some extent, but they are not good flyers.

What is the price of king pigeon?

$100-$200. But their price can vary from place to place and also depends on numerous factors. Please search your local classified websites for more information.

Can you eat king pigeon?

YES, the breed is raised mainly for squab production, for meat consumption purpose.

How long do king pigeons live?

Average lifespan of these pigeons is around or upto 20 years.

Are King pigeons homing pigeons?

NO, they are not good fliers and generally stay within their area. They are larger than both feral and homing pigeons. They are mostly used for squab production.

How big is a king pigeon?

King pigeons are the largest among all pigeon breeds. Their average live body weight of a king pigeon is around 570 grams. But some birds can rich as much as 900 grams or even more.

Any king pigeon for sale near me?

Please search your local online classified websites.

Is king pigeon meat good?

YES, meat from these pigeons is of very good quality.

What are the color varieties of king pigeons?

King pigeons come in a wide variety of colors. They are found in brown, white and silver-black colors. Some birds are even found in brownish-gray, yellow or even red.

How rare is a king pigeon?

Currently, they are not rare and they are quite common and found in many countries around the world.

Is king is the biggest pigeon?

NO, there are other pigeons available which are larger in size than the kings.

What is the biggest type of pigeon?

The Blue Crowned pigeon also known as the Western Crowned pigeon is the largest pigeon in the world.

What are the main king pigeon facts?

Body of these pigeon is quite round in shape and they have been bred in many colors and patterns. Their average body weight is around or up to 570 grams. But some birds can reach as high as 900 grams or even more.

How can you tell a king pigeon?

They are easily identified from other breeds of domestic pigeon. They are very large in size and some birds can reach 900 grams or even more body weight.

3 thoughts on “King Pigeon”

  1. I am wondering if my female is just a regular white pigeon. I for sure have a Show King male, as he is much larger than the female. They haven’t produced any babies or eggs together and I have growing concerns that he is too large for her as she may be egg bound. They are in love and have been breeding for over a month now. Still no eggs. Should I take her to an avian Vet or assume that one of the birds has been sterilized? i adopted the male from a local shelter. I bought the female from a local breeder.

  2. Leonard Borchers

    Hi, my name is Leonard and I’m in a jam with my daughter. I work for the NYC Parks Department and found a show king pigeon in one of my parks about 2 years ago. It has passed now and my daughter who I gave it to was took it very hard, so I promised her another one. Can you send me a price for a show king pigeon maybe a pair. Thanks for any help.

    1. Hi! Not sure if it’s too late, but if you’re still looking for a pigeon for your daughter you might want to consider adopting from a rescue like Palomacy. I know they have a lot of lovely kings in need of a good home; I adopted one from them myself. The adoption fee is only $10 with them, and if you’re not too concerned with a “perfect”, show/meat quality bird that might be a really good option! They also have a couple bonded pairs, who would love to be adopted together!

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