Pangasius Fish

The Pangasius fish or Pangas catfish or Pangasius pangasius is a species of shark catfish. It is native to fresh and brackish waters of Southern Asian countries. And it is highly available in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan. It has also been introduced to Cambodia and Vietnam.

Pangas fish is relatively cheap as compared to many other common fish species available in the market. This fish can grow to a standard length of 3 meters. It is a riverine catfish, belonging to the members of the family Pangasidae and it exhibits fast growth when raised in a good environment.

Pangasius is a very popular fish species among the Vietnamese for a very long time. This fish is being exported to over 100 nations from Vietnam with principle markets in Europe, Russia and the United States. Currently, demand of Pangasius fish is high and expected to go up.

Pangas fsih has a range of different qualities that make this fish a suitable candidate for commercial fish farming business. Production methods such as hormone induced spawning have allowed Pangasius aquaculture to develop rapidly and for the fish to become a globally important product.

Pangas fish is highly popular throughout the world mainly because of it’s relatively low cost, mild flavor and delicate texture. In the meantime, commercial Pangas fish farming in Vietnam and additional production by countries such as China have led to the marketing of Pangasius filets at low prices.

Pangasius Fish Full Information

Pangas or Pangasius fish is mostly found in freshwater. It can also live in salt concentrations of around 0.7 percent – 1 percent and alum water (PH >5) which can be tolerated at temperatures of around 30°C.

Growth rate of Pangas fish is relatively rapid and it can live in the wild for as long as 20 years. This fish reach about 10-12 cm long and 14-15 grams in weight after around 2 months during breeding.

These fish can reach between 0.8 and 1.1 kg after 6-8 months of age in commercial farming pond. And they reach around or up to 25 kg body weight in farming pond by the age of 10.

Classification of Pangas Fish

SpeciesP. pangasius
Scientific NamePangasius pangasius

Physical Characteristics

Body of the pangas fish is elongated and laterally compressed. Upper surface of head is unpolished and snout obtusely rounded. Upper jaw of these fish is longer than the lower jaw and mouth gape is moderate.

There are two pairs of barbels present. Their dorsal spine is serrated anteriorly, and pectoral spine comparatively strong than the dorsal spine and serrated interally. Lateral line is complete and caudal fin is deeply forked.


Color of the side of their head contains golden tinge, and color on the abdomen is silvery. Above the lateral line is whitish grey color, and there are silvery purple on flanks and yellowish green/dark on back.

Mature body length of the pangasius fish can be around or up to 2 meters. And a 10 years old fish can reach around or up to 25 kg body weight in farm condition.


Pangas is not only a carnivorous fish species but also voracious. They feed on decaying animal and vegetative matter. It shows predatory on snails on other mollusks in rivers.


Pangasius fish mainly breeds in estuary during the rainy season. The females can produce up to 80,000 eggs/kg and can be spawned several times. Males and females grow at similar rates, with the reproduction temperature between 26°C and 28°C.

The spawning period of the pangasius fish is between February October, with the age of physical maturity known to be 3 to 3.5 years.


The pangasius is used as food fish in it’s native area (India, Bangladesh, Vietnam etc.). Today, this is highly available throughout the world and very popular as food.

Pangasius fish is a very common and popular fish throughout the world. Commercial production of this is a profitable business and you can make a very good amount of profits from this business. Good luck & may God bless you!

Frequently Asked Questions

People ask many questions about Pangas fish. Here we are listing the most common questions about this fish species, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is Pangas fish farming profitable?

Yes, commercial production of Pangas fish is a very profitable business. These fish grow faster and generally require less caring and other management. Even the beginners can start this business. If there is good demand of this fish in your local market, then you can start this fish farming business.

How to start Pangasius fish farming business?

Starting commercial production of Pangasius fish is relatively easy and simple. First of all, select a very good location, then make a pond, stock fish in the pond, feed your fish with good quality and nutritious food, provide required medicine and always try to take good care of your fish.

Is Pangasius fish healthy?

Yes, Pangasius is a healthy fish. It is a healthy choice for the people who pay special attention to a healthy diet. Pangasius is rich in protein and it is an excellent source of Omega 3. Human body needs unsaturated fats to stay healthy, and the flesh of Pangasius fish is a perfect source for that. It helps the blood flow and maintains good heart health.

Is Pangasius fish edible?

Yes, Pangasius is an edible fish species. It is actually among the most consumed fish species in the world (especially in Europe).

Is Pangasius a freshwater fish?

Yes, Pangasius is a freshwater fish species.

Is Pangasius a catfish?

Yes, Pangasius is a genus of medium-large to very large shark catfishes. It is native to freshwater in South and Southern Asian countries.

Is Pangas fish good for heart?

Yes, Pangas is a good fish. It helps to prevent heart and cardiovascular diseases.

What is Pangasius fish called in India?

The Pangasius fish is called as ‘Pangas’ or ‘Basa‘ in India.

Is Pangasius fish tasty?

Yes, Pangasius is a tasty fish species. The flavor is similar to cot, but the texture is much firmer. This fish has a fatty taste and is well suited to breadcrumbs or batter.

Does Pangasius fish have bones?

The Pangasius fillets found in the market have no bones or skin.

Why is pangas fish cheap?

Pangas fish is very cheap because it is cheap to grow and harvest. As their production costs are less, so they are comparatively cheap.

Where is Pangas fish found in India?

Pangas fish is found and cultured in many states in India.

What do Pangasius eat?

Many people think that Pangasius fishes are real carnivores that predominantly eat fish. The truth is that Pangasius are more like herbivores, as they have a plant-based diet for 92%. Their diet consists mainly of rice bran, vegetables, soybean meal and similar feed.

Is Pangasius a saltwater fish?

No, Pangasius is not a saltwater fish, rather it is a freshwater fish.

How fast do Pangasius grow?

The Pangasius fish grow relatively faster. They generally reach between 150 to 659 grams in just 74 days.

Is Pangasius fish farmed?

Yes, Pangasius is a very popular fish species raised in commercial aquaculture.

Can pangasius fish live in cold water?

Pangasius do not tolerate water temperatures below 14°C for long periods of time.

What are the physical characteristics of Pangasius fish?

Body of the pangas fish is elongated and laterally compressed. Upper surface of head is unpolished and snout obtusely rounded. Upper jaw of these fish is longer than the lower jaw and mouth gape is moderate. There are two pairs of barbels present. Their dorsal spine is serrated anteriorly, and pectoral spine comparatively strong than the dorsal spine and serrated interally. Lateral line is complete and caudal fin is deeply forked. Color of the side of their head contains golden tinge, and color on the abdomen is silvery. Above the lateral line is whitish grey color, and there are silvery purple on flanks and yellowish green/dark on back. Mature body length of the pangas fish can be around or up to 2 meters. And a 10 years old fish can reach around or up to 25 kg body weight in farm condition.

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