Red Shaver Chicken: Characteristics & Best 18 Facts

Red Shaver chicken is a dual purpose breed which was developed in Canada. Actually, Canada does not have much chicken breeds, unlike it’s neighbor. Canada has only two chicken breed. One is Chantecler chicken and another is the Red Shaver chicken.

The breed was developed mainly for home or small farms rather than commercial use. Red Shaver is a sex linked chicken breed, which means they can be visually separated after hatching or at a very early age. There is no bantam variety of this chicken breed.

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Red Shaver Chicken Characteristics

These chickens are very beautiful birds. Roosters and hens can be separated easily. Mature hens are of red-brown color with white down and the roosters are white with some red flecking.

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This chicken breed has red colored single comb. Usually the roosters have larger comb than the hens. And the roosters are much beautiful than the hens. They have red colored wattles and earlobes.

Their legs are yellow and featherless. On an average, standard Red Shaver roosters weight about 6 Ibs. and hens about 5.5 Ibs. Photo from BackyardChickens.


These chickens are often considered as calm and quiet birds. They are friendly and are also very hardy breed. As a dual purpose breed, this chicken produce good number of eggs and also good for meat production.

Hens are capable of laying 305-315 eggs a year. They lay large brown colored eggs. If you are looking for a good breed for your small farm, then this chicken breed can be a good choice for you.

Breed NameRed Shaver
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeDual Purpose (Meat & Eggs)
Breed TemperamentCalm, Friendly, Quiet, Hardy
Breed SizeLarge
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Egg ColorBrown
Egg SizeLarge
Egg ProductivityHigh
Feathered LegsNo
Country of OriginCanada

Red Shaver Chicken Facts

The Red Shavers are a hybrid chicken breed, meaning they are created by crossing two different breeds of chickens to produce offspring with desirable traits. Here are some of the best Red Shaver Chicken facts:

  1. Red Shaver Chickens are a hybrid breed created by crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Delaware hen. This crossbreeding produces offspring that are hardy, healthy, and great egg layers.
  2. The Red Shaver Chicken is an autosexing breed, which means that male and female chicks can be easily distinguished by their feather color. Male chicks have white or yellow feathers on their heads, while female chicks have reddish-brown feathers.
  3. Red Shaver Chickens are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities. They can lay up to 300 large, brown eggs per year.
  4. These chickens are medium-sized, with hens weighing between 5-6 pounds and roosters weighing between 6-7 pounds.
  5. Red Shaver Chickens have a calm and friendly temperament, making them great for backyard flocks.
  6. They are known for their hardiness and adaptability, which makes them suitable for a variety of climates and living conditions.
  7. The red color of their feathers is due to the presence of a pigment called pheomelanin.
  8. Red Shaver Chickens are not good flyers and prefer to stay on the ground, making it easier to keep them contained in a backyard or coop.
  9. These chickens are docile and do well in a mixed flock with other breeds of chickens.
  10. The Red Shaver Chicken is a good choice for a beginner chicken keeper due to their hardiness and excellent egg-laying abilities.
  11. They are also a popular choice for commercial egg production due to their high egg-laying capacity and cost-effectiveness.
  12. Red Shaver Chickens have a good feed-to-egg conversion ratio, which means they are efficient at converting feed into eggs.
  13. They are adaptable to a variety of feed types and can be fed a commercial feed, as well as grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  14. These chickens are winter hardy and can tolerate cold temperatures as long as they have access to a dry and draft-free coop.
  15. They are also tolerant of heat and can handle hot temperatures as long as they have access to shade and plenty of fresh water.
  16. Red Shaver Chickens have a moderate broodiness, which means they may occasionally sit on their eggs to hatch them.
  17. They are not known for being noisy and tend to be quiet birds, making them a good choice for urban or suburban backyard flocks.
  18. Red Shaver Chickens have a lifespan of 5-7 years, with hens laying consistently for the first 2-3 years of their lives.
  19. These chickens are a great choice for a backyard flock or commercial egg production due to their excellent egg-laying abilities, hardiness, and adaptability.

Best Tips for Raising Red Shaver Chickens

Red Shaver chickens are a popular breed of chicken known for their ability to lay large, brown eggs consistently. They are also known for their docile temperament and ease of care, making them a popular choice for backyard chicken enthusiasts and commercial farms alike. In this article, we will be discussing 19 tips for raising Red Shaver chickens.

Choose the Right Breed

Before starting to raise Red Shaver chickens, it is important to choose the right breed for your needs. Red Shaver chickens are an excellent choice for those looking for a breed that is easy to care for, docile, and consistent egg layers.

Provide Adequate Space

Red Shaver chickens require adequate space to live and thrive. For backyard flocks, provide a minimum of 2-3 square feet of space per chicken in the coop, and 8-10 square feet of space per chicken in the outdoor run.

Feed a Nutritious Diet

A nutritious diet is essential for Red Shaver chickens to lay high-quality eggs and maintain their overall health. A diet that includes a balanced feed with added protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and clean water is ideal.

Provide Fresh Water

Access to fresh, clean water is crucial for the health of Red Shaver chickens. Ensure that water is changed daily and that waterers are cleaned regularly to prevent contamination.

Keep the Coop Clean

A clean coop is essential for the health of Red Shaver chickens. Regularly remove old bedding and replace it with fresh, clean bedding to prevent the buildup of bacteria and parasites.

Provide Adequate Ventilation

Good ventilation is necessary to prevent the buildup of ammonia and other harmful gases in the coop. Ensure that the coop has windows or vents that can be opened to allow for fresh air to circulate.

Keep the Coop Dry

Wet conditions can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria and parasites, which can cause health problems for Red Shaver chickens. Ensure that the coop is kept dry, and bedding is changed regularly to prevent moisture buildup.

Protect Against Predators

Red Shaver chickens are vulnerable to predators such as foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. Ensure that the coop and outdoor run are secure and that fencing is sturdy and predator-proof.

Provide Enrichment

Red Shaver chickens are intelligent birds that benefit from environmental enrichment. Provide objects such as perches, toys, and dust baths to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Practice Good Biosecurity

Practicing good biosecurity is essential to prevent the spread of disease. This includes measures such as limiting visitors, keeping a clean and sanitary coop, and quarantining new birds before introducing them to the flock.

Monitor for Health Issues

Regularly monitor Red Shaver chickens for signs of health issues, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or changes in behavior. Early detection can prevent the spread of disease and improve the chances of recovery.

Provide Adequate Nesting Boxes

Red Shaver chickens require a quiet and comfortable place to lay their eggs. Provide nesting boxes with clean, soft bedding to encourage them to lay their eggs in the desired location.

Collect Eggs Daily

Collecting eggs daily is important to prevent the eggs from becoming dirty or damaged. Regularly check for eggs in the nesting boxes and remove them promptly.

Practice Proper Egg Handling

Proper egg handling is essential to prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure the eggs are safe to eat. Clean eggs with warm, soapy water and refrigerate them promptly.

Keep a Record of Egg Production

Keeping a record of egg production can help you identify trends and potential issues in the flock. Note the number of eggs laid each day and any changes in egg quality or production.

Provide Calcium Supplements

Red Shaver chickens require calcium to lay strong and healthy eggs. Provide calcium supplements such as crushed oyster shells or eggshells to ensure they are getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Manage Molting

Red Shaver chickens go through a natural process called molting, where they shed their feathers and grow new ones. During this time, egg production may decrease or stop entirely. Manage molting by providing a nutritious diet and minimizing stress in the flock.

Introduce New Birds Carefully

Introducing new birds to the flock can be stressful and disruptive. Introduce new birds slowly and carefully, and monitor them closely for any signs of aggression or illness.

Have a Plan for End-of-Life Care

Red Shaver chickens have a lifespan of 5-7 years. Have a plan for end-of-life care, such as humane euthanasia or a retirement plan for older birds.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related Red Shaver Chickens. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this beautiful chicken breed and trying to answer them. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What do Red Shaver Chickens look like?

Red Shaver Chickens have a red feather color with some white on their tails and wings. They have a medium-sized body with a calm and friendly temperament.

How big do Red Shaver Chickens get?

Red Shaver Chickens are medium-sized, with hens weighing between 5-6 pounds and roosters weighing between 6-7 pounds.

How many eggs do Red Shaver Chickens lay per year?

Red Shaver Chickens can lay up to 300 large, brown eggs per year.

Are Red Shaver Chickens good for meat?

Red Shaver Chickens are primarily known for their excellent egg-laying abilities, but they can also be raised for meat.

What is the lifespan of a Red Shaver Chicken?

Red Shaver Chickens have a lifespan of 5-7 years, with hens laying consistently for the first 2-3 years of their lives.

What is the personality of a Red Shaver Chicken?

Red Shaver Chickens have a calm and friendly temperament, making them great for backyard flocks.

Do Red Shaver Chickens need a lot of space?

Red Shaver Chickens do not require a lot of space and can do well in a small backyard coop.

What is the average price of a Red Shaver Chicken?

The price of a Red Shaver Chicken can vary depending on the breeder and location, but they typically cost between $10-20 per bird.

Are Red Shaver Chickens good with kids?

Red Shaver Chickens are known for their docile temperament and can be great with kids when properly socialized.

How often do Red Shaver Chickens need to be fed?

Red Shaver Chickens need to be fed daily and require access to fresh water and a balanced chicken feed.

Can Red Shaver Chickens free-range?

Red Shaver Chickens can be allowed to free-range, but they are not good flyers and prefer to stay on the ground.

What is the best type of coop for Red Shaver Chickens?

A simple, well-ventilated coop with a secure run is the best type of housing for Red Shaver Chickens.

How do you care for Red Shaver Chickens in the winter?

Red Shaver Chickens are winter hardy and can tolerate cold temperatures as long as they have access to a dry and draft-free coop.

How do you care for Red Shaver Chickens in the summer?

Red Shaver Chickens are tolerant of heat and can handle hot temperatures as long as they have access to shade and plenty of fresh water.

What is the best type of bedding for Red Shaver Chickens?

Straw, pine shavings, or shredded paper are good bedding options for Red Shaver Chickens.

Can Red Shaver Chickens be kept with other breeds of chickens?

Red Shaver Chickens are docile and do well in a mixed flock with other breeds of chickens.

How can you tell the sex of a Red Shaver Chicken?

Red Shaver Chickens are an autosexing breed, which means that male and female chicks can be easily distinguished by their feather color.

Do Red Shaver Chickens need a lot of attention?

Red Shaver Chickens do not require a lot of attention and can thrive with basic care and regular feeding and watering.

Are Red Shaver Chickens prone to any health issues?

Red Shaver Chickens are generally healthy birds, but like all chickens, they can be prone to respiratory infections and mites.

How do you prevent mites in Red Shaver Chickens?

Regular cleaning and dusting of the coop, as well as treating the birds with an appropriate pesticide, can help prevent mites in Red Shaver Chickens.

What is the best way to introduce new Red Shaver Chickens to an existing flock?

It’s best to quarantine new birds for a few weeks before introducing them to an existing flock, and to introduce them gradually to avoid bullying and stress.

How can you keep Red Shaver Chickens from getting bored?

Providing plenty of space, roosts, and toys, as well as allowing them to free-range, can help keep Red Shaver Chickens from getting bored.

Do Red Shaver Chickens need a dust bath?

Yes, Red Shaver Chickens need a dust bath to help keep their feathers clean and healthy.

Can Red Shaver Chickens fly?

Red Shaver Chickens are not good flyers and prefer to stay on the ground, but they can flutter up to a roost or low perch if needed.

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