Differences Between Male And Female Quail

Telling the differences between male and female quail is fairly easy. But the birds need to be over 3 weeks of age. After their 3 weeks of age they will have enough adult feathers to make the distinction.

There are many quail breeds available, but the differences in gender are generally the same in all quail.

Why Is Identifying the Differences Between Male And Female Quail Important?

Identifying the differences between male and female quail is very important. Doing it helps us take good care of them. Just like how boys and girls are different, male and female quails also have their own special traits.

Knowing if a quail is a boy or a girl helps to provide the right kind of food and care. Also, when we want to breed quail, it’s useful to have a mix male and females.

differences between male and female quail, how to tell male and female quails, how to determine male and female quails, quail gender determination

How To Tell The Differences Between Male And Female Quail?

Here we are talking about the differences between male and female quail of Pharaoh or Japanese quail. Although the differences in gender are generally the same in all quail.

Way 1. Size of The Birds

First of all look at the size of the quails. The female quails are slightly heavier than the males. Average body weight of the males is between 100 and 140 grams. And the female quail’s average body weight is between 112 and 156 grams.

Way 2. Look at the Breast

You can examine the breast of your birds. It is very easy to tell the differences between male and female quail if you have wild colored quails such as Japanese, Italian and Red Cap quails.

Examine the color and speckles of the quail’s breast. The females generally have light colored breast such as cream or pale brown with brown speckles. But the males have dark-colored breast such as reddish-brown and they will not have speckles.

Way 3. Examine the Underside

In case of certain quail breed, it is pretty tough to tell the differences between male and female quail by the color and pattern. For example, it’s pretty tough to find Texas quail’s gender. In such case you have to examine the underside of the birds.

Hold the quail’s body securely, but don’t hold the bird by it’s legs. Because the quail’s legs are very fragile. Have a gentle but firm grip on your quail, and then turn it upside-down.

And then examine the cloaca. Blow the feathers underneath the tail to expose the cloaca. If you see a small bulge, then it’s a male quail. But if you can’t see a bulge just by looking at the cloaca, place one finger above the opening of the cloaca and put another finger below the opening.

Gently press down, and if a bulge pops up then it’s a male. Foam may also come out of the cloaca when you press it, which also indicates that it’s a male. But if there is no bulge and no foam when you press the cloaca, then the quail is a female.

differences between male and female quail, how to tell male and female quails, how to determine male and female quails, quail gender determination

Way 4. Difference in Behavior

It is also possible to tell the differences between male and female quail by observing their behavior. The male quails are generally more aggressive towards each other, while the females are generally more calm. The male quails will attack each other unless they are kept in a large space with lots of hiding spots.

Way 5. Listen to their Voice

It is also possible to tell the differences between male and female quail by listening their voice. The male quails will often call to the female quails, but sometimes the female has a call that sounds similar in some breeds of quails.

The males generally call a lot during mating season, and they are loud. Males have a characteristic crow best described as a clicking castanet. And the males will crow through the night during the mating season for attracting the females. The female quails chirps but do not crow.

Way 6. Observe the Birds During the Mating Season

You can also observe your birds during their mating season. The females generally build the nest for laying eggs. But in some varieties the males also build the nest. So you should not rely on this method for determining the gender of the birds.

differences between male and female quail, how to tell male and female quails, how to determine male and female quails, quail gender determination

These are the common tricks of telling the differences between male and female quail. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck and may God bless you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People ask many questions about the differences between male and female quail. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about the differences between male and female quail, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

How can you tell the difference between a male and female quail?

You can tell the differences between male and female quail easily by their physical appearance. For example, the adult California male quails are rich gray and brown, with a black face outlined with bold white stripes. On the other hand, the female California quails are a plainer brown and lack the facial markings. And both males and females have a pattern of white, creamy, and chestnut scales on the belly.

Do male and female quail sound different?

Yes, you can tell the differences between male and female quails by their sound. The male quails generally will be loud and call a lot during mating season. And the male quails will often call to the female quails but sometimes the female has a call that sounds similar in some breeds of quails.

Are female quails larger than males?

Yes, the female quails are generally much larger in size and are slightly heavier than the male quails. So, you can tell the differences between male and female quail simply by looking at their size.

Why does my male quail keep crowing?

Males will make chuntering sounds to call females over for food and they will crow. It depends on the quail as to how loud that crow is. Some have very soft, gentle crows whereas others belt them out.

What color are male quails?

Color of male quails can vary from breed to breed. For example, the male Gambel’s have a bright rufous crest, chestnut flanks striped with white, and creamy belly with black patch.

What color are female quails?

Color of female quails can vary from breed to breed. For example, the female Gambel’s are grayer than the males, and lacking the strong head pattern.

What does a female quail look like?

Depends on the breed or variety of quail you are raising. For example, the female California quails are a plainer brown and lack the facial marking. They have a pattern of white, creamy and chestnut scales on the belly.

Do quails mate for life?

Gambel’s quail are thought to be a monogamous species meaning that they keep the same mate throughout their lives.

Do male and female quails stay together?

Yes, both male and female quails generally stay together.

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