Old German Owl Pigeon: Color, Caring, Lifespan, Price

The Old German Owl pigeon (German: Altdeutsches Mövchen) is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Germany. It is the originator of the short faced German Shield Owls. Due to it’s resemblance to the silver gull in color and markings, it was the first breed in Germany to be called Mövchen (“Little Gull”).

The Old German Owl pigeon breed was again formally recognized in Germany in 1956, but the first official standard was not adopted in Europe until 1960. The standard was adopted by the National Pigeon Association of America in 1999. Many color variants of this breed are available.

And currently the breed is common in it’s homeland and also available in some other countries throughout the world. Read some more information about this domestic fancy pigeon breed below.

Origin And History Of Old German Owl Pigeon

The Old German Owl pigeon is a distinctive breed of domestic pigeon which is known for its compact body, relatively large head, and prominent, round beak. It was originated in Germany. And the breed has a history dating back to the 19th century. The breed was developed in Germany through selective breeding for its unique appearance and qualities. The name “Owl” comes from the bird’s round, owl-like face, with pronounced cheeks and a small beak. The breed has become a popular show pigeon over time, and it is admired for its striking look and friendly temperament.

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Old German Owl Pigeon Physical Characteristics

Old German Owl pigeon is an average sized bird with very beautiful appearance. It has nearly round and broad head with a well arched forehead. These birds have small but full shell crest over their head, closing with rosettes. They have large, bright and lively bull eyes. Cere is light and delicate. Their neck is short, stocky, held proudly and slanting slightly backwards and upright. The throat has a slight dewlap and a well-developed frill.

Their beak is of medium length, broad and light flesh in color, making an obtuse angle with the forehead. The wattle is small and undeveloped. Breast of the Old German Owl pigeon is broad, well rounded and held forward prominently. They have strong wings, lying close to the body, covering the back and resting on the tail.

Their back is broad in the shoulders, becoming narrower toward the tail and sloping downward. Their tail is held tightly together, as short as possible. Their legs are short and the shanks are scarcely visible. Their feet and toes are never feathered. Their feathers are well developed and lying tightly against the body.

Main color and patterns of the Old German Owl pigeon include: ash red, blue, brown, recessive red, checks, spread, and bars in black, red, brown and white and dilutes of these base colors. As a small to medium sized breed, average body height of the mature birds is about 25 cm. And average mature live body weight of the Old German Owl pigeon is between 280 and 360 grams.


Like some other popular pigeon breeds, the Old German Owl pigeons also come in a variety of colors. Its common color shades includes white, black, blue, red, and various other combinations. Many birds have distinct patterns (such as solid colors, checkerboard, or pied markings.


Like keeping other pigeon breeds, the Old German Owl pigeons also require a clean, dry, and spacious loft for comfortable living. Their house or loft should be well ventilated to avoid humidity. Because humidity inside their loft can lead to several health problems. Arrange a safe environment for them with perches, nesting boxes, and sufficient room for movement. And always try to keep their house clean.


Feeding the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is very important for raising these pigeons. So, always try to provide them a balanced diet. The Old German Owl pigeons typically eat a variety of grains such as corn, wheat, barley, and peas. Also provide them with supplements of minerals and vitamins to ensure proper nutrition. Add extra protein to their diet during their breeding season. And always provide your birds with enough clean and fresh drinking water as per their demand.


Like all other pigeon breeds, breeding the Old German Owl pigeon is very easy and simple. These pigeons are also monogamous and usually mate for life. They typically lay two eggs, and both parents share the incubation and feeding duties. Their eggs typically hatch within 17-19 days. Both parents feed the chicks with pigeon milk.


Taking good care of these pigeons is very important. Their common caring process involves regular cleaning of their living space, monitoring any signs of illness or parasites, regular exercise etc. Social interaction with other pigeons is also very important for their mental health. Vaccinate them timely and always keep good contact with a vet in your area.

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Average lifespan of the Old German Owl pigeon is typically between 7 to 10 years.


It is very difficult for us to tell the exact price of these pigeons. Because the price depends on numerous factors such as the bird’s color, quality, and lineage. But they generally cost anywhere between $50 to $200. Price of the higher-end and show-quality birds is much more than the regular birds. Their price also depends on the breeder’s reputation and the bird’s training or pedigree.


Old German Owl pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon. It is raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes.

Special Notes

The Old German Owl pigeon is a calm bird with very good temperament. It seems to be easy-going bird. Although some birds have been described as quiet or even shy. But they can be more active and friendly by copying other tame pigeons in their loft. These birds are usually well regarded for high intelligence combined with a gentle, responsive nature.

The breed is mainly raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes. But it is also very good for raising as pets. Average lifespan of these birds is about 7 to 10 years. However, review full breed profile of these birds in the following chart.

Breed NameOld German Owl
Other NameGerman: Altdeutsches Mövchen
Breed PurposeShow, ornamental and pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, calm, very good temperament, easy-going, friendly, highly intelligent, gentle and responsive nature, good for exhibition purpose, good for ornamental purpose, good for raising as pets
Breed ClassSmall to medium
Weight280 to 360 grams
Climate ToleranceAll climates
Flying AbilityGood
As PetsVery good
Country/Place of OriginGermany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

People ask many questions about Old German Owl pigeon. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about this pigeon breed, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is raising Old German Owl pigeon profitable?

Yes, Old German Owl is a very good breed of domestic pigeon and raising them is highly profitable. Their price is generally very high.

Is Old German Owl pigeon easy to raise?

Yes, Old German Owl pigeon are fantastic birds and raising them is relatively easy.

Are Old German Owl Pigeons good pets?

The Old German Owl is actually a fancy pigeon breed which is raised mainly for ornamental purpose. But they are also very good for raising as pets.

How do you care for a German owl pigeon?

Caring Old German Owl pigeon is relatively easy and simple. Make a good shelter for them and feed them with very good quality food and your birds will be happy. Main diet of these birds include commercial dove and pigeon mix consisting of seeds, cereal, legumes and grains.

What are Old German Owl pigeons used for?

The Old German Owl is a ornamental breed and used mainly for ornamental or show purposes.

How long do German Owl pigeons live?

Average lifespan of the Old German Owl pigeons is typically between 7 and 10 years.

1 thought on “Old German Owl Pigeon: Color, Caring, Lifespan, Price”

  1. We have a German Owl Pidgeon that visits us every day for several hours, and will come to within 30cm of us. It is not ringed, but should we contact local Pidgeon clubs or just leave it be?
    Heather & Gary

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