Florida White Rabbit

The Florida White rabbit is a relatively small domestic breed of rabbit. It was created by American Rabbit Breeders Associations Judge Orville Miliken. He created this breed through crossing an albino Dutch, an albino Polish and a small but typical New Zealand White rabbit.

And then through progressive selection and line breeding, he obtained a stain of compact animals. Which is now known as Florida White, and the breed was originally developed in Florida for laboratory purpose. Later, the breed was considered a multipurpose rabbit breed as it was developed for it’s meat and fur.

The Florida White rabbit is small and compact and even their ears and heads are round and sturdy. As the name suggests, the Florida White rabbit breed comes in just a single color variety. And that is a white body with pink color eyes.

The breed is known for it’s all white body without any markings and for it’s albino red eyes. The Florida White rabbit was accepted as a breed by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in the year of 1967.

Florida White Rabbits

The Florida White rabbits are medium sized animals. They have a compact body with firm flesh, small heads, small feet and small bones. They have excellent feed to meat conversion ratio, and a nearly 65 percent meat to bone ratio.

This means the breed is very good for meat production and there is very little waste at processing. Their fur is white with good density and texture. The Florida White rabbits have many similarities with the New Zealand White rabbit.

Actually the Florida White rabbit has New Zealand White ancestry. But the main differences between these two breeds are their size. The New Zealand Whites are considerably larger than the Florida Whites. Both breeds are usually white in color with pink eyes, but occasionally appear in other colors.

Both breeds have same type of ears. And both breeds tend to be calm in terms of personality. Average body weight of the New Zealand Rabbit is about 5 kg, while the Florida White rabbit weights about 1.8 to 2.7 kg.

Physical Appearance

The Florida White rabbit is instantly recognizable for its stunning white coat, which lacks any pigmentation. Its fur is soft, dense, and plush, giving it a velvety texture.

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The breed’s eyes are usually ruby red or pink, adding to its distinctive and charming appeal. These rabbits have compact, well-proportioned bodies, with a medium bone structure and a well-rounded shape.

Size and Weight

The Florida White rabbit is classified as a small to medium-sized breed. Typically, adult rabbits weigh between 4 to 6 pounds (1.8 to 2.7 kilograms). Their compact size makes them an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor living arrangements. Due to their manageable weight, they are relatively easy to handle and care for.


One of the standout characteristics of the Florida White rabbit is its gentle and docile temperament. These rabbits are known for their calm and friendly nature, making them wonderful pets for families, individuals, and seniors alike.

They are generally not prone to aggression and can develop strong bonds with their owners when given proper care and attention. This breed is particularly well-suited for those seeking a loving and affectionate companion.

Health and Lifespan

Florida White rabbits are generally healthy and robust animals, requiring regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and suitable living conditions. With proper care, they can live for an average of 5 to 8 years, although some individuals have been known to exceed this lifespan.

It is important to provide them with a clean and safe environment, regular exercise, and a well-balanced diet to ensure their overall well-being.

Adaptability and Living Conditions

The Florida White rabbit is adaptable to various living conditions, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. Whether kept as a house pet or in a backyard hutch, these rabbits can thrive when provided with a comfortable and secure living space.

It is crucial to protect them from extreme temperatures, predators, and potential hazards. When given sufficient space to roam and explore, they can display their natural curiosity and playful behavior.

Care and Maintenance

To maintain the health and well-being of a Florida White rabbit, certain care and maintenance practices are necessary. This includes regular grooming to keep their fur clean and free from mats, as well as trimming their nails to prevent overgrowth.

Additionally, providing them with a suitable diet comprising hay, fresh vegetables, and high-quality rabbit pellets is essential. Fresh water should always be readily available to keep them hydrated.

Breeding and Reproduction

The Florida White rabbit is a prolific breed, known for its reproductive capabilities. Female rabbits, known as does, can begin breeding at around 4 to 6 months of age.

The gestation period typically lasts around 30 days, after which a litter of 4 to 8 kits (baby rabbits) is born. Responsible breeding practices should be followed, ensuring the health and welfare of both the parent rabbits and their offspring.

Utilization and Show Standards

The Florida White rabbit, with its stunning appearance and gentle temperament, is popular not only as a companion animal but also as a show rabbit. It is recognized as a distinct breed by various rabbit breed associations worldwide.

The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) has established specific show standards for the Florida White rabbit based on their physical characteristics, including fur color, body shape, and eye color.

These standards help judges assess the rabbits during competitions, evaluating factors such as fur quality, body structure, and overall breed conformity.

Popularity and Conservation Efforts

The Florida White rabbit has gained popularity among rabbit enthusiasts and breeders due to its striking appearance and amiable nature. However, it is important to note that this breed, like many others, faces conservation challenges.

Responsible breeding practices, education about their unique qualities, and efforts to maintain genetic diversity are crucial for the preservation of this delicate breed.


The Florida White rabbit breed was originally developed for the laboratory use. But the breed is good for meat production and has a favorable dress out ratio for the consumption. It is also good as pets.

Special Notes

The Florida Whites are usually docile, gentle, good natured and relaxed breed of rabbits. It is generally a very hardy and healthy breed. They usually have a friendly and easygoing temperament. Which makes them ideal as pets and good choice for novice rabbit breeders.

Florida White rabbits have extremely fine bone, offering them a lofty dress out percentage. And this good meat to bone ratio has made them an outstanding meat rabbit breeds.

Florida White does are capable of offering 6-8 kits per litter. The breed has an average lifespan of 5 to 8 years. But they can live longer if properly cared. However review full breed profile of this breed in the chart below.

Breed NameFlorida White
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeRaised as a meat breed. But also suitable for raising as pets.
Breed SizeMedium
WeightAverage body weight is between 1.8 and 2.7kg
Suitable for Commercial ProductionYes
Good as PetsYes
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Color VarietiesWhite
Country of OriginUnited States

Top Interesting Facts about Florida White Rabbits

Florida White rabbits are captivating creatures that have captured the hearts of rabbit enthusiasts worldwide. Known for their striking white fur and gentle nature, these rabbits possess a unique set of qualities that make them fascinating companions.

Here are some of the interesting facts about Florida White rabbits, shedding light on their characteristics, history, and behavior.

1. Origin and History

The Florida White rabbit breed originated in the United States, specifically in Florida. It was developed in the 1960s by a breeder named Orville Miliken. Miliken aimed to create a breed with a purely white coat and a friendly temperament.

2. Pure White Fur

One of the most striking features of the Florida White rabbit is its pure white fur. Unlike other breeds, it lacks any pigmentation, giving it a snowy appearance that is both stunning and unique.

3. Small to Medium Size

Florida White rabbits are classified as small to medium-sized breeds. They typically weigh between 4 to 6 pounds (1.8 to 2.7 kilograms) when fully grown, making them easy to handle and care for.

4. Ruby Red or Pink Eyes

A notable characteristic of the Florida White rabbit is its eye color. Most individuals of this breed have ruby red or pink eyes, which beautifully contrast with their white fur, adding to their distinctive allure.

5. Docile and Gentle Nature

Florida White rabbits are known for their calm and friendly temperament. They possess a gentle nature, making them ideal companions for families, individuals, and seniors seeking a loving and affectionate pet.

6. Excellent with Children

These rabbits are particularly well-suited for households with children. Their docile nature and gentle demeanor make them a great choice as a child’s first pet, promoting empathy, responsibility, and nurturing behavior.

7. Lifespan

On average, Florida White rabbits have a lifespan of 5 to 8 years. However, with proper care and a healthy environment, some individuals have been known to live even longer.

8. Adaptable Living Conditions

Florida White rabbits are adaptable to various living conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. They can thrive in comfortable and secure spaces, provided they are protected from extreme temperatures and potential hazards.

9. Intelligent and Curious

These rabbits exhibit intelligence and curiosity, constantly exploring their surroundings and displaying an inquisitive nature. Providing them with stimulating toys and opportunities for mental and physical exercise is crucial for their overall well-being.

10. Playful and Entertaining

Florida White rabbits have a playful side and enjoy interactive playtime with their owners. They can be taught simple tricks and respond positively to mental stimulation, making them entertaining companions.

11. Low Maintenance Grooming

Due to their short fur, Florida White rabbits require minimal grooming. Regular brushing helps to remove loose hairs and prevent matting, ensuring their coats remain clean and healthy.

12. Cleanliness

Florida White rabbits are naturally clean animals that groom themselves regularly. They have a strong instinct to keep their fur and living spaces tidy, which can be attributed to their ancestral roots as burrowing animals.

13. Social Animals

These rabbits thrive on social interaction and enjoy human companionship. They appreciate spending quality time with their owners, receiving gentle strokes and attention, which helps strengthen the bond between human and rabbit.

14. Vocal Communication

While Florida White rabbits are generally quiet animals, they do exhibit vocalizations to express their emotions. They may make soft purring sounds when content or thumping noises with their hind legs as a warning signal.

15. Herbivorous Diet

Like all rabbits, Florida Whites are herbivores, and their diet should consist mainly of hay, fresh vegetables, and high-quality rabbit pellets. Ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for their overall health and well-being.

16. Dental Health

Proper dental care is crucial for Florida White rabbits. Their teeth grow continuously, and a diet rich in hay helps wear down their teeth naturally. Providing chew toys and occasional treats like apple twigs can also aid in maintaining their dental health.

17. Breeding Prowess

Florida White rabbits are prolific breeders and have a relatively short gestation period of around 30 days. They can produce litters of 4 to 8 kits, and responsible breeding practices are important to ensure the health and welfare of both the parent rabbits and their offspring.

18. Exhibition Standards

The Florida White rabbit is recognized as a distinct breed by various rabbit breed associations and is exhibited in rabbit shows worldwide. These shows have specific standards that evaluate factors such as fur quality, body structure, and breed conformity.

19. Therapy Animals

Due to their gentle nature and calm demeanor, Florida White rabbits are often used as therapy animals. They can provide comfort and emotional support to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers.

20. Agility and Obstacle Courses

Florida White rabbits can excel in agility and obstacle courses. With proper training and positive reinforcement, they can navigate tunnels, jumps, and other obstacles, showcasing their intelligence and physical abilities.

21. Vulnerability to Heat

While these rabbits are adaptable to various climates, they are more susceptible to heat-related stress compared to some other breeds. It is crucial to provide them with shade, fresh water, and a cool environment during hot weather.

22. Conservation Efforts

As with many rabbit breeds, the Florida White rabbit faces conservation challenges. Preservation efforts, responsible breeding practices, and promoting awareness about their unique qualities are crucial for their long-term preservation and genetic diversity.

23. Beloved Companion Animals

Above all, Florida White rabbits are beloved companion animals. Their striking appearance, gentle nature, and adaptability make them cherished pets for individuals and families seeking a loving and affectionate addition to their households.

Best Tips for Raising Florida White Rabbits

Raising Florida White rabbits is relatively easy and simple. These gentle and beautiful creatures make wonderful companions and pets.

Whether you are a first-time rabbit owner or an experienced breeder, it is essential to understand their specific needs and provide them with the best care possible.

Now we are going to explore some helpful tips for raising Florida White rabbits, covering various aspects such as housing, diet, health, and general well-being.

1. Provide a Spacious and Safe Habitat

Ensure that your Florida White rabbit has ample space to move around comfortably. A spacious hutch or enclosure allows them to exhibit their natural behaviors, such as hopping, running, and exploring. Ensure that the habitat is secure, protecting them from predators and providing shelter from extreme weather conditions.

2. Use Appropriate Bedding

Choose safe and comfortable bedding material for your rabbit’s habitat. Opt for options such as straw, hay, or paper-based bedding, which provide insulation, absorb moisture, and promote good hygiene.

3. Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Schedule regular visits to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian to ensure your Florida White rabbit’s health and well-being. Regular check-ups allow for early detection of any potential health issues and help maintain their overall health.

4. Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet is crucial for the health of your Florida White rabbit. Provide them with a high-quality rabbit pellet as the main food source, along with fresh hay and a variety of fresh vegetables. Avoid feeding them foods that are toxic or harmful to rabbits, such as chocolate, onions, and caffeine.

5. Fresh Water

Ensure a constant supply of fresh, clean water for your rabbit. Use a sturdy water bottle or a heavy ceramic dish to prevent spills and contamination.

6. Monitor Food Intake

Keep an eye on your rabbit’s food intake to ensure they are neither overeating nor undernourished. Obesity can lead to health problems, while insufficient food intake can result in malnutrition.

7. Offer Timothy Hay

Timothy hay is an essential part of a rabbit’s diet. It aids in digestion, promotes dental health, and provides mental stimulation. Ensure a constant supply of fresh timothy hay for your Florida White rabbit to nibble on throughout the day.

8. Introduce Vegetables Gradually

When introducing fresh vegetables to your rabbit’s diet, do so gradually. Start with small amounts of rabbit-safe vegetables, such as leafy greens (e.g., romaine lettuce, kale) and herbs (e.g., cilantro, parsley). Monitor your rabbit’s reaction and adjust the diet accordingly.

9. Safe Chewing Options

Rabbits have a natural need to chew to keep their teeth healthy. Provide safe chew toys, untreated wooden blocks, and apple twigs to satisfy their chewing instincts and prevent dental issues.

10. Regular Exercise

Ensure your Florida White rabbit receives regular exercise to maintain physical and mental well-being. Allow them daily supervised time outside of their enclosure to hop, run, and explore in a safe and rabbit-proofed space.

11. Social Interaction

Rabbits are social animals and require companionship and interaction. Spend quality time with your Florida White rabbit, offering gentle strokes, talking to them, and engaging in interactive play to build a strong bond.

12. Introduce Toys and Enrichment

Stimulate your rabbit’s mind and prevent boredom by providing a variety of toys and enrichment activities. Puzzle toys, tunnels, and treat-dispensing toys can keep them entertained and mentally stimulated.

13. Neuter or Spay

Consider neutering or spaying your Florida White rabbit. Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, it can reduce the risk of certain health issues and help manage behavioral problems.

14. Litter Box Training

Litter box training is an essential aspect of raising a Florida White rabbit. Introduce a litter box filled with rabbit-safe litter, such as paper-based or wood pellet litter. Place it in a corner of their enclosure, and encourage them to use it consistently by placing some of their droppings in the litter box.

15. Regular Grooming

Florida White rabbits have short fur, but regular grooming is still necessary to keep their coats clean and healthy. Brush your rabbit gently to remove loose fur and prevent matting. Check their nails regularly and trim them as needed to prevent overgrowth.

16. Maintain a Stress-Free Environment

Rabbits are sensitive animals that can be easily stressed by loud noises, sudden changes, or unfamiliar surroundings. Create a calm and peaceful environment for your Florida White rabbit, providing them with a safe and secure space.

17. Temperature Control

Ensure that the temperature in your rabbit’s environment remains within a safe range. Rabbits are more sensitive to heat than cold. During hot weather, provide shade, proper ventilation, and cooling methods like frozen water bottles or ceramic tiles for them to lie on.

18. Protect from Predators

If you allow your Florida White rabbit outdoor access, it is crucial to protect them from predators. Secure their outdoor enclosure with sturdy fencing, bury the wire to prevent digging, and provide a roof or mesh cover to keep them safe.

19. Introduce New Foods Carefully

When introducing new foods or treats to your rabbit’s diet, do so gradually. Monitor their reaction to new foods and ensure they do not cause any digestive upsets or allergies.

20. Monitor Dental Health

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously, and dental problems can arise if they are not properly maintained. Regularly check your Florida White rabbit’s teeth for signs of overgrowth, misalignment, or dental issues. Consult a veterinarian if you notice any abnormalities.

21. Be Mindful of Toxic Substances

Rabbits are sensitive to many substances that can be toxic to them. Keep household cleaning products, pesticides, and toxic plants out of their reach. Additionally, be cautious of using any medications or products without consulting a rabbit-savvy veterinarian.

22. Socialize with Other Pets

If you have other pets, such as dogs or cats, introduce them to your Florida White rabbit slowly and under supervision. Ensure that the interactions are positive and monitored to avoid any potential harm or stress.

23. Provide Mental Stimulation

Engage your rabbit’s mind by providing mental stimulation. Rotate their toys, hide treats for them to find, and create DIY puzzle toys to keep them mentally active and entertained.

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