Bighead Carp Fish Farming Business Plan

Bighead carp fish farming in freshwater pond is popular, especially in the areas where it is available. Some countries such as China, Taiwan, Iran, Laos, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Myanmar have reported a production of over 1000 tonnes.

Commercial bighead carp fish farming was first initiated in the areas along Yangtze River and Pearl River in the southern part of China (much later than the culture of common carp fish).

And according to historical record, the beginning of commercial bighead carp fish farming was closely related to the will of the current governor.

The bighead carp fish is actually a eurythermic fish, being able to tolerate water temperatures of 0.5°C to 38°C. And it’s very suitable for farming in freshwater pond around the south Asian countries. Naturally in China, the bighead carp fish inhabits in lakes, rivers and reservoirs.

The bighead carp fish generally dwell in the upper level of the water and prefers high fertility water with abundant natural food. And a pond with abundant natural food is very suitable for commercial bighead carp fish farming business.

However, commercial bighead carp fish farming is very profitable and it can become a very good business idea for the unemployed educated people. Costs are relatively less and profits are very high in this business.

How to Start Bighead Carp Fish Farming

Starting bighead carp fish farming business commercially is very easy. Even the beginners can also start this business easily. Here we are describing more information about starting commercial bighead carp fish farming business.

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Site Selection

You have to select a very good site for starting commercial bighead carp fish farming business. The selected site must have to be free from all types of noises and pollution.

And also consider availability of full sun while selecting site. Because availability of full sun helps in natural food production. Although you can start bighead carp fish farming business in your existing pond.

Pond Construction & Size

After selecting a site, you have to construct a pond. Natural ponds are considered good for bighead carp fish farming business. So try to construct a natural pond either by using machine or by manual labor.

Plastic or smaller sized concrete ponds are not good for commercial production. And having a pond of around one acre land will be very good for starting commercial bighead carp fish farming business.

Pond Preparation

You have to prepare the pond perfectly for bighead carp fish farming business. The bighead carp fish generally prefer natural foods, so you have to apply both organic and inorganic fertilizers into it for stimulating natural food production. And also sterilize the pond by applying lime into it.

Seed Collection

The bighead carp fish seeds are easily available in most of the areas where it is available. So you can collect seeds from any of your nearest hatcheries. Please contact an aquaculture specialist or your nearest fisheries institute for learning more about the availability of seeds.

Rearing the Fingerlings

The bighead carp fish fingerlings are not suitable for stocking directly into the pond. So you have to raise them in the nursery pond until they reach around 13 to 15 cm body length.

Stocking in the Main Pond

You can stock the fingerlings in the main pond when they reach around 13 to 15 cm body length. The bighead carp fish are generally stocked with other carp fish species. And you can stock a total of around 20,000 to 25,000 fish in an one acre pond.


The bighead carp fish are filter-feeders and they generally take food from the upper level of the pond. They are generally fed on plankton and detritus strained from the water with their closely set gill rakers. As compared to silver carp fish, these fish eat larger plankton (including zooplankton and algae).


Both selective and total harvesting are practiced for harvesting bighead carp fish. Several nettings are generally carried out before total drain-down of the pond.


The bighead carp fish are generally sold live or fresh in the market. So you have to send the fish in the market immediately after harvesting.

Commercial bighead carp fish farming business is very profitable and it requires less time and investment. So you can easily start this business commercially. Good luck & may God bless you!

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