Devon Closewool Sheep: Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Devon Closewool sheep is a breed of domestic sheep from United Kingdom. It was originated from the Exmoor region of southwest England.

It was developed by crossing native Exmoor ewes with a Devon Longwool ram in the late nineteenth century. And the breed was very popular and also extended rapidly in numbers.

There were around 229,000 animals by the 1950, and almost all of them located in Devon, making them most numerous sheep breed in the county at that time.

A breeders association for the Devon Closewool sheep was formed in 1923 named as ‘The Devon Closewool Sheep Breeders Society‘.

But the breed has been in existence for well over 100 years. Original home of this breed is Exmoor, but now the breed is much more widespread.

A small flock of these animals is recorded as having been exported to Canada in 1947. And it has also been exported to New Zealand. Read some more information about this sheep breed below.

Devon Closewool Sheep Characteristics

The Devon Closewool sheep is a medium sized animal. It is mainly white in color with white face, and with a dense, medium-length fleece.

It has a stout, symmetrical appearance that is hardy and suited to open grasslands and heaths in upland territory.

The ears of these animals are short and covered with fine white hair, and their nostrils are of black color.

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Their neck is short and thick well set into the shoulders. Their ribs are well sprung with good depth. The back is well set up, big and wide.

As a medium sized animal, average live body weight of the Devon Closewool ewes is around 55 kg. And average live body weight of the mature rams is around 90 kg. Photo and info from RBST and Wikipedia.


The Devon Closewool sheep is a meat sheep breed. It is raised primarily for meat production.

Special Notes

The Devon Closewool sheep are very hardy and strong animals. They are well suited to their native environments. And they are also well suited to open grasslands and heaths in upland territory.

They are docile and quiet, and easily managed. The ewes are highly prolific, and their lambing percentages are generally between 150 and 170 percent.

The ewes remain productive and prolific for up to 7 crops and they hold their teeth well. The rams are also very hardy, and they remain fertile over a long working life of up to 6-7 years.

The Devon Closewool sheep is very good for commercial sheep farming business, and they are also ideal for the first time flockmaster.

However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameDevon Closewool
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeMeat
Special NotesVery beautiful animals, striking appearance, especially well adapted to their local environments, well suited to open grasslands and heaths in upland territory, docile and quiet, easily managed, the ewes are highly prolific, high lambing percentage, ewes remain productive and prolific for up to 7 crops and hold their teeth well, the breed is suitable for commercial sheep farming business, very good for meat production
Breed SizeMedium
WeightVary from 55 to 90 kg
Climate ToleranceLocal climates
Country/Place of OriginUnited Kingdom

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