Golden Cascade Duck

The Golden Cascade duck is a dual purpose breed of domestic duck originating in the United States. The breed was developed by David Holderread of Corvallis, Oregon in 1979. David Holderread wanted to create such a breed that was active, good egg layer and fast growing.

The Golden Cascade duck was first introduced to the market by the mid 1980s, probably in the year of 1984 as a dual purpose breed.

The breed was named for it’s golden hue and for the prominent Cascade Range of the Northwest. It is raised mainly for it’s eggs production and also as a backyard bird.

But the breed is not yet admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection. Review more information about the Golden Cascade duck below.

Golden Cascade Duck Characteristics

The Golden Cascade duck is a medium weight domestic breed of duck. They are known for the red tinge prominent on their head. The drakes have Satin green or Bronze heads and yellow beaks. Their breasts are reddish and have white underbodies.

The throat of the drakes can turn light fawn and they have white ring on their necks. On the other hand, the Golden Cascade duck (female) has Buff or Fawn plumage and orange beaks with brown markings.

Older Golden Cascade drakes can molt to a fawn or buff that covers the head and body. But the younger, or first year birds have a chestnut chest with the classic Golden buff to white shoulders, sides and belly.

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Gender of the Golden Cascade ducklings are easily determined by their down color. The ducklings with darker brown color are males and lighter brown colored ducklings are females. Average body weight of this duck is about 2.7 to 3.6 kg. Photo from Wikipedia.


Golden Cascade ducks were developed mainly as a dual purpose breed. And they are suitable for both meat and eggs production. Today they are raised as laying birds and also popular as backyard birds.

Special Notes

Golden Cascade duck is an active and a fast growing duck breed. It is a good egg layer and also a good meat duck breed. Usually the ducks lay well from January through August. Then take a few weeks off and start again till the end of the season.

Spring ducklings will often begin laying eggs in the fall. They are good as backyard birds and also make good pets. Review full breed profile of this duck breed in the following chart.

Breed NameGolden Cascade
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeDual Purpose
Special NotesActive, Docile, Fast Growers
Breed ClassMedium


About 3.6 kg
DuckAbout 2.7 kg
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Egg ColorWhite
Egg SizeLarge
Egg WeightUp to 75 grams
Egg ProductivityMedium
Flying AbilityPoor
Country of OriginUnited States

Interesting Facts about Golden Cascade Ducks

Ducks are fascinating creatures and they are very interesting also. Among the most common available duck breeds, the Golden Cascade Duck stands out as a unique and captivating breed. Here we are trying to list the top interesting facts about these ducks.

1. Origins of the Breed

Golden Cascade Ducks originated in the United States, specifically in the state of Oregon. They were developed by Dave Holderread, a renowned waterfowl breeder, in the 1970s.

Holderread aimed to create a domestic duck breed that would be excellent for both meat and egg production while maintaining a captivating appearance.

2. A Heritage Breed

Golden Cascade Ducks are considered a heritage breed, which means they have historical significance and were bred for specific purposes before the rise of industrial agriculture. They have good value in their native area.

3. Distinctive Plumage

One of the most striking features of Golden Cascade Ducks is their distinctive plumage. They have beautiful golden feathers that shimmer in the sunlight, making them a favorite among duck enthusiasts and breeders. They are very beautiful and many people love them mainly for their beauty.

4. Dual-Purpose Ducks

Golden Cascade are ducal-purpose ducks and they are known for their versatility. They are excellent egg layers, and the ducks are capable of producing up to 200 to 300 large white eggs annually, and are also prized for their flavorful meat.

5. Friendly Disposition

These ducks are also known for their friendly and docile disposition. They are often chosen as pets because of their gentle nature and adaptability to human interaction.

6. Excellent Foragers

These ducks are skilled foragers and are adept at finding their food in the wild. They will happily graze on plants, insects, and small aquatic creatures.

7. Cold-Hardy Ducks

Golden Cascade are very cold-hardy ducks and they are well suited to colder climates. Their thick plumage provides insulation, allowing them to thrive in regions with harsh winters.

8. Unique Bill

Their bills have a unique feature that sets them apart from other duck breeds: they are slightly upturned, making them efficient at foraging in shallow water.

9. Limited Breed Numbers

Despite their unique qualities, Golden Cascade Ducks are considered a rare breed, with a relatively small population. Conservation efforts have been made to preserve and promote these ducks.

10. Conservation Efforts

Due to their status as a rare breed, several conservation organizations and breeders are actively working to preserve the genetic diversity of Golden Cascade Ducks.

11. Great Brooding Abilities

These ducks are known to be good mothers. They exhibit strong maternal instincts and are excellent at incubating and caring for their ducklings.

12. Vibrant Vocalizations

These ducks are not particularly loud, but they do produce soft quacks and various vocalizations that add to their charm.

13. Caring These Ducks is Easy

Golden Cascade are relatively low-maintenance ducks, making them an ideal choice for novice poultry keepers. They require access to water for bathing and foraging, as well as a safe shelter at night.

14. Adaptability

Golden Cascade Ducks adapt well to both free-range and confined living conditions, making them a suitable choice for various poultry farming setups. They are often displayed in poultry exhibitions and fairs because of their stunning plumage and distinctive appearance.

15. Unique Egg Color

The eggs of Golden Cascade Ducks are large and white, which contrasts with the typical white or cream-colored eggs of other duck breeds.

16. Natural Pest Control

Foraging habits of these ducks make them effective at controlling pests in your garden or pond, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

Best Tips for Raising Golden Cascade Ducks

Raising Golden Cascade Ducks is just like raising any other duck breeds, it’s very easy and simple. You can easily raise these ducks even if you are a beginner. However, here we are going to share some tips for raising thse beautiful ducks.

1. Purchase Healthy Ducklings

When starting your Golden Cascade Duck flock, select healthy ducklings from a reputable breeder or hatchery. Ensure they are at least a few days old and have been properly vaccinated. It will be better if you can purchase from your local hatcheries or suppliers.

2. Make A Good Shelter

Like most other ducks and poultry birds, the Golden Cascade Ducks also need a secure shelter to protect them from predators and harsh weather.

Ensure the coop or duck house is well-ventilated, clean, and offers protection from rain, wind, and cold temperatures.

3. Offer Clean Bedding

Provide clean bedding in the shelter, such as straw or wood shavings. Replace it regularly to maintain a dry and comfortable living environment for your ducks.

4. Create a Secure Enclosure

Ducks are vulnerable to predators like foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. Use sturdy fencing and wire mesh to create a safe outdoor enclosure to allow your ducks to roam during the day while keeping them protected.

5. Ensure Adequate Space Per Bird

Providing adequate space per bird is very important. Provide your birds with at least 4-5 square feet of indoor space and 10-15 square feet of outdoor space per duck. Overcrowding can lead to stress and health issues.

6. Ensure Enough Fresh Water

Ducks require access to clean and freshwater at all times. Invest in a sturdy waterer that can’t be easily tipped over or contaminated with dirt.

Ducks tend to make a mess with their water, so be prepared to change it regularly to prevent contamination and maintain hygiene.

7. Ensure Proper Nutrition

Good quality and nutritious food is the key to good health of your ducks. So, always try to feed your ducks a balanced diet.

A commercial duck pellet or mash, supplemented with leafy greens, cracked corn, and insects, will keep them healthy and productive.

Avoid overfeeding your ducks, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems. Follow recommended feeding guidelines based on age and activity level.

8. Feeding Schedule

Ensure your ducks have access to food throughout the day. Ducks tend to eat small amounts frequently, so provide a constant supply of food.

9. Use Grit for Digestion

Ducks lack teeth, so they need grit (small stones or pebbles) to aid in digestion. Offer poultry grit in a separate container, allowing them to consume it as needed.

10. Foraging is Good for Them

Golden Cascade Ducks are excellent foragers. Encourage their natural behavior by providing a space for them to search for insects, plants, and small aquatic creatures.

11. Provide Fresh Greens

Include leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale in their diet. These greens offer essential vitamins and minerals while adding variety to their meals.

12. Perform Regular Health Check-ups

Schedule routine check-ups with a poultry veterinarian to monitor the health of your ducks and to address any concerns promptly. If you are raising poultry birds for a long time then you will be able to do this of your own.

13. Observe Your Duck’s Behavior

Pay attention to your ducks’ behavior. Any sudden changes, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual vocalizations, could indicate illness.

14. Protect from Extreme Temperatures

Provide shade and cool water to prevent heat stress in hot weather. In cold weather, ensure ducks have a draft-free shelter and access to unfrozen water.

15. Perform Regular Cleaning

Maintain a clean living environment by regularly cleaning the coop or shelter, changing bedding, and removing droppings.

16. Provide Nesting Boxes

If you plan to keep ducks for egg production, provide nesting boxes filled with straw or wood shavings in a quiet, dark corner of the shelter for them to lay their eggs.

17. Caring During Breeding Season

During the breeding season, males can become aggressive. If necessary, separate drakes from ducks to prevent injury.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to Golden Cascade Ducks. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this duck breed. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What are Golden Cascade Ducks?

Golden Cascade Ducks are a domestic duck breed known for their beautiful golden plumage, friendly temperament, and dual-purpose qualities.

Where do Golden Cascade Ducks originate from?

Golden Cascade Ducks were developed in the United States, specifically in Oregon, in the 1970s.

What is the purpose of raising Golden Cascade Ducks?

Golden Cascade Ducks are raised for their meat and egg production, making them a dual-purpose breed.

What do Golden Cascade Ducks look like?

They have striking golden-colored feathers and slightly upturned bills. They are medium-sized ducks with a distinctive appearance.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks good for beginners?

Yes, they are known for their docile nature, making them suitable for novice poultry keepers.

How many eggs do Golden Cascade Ducks lay per year?

They can lay between 200 to 300 large white eggs annually.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks good foragers?

Yes, they are skilled foragers and enjoy grazing on plants, insects, and small aquatic creatures.

How long do Golden Cascade Ducks live?

With proper care, Golden Cascade Ducks can live for 5 to 10 years or even longer.

What should I feed my Golden Cascade Ducks?

A balanced diet of commercial duck pellets or mash, supplemented with greens, corn, and insects, is ideal.

How should I provide water to my ducks?

Ducks need access to clean, freshwater at all times. Use a sturdy waterer that can’t be easily tipped over.

What type of shelter do Golden Cascade Ducks require?

They need a secure and well-ventilated shelter to protect them from predators and harsh weather conditions.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks cold-hardy?

Yes, they have thick plumage and are well-suited to colder climates.

Can Golden Cascade Ducks be kept in urban areas?

Yes, they can adapt to various living conditions, including urban environments, as long as you provide proper care and space.

Do they require a pond or water source?

While they enjoy water for bathing and foraging, they can be raised without a pond, provided they have access to clean water for drinking.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks noisy?

They produce soft quacks and vocalizations but are generally not as loud as some other duck breeds.

How can I protect my ducks from predators?

Use secure fencing and wire mesh to create a safe outdoor enclosure and provide a well-protected shelter.

Can Golden Cascade Ducks be raised for meat production?

Yes, they are valued for their flavorful meat, making them a good choice for meat production.

What is the ideal temperature range for Golden Cascade Ducks?

They can tolerate a wide temperature range, but providing shelter and fresh water is essential in extreme weather.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks broody?

Yes, they are known to be good mothers and can be broody, meaning they will incubate and care for their ducklings.

Do they need any special care during the breeding season?

Monitor drakes (males) for aggressive behavior during the breeding season and consider separating them from the ducks if needed.

Are there any specific health concerns with Golden Cascade Ducks?

Like all ducks, they are susceptible to common duck diseases, so regular health checks are advisable.

Can I keep other duck breeds with Golden Cascade Ducks?

Yes, they can coexist with other duck breeds as long as they have enough space and resources.

Do Golden Cascade Ducks need grooming or feather maintenance?

They are generally low-maintenance in terms of grooming, but providing a clean environment will help keep their plumage in good condition.

Are there any organizations dedicated to Golden Cascade Duck preservation?

Yes, there are conservation efforts to protect and promote the breed’s genetic diversity.

Can I raise Golden Cascade Ducks in a backyard setting?

Yes, they are suitable for backyard poultry keeping, provided you have the necessary space and shelter.

Are Golden Cascade Ducks prone to any specific diseases?

While they can be susceptible to common duck diseases, regular vaccination and good hygiene can help prevent many health issues.

What should I feed Golden Cascade Ducklings?

Ducklings require a high-protein starter feed until they are a few months old, then transition to a balanced duck diet.

How do I introduce new ducks to an existing flock?

Gradually introduce new ducks to the flock, ensuring they have a separate space within the enclosure initially.

Can Golden Cascade Ducks fly?

They are not strong fliers and are generally considered flightless, but they can flutter short distances.

Are there any local regulations or restrictions on raising ducks?

Check local ordinances and regulations regarding poultry keeping, as some areas may have restrictions on the number of ducks you can keep.

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