White Holland Turkey

The White Holland turkey is a very old variety of domestic turkey which was originated from United States. It is known for it’s white plumage, and it was most important white-feathered variety throughout most of American history.

Today it is one of the rarest and most difficult to authenticate varieties despite the illustrious past. During the first half of the 1900s, the White Holland turkey was the only commercial white variety.

Connection of the White Holland turkey to the Netherlands is unsubstantiated, originated from crosses of white European turkeys imported to North America and crossed with the native birds.

The variety was first recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1874. And today it is considered as a heritage turkey breed.

It was crossed with the Broad Breasted Bronze in the 1950s for creating the Broad Breasted White, which is the most common turkey breed throughout the world today.

The White Holland turkey breed is also the base for creating the rare Beltsville Small White turkey breed.

Currently the White Holland turkey is a rare breed and listed as ‘threatened‘ by The Livestock Conservancy in the United States. Read some more information about this turkey breed below.

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History and Origins

White Holland Turkeys are very old birds and they have a rich history that dates back to the early days of American poultry farming. Although the exact origins of the breed are somewhat unclear, it is believed that they were developed in the United States in the early 1800s.

The breed’s name, “Holland,” is thought to be a reference to the Dutch settlers who played a crucial role in the early development of American agriculture.

These turkeys are descendants of European breeds, particularly English turkeys that were brought to America by early settlers.

Over time, selective breeding was used to refine the breed, resulting in the distinctive all-white appearance that White Holland Turkeys are known for today.

Significance of White Holland Turkey in Agriculture

White Holland Turkeys have made significant contributions to the agricultural industry in the United States and beyond. Here are some of the ways in which they have impacted agriculture:

Meat Production: One of the primary reasons for raising White Holland Turkeys is their exceptional meat quality. Their large size and well-developed breast muscles make them ideal for meat production. The meat is known for its tender texture, succulent flavor, and the ability to absorb seasonings and marinades effectively.

Heritage Breed Preservation: White Holland Turkeys are considered a heritage breed, which means they have historical significance and genetic purity. Many organizations and individuals are dedicated to preserving these heritage breeds to maintain genetic diversity within the turkey population.

Sustainable Farming: Raising heritage breeds like White Holland Turkeys can contribute to sustainable farming practices. Their ability to forage for food and adapt to various environmental conditions makes them an excellent choice for small-scale and organic farming operations.

Educational Purposes: White Holland Turkeys are often used in educational programs to teach people about poultry farming and animal husbandry. Their unique appearance and gentle disposition make them ideal candidates for introducing young people to the world of agriculture.

Culinary Delights: White Holland Turkey meat is highly prized in the culinary world due to its excellent flavor and texture. Whether roasted, smoked, or prepared in various other ways, White Holland Turkey is a favorite choice for holiday feasts and special occasions. Here are some culinary highlights:

Thanksgiving Tradition: In the United States, roast turkey is the centerpiece of the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Many families choose White Holland Turkeys for their holiday feasts due to their large size and delicious meat.

Versatile Meat: White Holland Turkey meat is versatile and can be used in a wide range of dishes, from sandwiches and salads to casseroles and soups. Its mild flavor pairs well with a variety of ingredients and seasonings.

Quality Over Quantity: While White Holland Turkeys may not reach the same production levels as some commercial turkey breeds, their emphasis on meat quality over quantity makes them a preferred choice for those who appreciate gourmet dining experiences.

White Holland Turkey Characteristics

The White Holland turkey birds are beautiful birds which are often confused with the Broad Breasted White turkeys.

But the Broad Breasted White turkeys are larger in size than these birds. The White Holland turkeys have smaller sized breast and relatively longer legs. They are completely white in coloration.

Their feathers are snow white and the head is red to bluish. Their beard is black and the beak is pink to horn colored.

Their throat and wattles are pinkish-white. Shanks and toes of the White Holland turkey are pinkish-white, and the eyes are brown.

Average live body weight of the mature tom is around 16.33 kg. And the mature hens on average weight around 9 kg. Photo and info from The Livestock Conservancy and Wikipedia.

1. Physical Characteristics

The White Holland Turkeys are very beautiful birds and large in size. They have distinctive physical characteristics and it’s very easy to identify them.

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One of the most striking features of White Holland Turkeys is their pure white plumage. This snowy-white appearance sets them apart from many other turkey breeds, making them easily recognizable.

Size and Weight: White Holland Turkeys are a large breed, with mature toms (males) weighing between 25 and 35 pounds (11 to 16 kilograms) and mature hens (females) weighing between 12 and 18 pounds (5.4 to 8.2 kilograms).

These impressive sizes make them a popular choice for those seeking substantial poultry meat production. And they are actually among the most popular turkey breed for meat production.

Feather Color: As their name suggests, their feathers are completely white, which is a defining characteristic of the breed. This striking plumage has made White Holland Turkeys a symbol of purity and elegance.

Beak and Wattle: The beaks and wattles of White Holland Turkeys are typically pinkish or whitish in color. Their wattles are fleshy protuberances that hang beneath their beaks and serve as temperature regulators.

Snood: You can easily distinguish the breed by their snood, which is a fleshy appendage that hangs down over the turkey’s beak. The snood can change in size and color depending on the turkey’s emotional state, making it an interesting indicator of their well-being.

Caruncles: White Holland Turkeys also have caruncles, which are small, fleshy growths on their head and neck. These caruncles can be red or pink and add to the turkey’s unique appearance.

Tail Feathers: Their tail feathers are fan-shaped and may have a creamy white hue, which complements their overall appearance.

2. Behavior and Temperament

White Holland Turkeys are known for their calm and gentle temperament, which sets them apart from some more aggressive turkey breeds. They are friendly and generally very easy to raise.

They are social birds that often thrive in flocks, making them relatively easy to raise in a variety of farming environments. You can raise hundreds or even thousands of birds together.

These birds are known to be less prone to aggression, which can be an advantage for those looking to keep a peaceful and harmonious turkey flock. You can easily keep them in your backyard.

While they may be less aggressive, White Holland Turkeys are still active birds. They enjoy foraging for food, scratching the ground, and exploring their surroundings.

Providing them with access to a suitable outdoor environment can help keep them mentally and physically stimulated. And doing this is very important for keeping them healthy and productive.

3. Uses

This turkey breed is raised mainly for meat production. But they are also good for producing eggs. Although they are raised for egg purpose rarely.


Housing for White Holland Turkeys is a critical aspect of their caring. These majestic birds require spacious and well-ventilated houses that protect them from extreme weather conditions.

A well-constructed turkey house or shelter should provide ample space for the birds to move around comfortably while ensuring their safety from predators.

Adequate nesting areas are essential for egg-laying hens, and providing roosting spaces promotes their natural behaviors. Proper sanitation and regular cleaning are also vital to maintain a healthy environment for White Holland Turkeys, as this helps prevent diseases and stress-related issues.

Here are some key factors to consider while designing the ideal turkey house:

1. Size and Space

Turkey birds need enough space and big room to move and express natural behaviors. For White Holland Turkeys, it’s recommended to provide at least 4-5 square feet per bird in the indoor area and more space in outdoor runs. This spacious design ensures that turkeys don’t become stressed or overcrowded.

2. Ventilation

Good ventilation is vital for regulating temperature and humidity within the coop. Adequate airflow prevents the buildup of moisture, which can lead to respiratory issues. Ventilation should be designed to avoid drafts while maintaining fresh air circulation.

3. Nesting and Roosting

Turkeys require designated nesting areas and roosting poles. Nesting boxes should be spacious and lined with clean bedding to accommodate egg-laying hens. Roosts should be sturdy and positioned away from nesting areas to minimize soiling.

4. Flooring

Choose flooring materials that are easy to clean and comfortable for the birds. Options include concrete, gravel, or wooden floors with proper bedding. Regularly replace soiled bedding to maintain hygiene.

5. Lighting

Adequate lighting is essential to stimulate natural behaviors and encourage healthy egg production. Timer-controlled lighting systems can help regulate the birds’ daily routine, especially during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.

6. Security

Predator-proofing is paramount. Install strong locks and barriers on windows, doors, and any other potential entry points. Underground fencing or barriers can deter digging predators like foxes.

7. Hygiene and Cleaning

Establish a strict cleaning routine to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. Remove droppings daily, change bedding regularly, and disinfect the coop periodically. Proper manure management is crucial for overall farm hygiene.


Feeding the birds is a very important part of their care. These birds have specific dietary requirements that must be met to ensure their health and growth.

A well-balanced diet for White Holland Turkeys typically consists of high-quality turkey pellets or feed specially formulated for their nutritional needs. And along with food, it is also important to provide access to fresh, clean water at all times.

Supplementing their diet with grains, greens, and vegetables can add variety and enrichment to their meals. Ensuring that the turkeys receive the right nutrients in the proper proportions is essential for their well-being and productivity, whether they are raised for meat or breeding.

Try to monitor their feed intake regularly and adjust their diet as needed. And doing this will help to keep these birds in optimal health condition. Here are some key components to consider when formulating a turkey feeding plan:

1. Provide High-Quality Turkey Feed

Serve a well-balanced, commercial turkey feed as the foundation of their diet. Look for feeds specially formulated for turkeys, as these provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and protein needed for growth and maintenance.

2. Protein Content

Adequate protein is a crucial component of the turkey diet, especially for young poults and breeding birds. Ensure that the feed you choose contains adequate protein content, typically around 20-28%, depending on the age and purpose of your turkeys.

3. Age-Specific Feeding

Turkeys have different nutritional requirements at various stages of their life. Young poults require a higher protein diet for rapid growth, while adult turkeys can transition to a maintenance diet with slightly lower protein content.

4. Fresh, Clean Water

Access to fresh, clean water is just as important as the right feed. Turkeys can consume significant amounts of water, especially during hot weather. So, try to ensure a constant supply of clean and fresh water to prevent dehydration.

5. Supplementary Foods

While commercial turkey feed forms the basis of their diet, supplementing with grains, greens, vegetables, and kitchen scraps can add variety and enrichment to their meals. However, ensure that these supplementary foods don’t exceed 10% of their total diet.

6. Maintain Regular Feeding Schedule

Establish a consistent feeding schedule, providing food at the same times each day. This helps turkeys anticipate mealtimes and ensures they receive the necessary nutrients regularly.

7. Avoid Overfeeding

Overfeeding can lead to obesity and health issues. Monitor the turkeys’ feed intake and adjust portions as needed to maintain a healthy weight.

8. Monitor Health

Observe your turkeys closely for signs of illness or stress. Changes in appetite, droppings, or behavior can indicate underlying health issues that require attention.

9. Seasonal Adjustments

During extreme weather conditions, adjust feeding practices accordingly. Turkeys may require more feed in cold weather to maintain body heat or additional water in hot weather to stay hydrated.

10. Grit and Calcium

Providing access to grit and calcium sources is important for digestion and eggshell formation in laying hens.


Breeding White Holland Turkeys involves careful selection and management to maintain the breed’s desirable characteristics. Breeders focus on maintaining the breed’s distinctive white plumage, robust body structure, and a friendly disposition.

To initiate breeding, you have to maintain a good ratio of male to female turkeys. Generally, one male bird is enough for every six to eight females.

Breeding programs aim to promote genetic diversity and avoid inbreeding, which can lead to health issues. Nesting boxes are provided for egg-laying hens, and the eggs are collected and incubated for hatching.

A successful White Holland Turkey breeding program starts with the following essentials:

1. Selecting Right Breeding Stock

Choose healthy, genetically sound breeding stock to establish the foundation of your flock. Look for birds that conform to breed standards, with a focus on white plumage, body size, and temperament. Avoid closely related individuals to prevent inbreeding.

2. Ratio of Males to Females

Maintain an appropriate ratio of male to female turkeys. Generally, one male bird is enough for every six to eight females. This ratio ensures a healthy fertility rate without causing undue stress to hens.

3. Nesting and Brooding

Provide suitable nesting areas for egg-laying hens. Nesting boxes should be clean, spacious, and comfortable. When hens begin to lay, collect eggs daily to prevent breakage or accidental incubation.

4. Incubation

You can opt for natural incubation by allowing hens to sit on their eggs, or you can use artificial incubators. Monitor temperature and humidity closely during artificial incubation to ensure successful hatching.

5. Raising Poults

Once hatched, poults require special caring and management. They require a warm and safe environment. Brooders or heat lamps are essential to maintain the appropriate temperature. Ensure they receive a balanced, high-protein diet for healthy growth.

6. Health Care

Implement a robust health management program. Regularly vaccinate and deworm your flock, and provide access to clean water and nutritious feed to maintain optimal health.

7. Keep Records

Maintain detailed records of your breeding program, including mating dates, hatch rates, and any health issues. This information is invaluable for tracking the performance of your flock over time.

8. Breeding for Preservation

If you aim to preserve the White Holland Turkey breed, consider these additional factors:

Genetic Diversity: Avoid overusing a single dominant sire. Rotate males to maintain genetic diversity and prevent genetic bottlenecks.

Selective Breeding: Focus on maintaining breed standards while selecting for desirable traits such as size, conformation, and meat quality.

Participation in Breeding Programs: Collaborate with organizations or clubs dedicated to preserving heritage breeds like the White Holland Turkey. These partnerships can provide valuable resources and support.


Caring for White Holland Turkeys is relatively easy and simple, but it requires attention to their specific needs to ensure their happy life and good health. To ensure the health and happiness of your White Holland Turkeys, consider the following best practices:

1. Adequate Housing

Provide spacious and well-ventilated housing for your turkeys. Protection from extreme weather conditions and predators is paramount. Ensure that coops or shelters are designed to accommodate their roosting, nesting, and scratching behaviors.

2. Proper Nutrition

A well-balanced diet is the foundation of turkey care. Utilize high-quality turkey feed that meets their specific nutritional requirements. Monitor their food intake and supplement their diet with grains, greens, and vegetables to enhance variety and enrichment.

3. Adequate Clean Water

Along with good quality and nutritious feeding, always ensure access to fresh, clean water is critical. Turkeys can consume substantial amounts, particularly in hot weather. Regularly check and clean waterers to prevent contamination.

4. Social Interaction

White Holland Turkeys thrive on social interaction. Ensure they have the company of their fellow turkeys and engage with them regularly to maintain their well-being.

5. Enrichment

Provide opportunities for mental and physical stimulation. Simple toys, access to the outdoors, and novel objects in their environment can keep them engaged and prevent boredom.

6. Health Monitoring

Regularly observe your turkeys for signs of illness, distress, or injury. Changes in behavior, appetite, or droppings can indicate potential health issues that require prompt attention.

7. Preventative Health Care

Implement a preventive health care regimen that includes vaccinations, deworming, and regular vet check-ups. This proactive approach can mitigate the risk of diseases and ensure the long-term health of your flock.

8. Cleanliness and Hygiene

Maintain a clean living environment for your turkeys. Regularly remove droppings and replace bedding to prevent disease and ensure a comfortable space for your birds.

9. Tailoring Care to Individual Needs

It’s important to recognize that each turkey is unique, and their care may need to be tailored to their individual requirements. Factors such as age, health, and purpose (breeding, meat production, or pets) can influence their specific needs.

10. Special Notes

The White Holland turkeys are known for their hardiness. Today they are a rare variety of domestic turkey. They are occasionally seen at poultry shows.

Although these animals are smaller in size but they are more desirable than some of the other larger turkey breeds.

They are mostly docile in temperament, although some birds can be aggressive. The hens lay large sized eggs, and their eggs are pale cream to medium brown in color with spotting.

Important Facts About White Holland Turkeys

White Holland Turkeys have been a part of American agriculture for centuries and have earned their place not only on farms but also on holiday dinner tables. However, here we are trying to list some interesting facts about this American turkey breed.

1. American Heritage

White Holland Turkeys are a distinctly American breed. They originated in the United States in the early 1800s, making them a true symbol of American agricultural heritage. The breed is highly priced and has high demand in the United States.

2. Dutch Influence

Despite their name, White Holland Turkeys aren’t from the Netherlands. The “Holland” in their name is believed to be a nod to the Dutch settlers who played a crucial role in early American agriculture.

3. Heritage Breed

White Holland Turkeys are considered a heritage breed, which means they have historical significance and genetic purity. Preserving these breeds helps maintain genetic diversity in the turkey population.

4. Striking Appearance

These birds are very beautiful with striking appearance. The most defining feature is their pure white plumage, which sets them apart from other turkey breeds. Their feathers are snowy white, and this elegant appearance has made them a symbol of purity.

5. Large Size Birds

White Holland Turkeys are pretty large birds, with mature toms (males) weighing between 25 and 35 pounds (11 to 16 kilograms) and mature hens (females) weighing between 12 and 18 pounds (5.4 to 8.2 kilograms). This large size makes them a popular choice for meat production.

6. Very Good Meat Quality

These turkeys are renowned for their excellent meat quality. Their tender, succulent meat is a favorite for holiday feasts, especially Thanksgiving. The breed is very popular in America mainly for it’s meat quality.

One of the primary purposes of raising White Holland Turkeys is meat production. Their large size and well-developed breast muscles make them an ideal choice for meat enthusiasts.

7. Versatile Meat

White Holland Turkey meat is versatile and can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from classic roast turkey to sandwiches, soups, and casseroles. Its mild flavor pairs well with various seasonings and ingredients.

8. Snood’s Significance

White Holland Turkeys have a fleshy appendage called a snood that hangs down over their beaks. The size and color of the snood can change depending on the turkey’s emotions and health. This also make these birds very beautiful and attractive.

9. Unique Caruncles

The White Holland Turkeys also have caruncles, small fleshy growths on their head and neck. These caruncles can be red or pink and add to their unique appearance.

10. Gentle Temperament

White Holland Turkeys are known for their calm and gentle temperament, setting them apart from more aggressive turkey breeds. They are social birds and often thrive in flocks. They are ideal for raising in the backyard flock.

11. Social Birds

White Holland Turkeys are social birds and do well when raised in groups. This social behavior makes them a preferred choice for those seeking a harmonious turkey flock. You can easily add these birds to your backyard flock.

12. Active Foragers

While gentle, they are active foragers and enjoy scratching the ground and exploring their surroundings. Providing them with access to an outdoor environment is essential for their well-being. Allowing the birds to forage freely is also essential for their good heath and it also influence production.

13. Excellent Roasting Choice

Their meat is particularly well-suited for roasting. The large breast size ensures a generous amount of succulent white meat for holiday feasts.

14. Symbol of Thanksgiving

In the United States, roast turkey is the centerpiece of the traditional Thanksgiving meal. White Holland Turkeys have been a favorite choice for this holiday for generations.

15. Historic Breed Preservation

Efforts to preserve heritage breeds like the White Holland Turkey help protect genetic diversity within the turkey population, ensuring the survival of unique characteristics.

16. Good Choice for Organic Farming

White Holland Turkeys adapt well to various environmental conditions and are excellent foragers. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for small-scale and organic farming operations.

17. Often Used in Educational Programs

These turkeys are often used in educational programs to introduce people, especially children, to the world of agriculture and animal husbandry due to their gentle nature and unique appearance.

18. Dual-Purpose Breed

While primarily known for meat production, White Holland Turkeys can also be raised for their eggs, which can be used for hatching or culinary purposes.

19. Lifespan

White Holland Turkeys typically have a lifespan of 5 to 10 years when well-cared-for, although their primary purpose on farms is meat production. That’s why most of these birds dont reach their full age.

20. Caring Them is Easy

Proper care includes providing them with a balanced diet, access to clean water, shelter, and enough space to roam and forage.

21. Genetic Diversity Maintaining

Efforts are ongoing to maintain and enhance the genetic diversity of White Holland Turkeys, ensuring that future generations continue to enjoy their unique traits and culinary excellence.

However, review full breed profile of this breed in the chart below.

Breed NameWhite Holland
Other NamesBritish White
Breed PurposeMeat
Special NotesKnown for their hardiness, pretty rare today, occasionally seen at poultry shows, smaller in size but are more desirable than some of the other larger turkey breeds, docile temperament, but some birds can be aggressive, large eggs, the eggs are pale cream to medium brown in color with spotting
Breed SizeMedium
TomAround 16.33 kg
HenAround 9 kg
Climate ToleranceAlmost all climates
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

Tips for Raising White Holland Turkeys

Raising White Holland Turkeys is just like raising any other poultry breeds, and it’s very easy to raise them. You can easily keep and care these birds even if you are new in poultry keeping. However, here we are going to share some important tips for raising these beautiful birds.

1. Learn Practically

First of all, try to learn more about turkey farming practically from an existing turkey farmer or breeder. Practical knowledge is very important for raising these birds. So, try to learn more about this business before starting.

2. Make a Business Plan

Making a good and effective business plan is very important for running any business. So, try to make an effective business plan before starting this business. Try to include everything in your business plan from beginning to marketing. Ask for help from an expert if you cann’t make your own business plan.

3. Purchase Healthy Birds

Selecting and purchasing healthy and active White Holland Turkeys is very important. Understand their characteristics, including size, temperament, and meat quality, to ensure they align with your goals.

Consider purchasing birds form your local suppliers or breeders. Try to avoid purchasing birds from market.

4. Provide Them Adequate Space

Provide your birds with enough space to roam and forage freely. Each adult White Holland Turkey should have at least 10 square feet of space in an outdoor run or pasture. Providing them adequate space will help them to stay healthy and productive.

5. Build a Comfortable House

Arranging a very good and comfortable house for your birds is also very important. A good house not only helps to keep the birds healthy, but also helps them to stay secure in adverse weather conditions.

Construct a sturdy and well-ventilated shelter for your turkeys. Ensure it protects them from harsh weather conditions, including rain, wind, and extreme temperatures.

6. Brooder Setup

Setting the brooder perfectly is very important. When raising poults (young turkeys), use a brooder with heat lamps or heat pads to maintain a temperature of around 95°F (35°C) for the first week. Gradually decrease the temperature by 5°F (2.7°C) per week until they are fully feathered.

7. Provide Good Quality Feeds

Providing the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of turkey farming business. So, always try to provide your birds with very good quality and nutritious food.

Provide a balanced diet to your birds which is appropriate for the bird’s age. High-quality turkey starter feed (around 28% protein) is essential for poults, while adults can be transitioned to a lower protein feed (around 16-18%).

8. Ensure Adequate Fresh Water Supply

Clean and fresh water is very essential for raising these birds. So, always ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water. Turkeys can drink a surprising amount, especially in hot weather.

9. Consider Free-Range

Consider allowing your access to free-range areas. This encourages natural foraging, which can supplement their diet and enhance their well-being. It also help to increase the quality of their meat.

10. Observe Flock Dynamics

Observe the dynamics within your turkey flock. Turkeys are social birds, but occasional disputes can occur. Provide enough space and distractions to minimize aggression.

11. Outdoor Enclosure

When allowing your turkeys to range freely, secure the area with fencing to protect them from predators like foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. Doing this is very important for keeping your birds safe and secure.

12. Provide Them Roosting Space

Provide roosting bars in their shelter, as turkeys prefer to perch at night. Ensure that each bird has enough space to comfortably roost.

13. Provide Grit and Oyster Shell

Offer poultry grit to help turkeys digest their food properly. Additionally, provide oyster shell or crushed eggshells as a calcium source for strong eggshells (if you have hens). Both are very essential for good health of the birds.

14. Perform Routine Health Checks

Performing regular health check-ups is very important. Try to regularly inspect your turkeys for signs of illness or injury. Early detection of health issues can make a significant difference in treatment success.

15. Parasite Control

Implement a parasite control program to prevent internal and external parasites. Consult a veterinarian for guidance on appropriate treatments.

16. Preventive Vaccinations

Timely vaccination is very important for the good health and good growth of your birds. Consult with a poultry veterinarian to determine if vaccinations are necessary to protect your turkeys from common diseases like turkey coryza or Marek’s disease.

17. Provide Balanced Diet for Successful Breeding

Successful breeding play a very important role in turkey farming business. If you’re raising White Holland Turkeys for breeding purposes, ensure that breeding pairs receive a well-balanced diet to optimize fertility and egg production. Consult with an expert if you are new in this breeding task.

18. Provide Nest Boxes

If you have breeding hens, provide nest boxes filled with clean straw or hay. This encourages them to lay eggs in a safe and hygienic environment. Nest boxes also provide the birds warmth during cold months.

19. Incubation is Also Important

If you are planning for hatching turkey eggs, invest in a reliable incubator. Follow proper incubation and hatching procedures, including temperature and humidity control. Learn from an expert before using this equipment.

20. Brooding for Poults

When poults hatch, transfer them to a warm brooder with appropriate temperature settings. Provide them with turkey starter feed and fresh water immediately. They generally require much care during this period.

21. Monitor Their Growth

Track the growth of your turkeys to ensure they are developing properly. Keep an eye on their weight, and adjust their diet as needed. Ask for help from an expert and take necessary steps if they are not growing well.

22. Try to Minimize Stress

Turkeys are sensitive to stress, which can lead to health problems. Minimize disturbances, loud noises, and overcrowding in their environment. Making their farm far from residential areas will be very good.

23. Keep Records

Maintain detailed records of your turkey flock, including vaccinations, health checks, and breeding data. This information is valuable for managing your flock effectively.

24. Marketing

This is the most important task of turkey farming business. Your venture will not be profitable if you can’t market your products easily in the market. So, try to determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to White Holland Turkeys. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this turkey breed. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What are White Holland Turkeys?

White Holland Turkeys are a breed of domestic turkey known for their distinctive all-white plumage and excellent meat quality.

Where did White Holland Turkeys originate?

White Holland Turkeys were developed in the United States in the early 1800s, despite their name suggesting a Dutch origin.

What is the average lifespan of White Holland Turkeys?

White Holland Turkeys typically live for 5 to 10 years, depending on their care and environment.

What do White Holland Turkeys eat?

They primarily eat turkey feed, which can vary in protein content depending on their age. They also forage for insects and vegetation when given the opportunity.

How big do White Holland Turkeys get?

Mature toms can weigh between 25 and 35 pounds (11 to 16 kilograms), while mature hens generally weigh between 12 and 18 pounds (5.4 to 8.2 kilograms).

Are White Holland Turkeys good for meat production?

Yes, they are prized for their excellent meat quality and are often chosen for holiday feasts.

Do White Holland Turkeys require special care in cold weather?

Yes, they are susceptible to cold temperatures. Providing a well-insulated shelter and supplementary heat may be necessary in colder climates.

Are White Holland Turkeys easy to raise?

They are known for their calm temperament, making them relatively easy to raise, especially in comparison to more aggressive turkey breeds.

What is the purpose of the snood on White Holland Turkeys?

The snood is a fleshy appendage that can change size and color based on the turkey’s emotional state and health.

Can White Holland Turkeys lay eggs?

Yes, White Holland Turkeys can lay eggs. The eggs are usually large and are used for hatching or culinary purposes.

How many eggs can a White Holland Turkey lay in a year?

A White Holland Turkey hen can lay between 20 to 30 eggs per year.

Do White Holland Turkeys fly?

They are not strong flyers and are primarily ground-dwellers. They may flutter or fly short distances but are not known for their flight abilities.

Are White Holland Turkeys aggressive?

No, they are generally considered to be gentle and have a calm disposition compared to some other turkey breeds.

How do I prevent predators from harming my White Holland Turkeys?

Secure their outdoor enclosure with appropriate fencing and take precautions against predators like foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey.

What is the difference between White Holland Turkeys and Broad Breasted White Turkeys?

White Holland Turkeys are a heritage breed with a smaller breast size, while Broad Breasted White Turkeys have been selectively bred for larger breast meat.

Are White Holland Turkeys good for free-ranging?

Yes, they benefit from access to free-range areas where they can forage naturally and supplement their diet.

What are some common health issues in White Holland Turkeys?

Common health issues can include respiratory diseases, parasites, and injuries. Regular health checks are important for early detection.

What should I feed White Holland Turkey poults?

Young poults should be fed a high-protein turkey starter feed to support their growth and development.

Can White Holland Turkeys be kept as pets?

Yes, some people do keep White Holland Turkeys as pets due to their gentle nature and striking appearance.

What is the incubation period for White Holland Turkey eggs?

The incubation period for turkey eggs is approximately 28 days.

How many poults can a White Holland Turkey hen hatch?

The number of poults hatched can vary, but a turkey hen can typically hatch between 10 to 15 poults per clutch.

What is the best temperature for raising White Holland Turkey poults?

Maintain a brooder temperature of around 95°F (35°C) for poults during the first week and gradually reduce it by 5°F (2.7°C) per week until they are fully feathered.

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