Blueberry Farming

Blueberry farming is a very old and popular business in some countries around the world. It is a very nutritious, healthy and popular fruit throughout the world. It’s demand and value in the market is high, so commercial blueberry production is highly profitable.

Blueberries are actually a widely distributed and widespread group of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium.

The genus Vaccinium also includes cranberries, bilberries, huckleberries and Maderia blueberries. The commercial varieties of blueberries (both wild and cultivated) are all native to North America.

The blueberries are usually prostrate shrubs that can vary in size from 4 inches to 13 feet in height. The fruit is a berry 5–16 mm (3⁄16–5⁄8 in) in diameter with a flared crown at the end; they are pale greenish at first, then reddish-purple, and finally uniformly blue when ripe

In commercial production of blueberries, the species with small, pea-size berries growing on low-level bushes are known as “lowbush blueberries” (synonymous with “wild”), while the species with larger berries growing on taller, cultivated bushes are known as “highbush blueberries”. [1]

Canada is the leading producer of lowbush blueberries, while the United States produces some 40% of the world supply of highbush blueberries.

Total world production of blueberries was 823,328 tonnes in the year of 2019, led by the United States with 38% of global production and Canada with 21%.

However, commercial blueberry farming is a very old, easy and lucrative business. You can start this business commercially for making good profits.

Table of Contents

Blueberry Nutrition

Blueberries are highly nutritious and healthy fruits. They consist 14% carbohydrates, 0.3% fat, 0.7% protein and around 84% water.

Blueberries contain only negligible amounts of micronutrients, with moderate levels of the essential dietary mineral manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber.

Generally, nutrient contents of blueberries are a low percentage of the DV (table). A 100 gram serving provides a relatively low caloric value of 57 kcal with a glycemic load of 6.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries are nutritious, sweet in taste and widely popular throughout the world. They are often labeled a superfood, they are low in calories and incredibly good for all aged people.

Blueberries are so tasty and convenient that many people consider them as their favorite fruit. Here we are trying to describe the top health benefits of consuming blueberries.

  • Blueberries are low in calories but very high in nutrients. Actually, blueberries are among the most nutrient-dense berries. It is also high in fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K.
  • Blueberries are very high in antioxidant, and they are called as ‘King’ of antioxidant foods. They have highest antioxidant capacity of all the popular fruits and vegetables.
  • Several studies suggest that blueberries can reduce DNA damage which is a leading driver of aging and cancer.
  • The antioxidants in blueberries have been shown to reduce a predominant risk factor for heart disease by preventing oxidative damage to “bad” LDL cholesterol.
  • Regular consumption of blueberries can lower blood pressure level.
  • Some evidence indicates that eating fruits rich in anthocyanins (such as blueberries) is associated with a reduced risk of heart attacks.
  • According to some studies, blueberries can help to maintain brain function and improve memory. The antioxidants in blueberries seem to benefit your brain by aiding brain function and delaying mental decline.
  • Several studies demonstrate that blueberries have anti-diabetes effects, improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Like cranberries, blueberries also contain substances than can prevent certain bacteria from binding to the wall of your bladder, which may help to prevent UTIs.
  • Regular consumption of blueberries may reduce muscle damage after strenuous exercise. One study suggests that blueberries may aid muscle recovery after strenuous exercise, though more research is needed.

Advantages of Blueberry Farming Business

Starting commercial blueberry farming is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can also start this business easily.

You can start this business easily for making good amount of profits. Here we are trying to describe the top advantages of blueberry farming business.

  • Commercial blueberry farming is a very old business idea, and many people are already doing this business.
  • It’s very easy to grow blueberry, even the beginners can also start this business.
  • Caring the blueberry plants is relatively easy and simple. So, you can take this opportunity for making good profits.
  • Both demand and value of blueberry are high in both local and international market.
  • Marketing blueberries is very easy and simple. So, you don’t have to worry much about starting operating this business.
  • Many people are already doing this business for making money. You can learn from them practically if you are a beginner.
  • Commercial blueberry farming is a very good and profitable business. So, it can be a very good employment source for the people, especially for the educated but unemployed people.
  • Production costs in blueberry farming business is relatively less as compared to other crop farming business. But the returns are much higher.
  • Blueberries are highly nutritious and there are numerous health benefits of consuming blueberries. And you can enjoy fresh blueberries if you start your own production.

How to Start Blueberry Farming

Starting commercial blueberry farming business is relatively easy and simple. You can start this business easily and make good profits, even if you are a beginner.

Although, we recommend having practical training first from an experienced farmer in your area. Having practical knowledge will help you make good profits.

blueberry farming, blueberry farming business, commercial blueberry farming, blueberry farming profits, how to start blueberry farming, blueberry farming business guide

However, here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful blueberry farming business from planting, caring to harvesting and marketing.

Site Selection

Blueberry crop prefers soils which are highly acidic, fertile, aerated, moist and well-drained. The optimal soil pH range is between 4.0 and 5.5. In case of higher pH, adding a small amount of sulfur to the soil can reduce the pH of the soil.

Prepare the Soil

Preparing the land perfectly is very important for good production of blueberry. The land should be levelled and ploughed till it attains the fine tilth stage. And the main field should be made weed free.

Climate Requirement For Blueberry Farming

Blueberries can be grown on a wide range of climatic conditions. However, they are best grown and best thrive in warmer climates with full sun. You can contact with your local agriculture extension office for more information.

Best Time For Blueberry Cultivation

Actually, blueberry plants can be planted any time during the year if you can ensure sufficient irrigation.

Choose a Variety

There numerous varieties of blueberry available throughout the world for commercial farming. Every cultivar will produce for a period of 2 to 4 harvesting weekly.

However, blueberries are grouped into 3 categories which are highbush, lowbush and hybrid half-high. You should cultivate those varieties which grow well in your area. You can consult with your local expert for better recommendation.


Propagation of blueberries can be done through seeds and hardwood cuttings.

Purchase Plants

If you want to avoid producing the plants of your own, then you can purchase ready plants from any of your nearest suppliers.


Plant spacing should be 80 cm in between rows and 3 meter aisles. Actually, blueberry planting can be done any time during the year providing there is sufficient irrigation available.

1-2 year plants grown in a 1 liter or 3.5 litter container should be planted in the main field. The preferred stem length is 15 to 25 cm and 25 to 45 cm.

Pits should be dug 10 inches deep just before 2 weeks of planting the plants. Pits should be dug out a square about one meter across to give the side-spreading roots. The soil taken out from the pits should be mixed with equal parts of leam mould, coco peat or compost.


The blueberry plants generally require less caring and other management. Although, taking additional caring will help the plants to grow better and produce more.


Using organic fertilizers in blueberry farming business has many potential benefits. Well-rotten farm yard manure like cow dung should be supplemented at the time of land/soil preparation.

As the blueberry plants love acidic soils, so look for a high acid blueberry bush fertilizers that contain ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, or sulfur-coated urea.


Water or irrigate the plants immediately after transplanting in the field. The blueberry plants should be irrigated once a week for better growth.

Generally, rain water is much better than the tap water as it is more alkaline in nature. The plants may require frequent irrigation based on soil moisture holding capacity, in long dry spell weather conditions.


Mulching helps to retain moisture into the soil. And at the same time it also helps to control weeds. You can use organic materials for using as mulch.

Controlling Weeds

Controlling weeds is very important in commercial blueberry farming business. Because, weeds consume nutrients from the soil and your blueberry plants will suffer.

So, frequent weeding and hoeing are required to keep the field weed free. Mulching will also help to control weeds from the field.


The blueberry plants are a bush type and grow stems from it’s crown. Generally, the number of productive stems should be 9 to 12.

Pruning should be carried out every year by removing canes that are 5 to 6 years old. You should not allow the bush to produce fruits for the first couple of years.

Pinch black blossoms, this will help to stimulate the growth of the plant. Pruning should be carried out in late winter, preferably just before growth begins. But during the initial 4 years, there is no need of pruning.

Pests & Diseases

Generally, the blueberry plants are resistant to most of the pests and diseases. The main problem is, these berries are a favorable food for birds. So avoid birds in the orchard by adding nets around the plants.


Generally, blueberry plants will start to produce fruits from second or third season of growth. The plants produce berries once a year. Harvested fruits can be marketed as fresh as well as canned.

In most cases, harvesting will start in the month of August to September. Don’t pick the blueberries as soon as they turn blue and wait for a couple of days. They should fall off right into your hand when they become ready for harvesting.


It’s very tough to tell the exact amount, because it depends on numerous factors. The fruit yield depends on many factors like variety, soil type, irrigation and weather conditions.

Generally, in good management you can expect 1 kg of fruits per each plant in the first harvest. But it the subsequent years, blueberry plants will double in yield until the 6th to 7th year of maturity.

The maximum yield can be expected from a plant is 10 kg and an average yield is 5 to 6 kg per plant. And in most cases, a blueberry plant produce fruits up to 20 to 25 years.


This is the most important part of successful and profitable blueberry farming business. Your venture will not be profitable if you can’t market your products properly. So, determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

Tips for Blueberry Farming

Here are some best tips to help you get started:

Choose the right location

Blueberries thrive in acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. Look for a location with well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight.

Test your soil

Before planting your blueberries, have your soil tested to determine its pH and nutrient levels. This will help you determine what amendments, if any, are needed.

Choose the right varieties

There are many different varieties of blueberries, each with their own unique characteristics. Choose varieties that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions.

Plant at the right time

Blueberries are best planted in the spring, after the last frost. Avoid planting in the fall, as this can increase the risk of winter injury.

Prepare the soil

Before planting, prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost or aged manure. This will help improve soil structure and fertility.

Use high-quality plants

Look for healthy, vigorous plants with strong root systems. Avoid plants that are leggy or have yellowing leaves.

Plant at the right depth

Blueberry plants should be planted at the same depth they were growing in the nursery. Planting too deep can lead to root rot, while planting too shallow can lead to root exposure.

Mulch around the plants

After planting, mulch around the plants with a layer of organic material such as wood chips or straw. This will help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Water regularly

Blueberries need regular watering, especially during the first year after planting. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

Fertilize appropriately

Blueberries have specific nutrient requirements, and may need supplemental fertilization to thrive. Consult with a local agricultural extension office or a soil testing lab to determine the appropriate fertilizer regimen for your soil and climate.

Prune properly

Blueberries require pruning to maintain their shape and promote fruit production. Prune in the late winter or early spring, before new growth begins.

Control pests and diseases

Blueberries are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, including mites, aphids, and fungal infections. Use integrated pest management techniques to control these issues, including cultural controls, biological controls, and chemical controls as a last resort.

Harvest at the right time

Blueberries are ready to harvest when they are fully ripe and have a deep blue color. Harvesting too early can lead to sour or underripe berries.

Use proper harvesting techniques

Handle blueberries gently to avoid bruising or damaging the fruit. Use shallow containers for picking and avoid stacking berries too high.

Store properly

Blueberries should be stored in a cool, dry place and used within a few days of harvest. They can also be frozen for later use.

Market your berries

If you’re growing blueberries for sale, consider marketing your berries at local farmers’ markets, grocery stores, or to local food processors.

Join a growers’ association

Joining a blueberry growers’ association can provide you with valuable resources and support, as well as opportunities to connect with other growers and stay up-to-date on industry news and trends.

Attend educational events and workshops

Attend educational events and workshops to learn more about blueberry farming, including pest and disease control, soil fertility, and marketing.

Stay up-to-date on industry trends

Blueberry farming is a rapidly evolving industry, with new techniques and technologies emerging all the time. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments by reading industry publications and attending conferences and workshops.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful blueberry farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to blueberry farming business. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this business and trying to answer them. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

How much land do I need to start a blueberry farm?

The amount of land needed depends on the scale of the operation. A small-scale operation can be started with as little as one acre, while larger operations may require dozens or even hundreds of acres.

What kind of soil do blueberries need?

Blueberries prefer acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. The soil should also be well-draining and high in organic matter.

Can blueberries be grown in containers?

Yes, blueberries can be grown in containers, but they require special care to ensure proper drainage and soil acidity.

How long does it take for blueberry plants to produce fruit?

Blueberry plants can take 2-3 years to produce a significant harvest, but will continue to produce fruit for many years if properly cared for.

What kind of climate do blueberries need?

Blueberries prefer cooler climates with moderate temperatures and ample rainfall.

What is the best time to plant blueberries?

Blueberries are best planted in the spring, after the last frost.

How much water do blueberries need?

Blueberries need regular watering, especially during the first year after planting. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

What kind of fertilizer do blueberries need?

Blueberries require specific nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Consult with a local agricultural extension office or a soil testing lab to determine the appropriate fertilizer regimen for your soil and climate.

How often should blueberries be pruned?

Blueberries should be pruned in the late winter or early spring, before new growth begins.

How do I control pests and diseases on my blueberry farm?

Blueberries are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, including mites, aphids, and fungal infections. Use integrated pest management techniques to control these issues, including cultural controls, biological controls, and chemical controls as a last resort.

When is the best time to harvest blueberries?

Blueberries are ready to harvest when they are fully ripe and have a deep blue color.

How do I store my harvested blueberries?

Blueberries should be stored in a cool, dry place and used within a few days of harvest. They can also be frozen for later use.

How do I market my blueberries?

If you’re growing blueberries for sale, consider marketing your berries at local farmers’ markets, grocery stores, or to local food processors.

How do I price my blueberries for sale?

The price of blueberries will depend on a variety of factors, including quality, availability, and competition. Research local prices and adjust accordingly.

Can I grow blueberries organically?

Yes, blueberries can be grown organically, but may require more careful management and pest control.

How do I obtain funding for my blueberry farm?

Funding for blueberry farms may be available through government grants, loans, or private investors.

How do I choose the right blueberry varieties for my farm?

Choose blueberry varieties that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions, and that have a good track record for yield and quality.

Can I use blueberries for other products besides fresh fruit?

Yes, blueberries can be used to make jams, jellies, sauces, and other products.

How do I keep birds from eating my blueberries?

Birds can be deterred by using netting, scarec rows, or noise-making devices.

What kind of equipment do I need for blueberry farming?

Blueberry farming equipment may include tractors, cultivators, harvesters, pruning tools, and irrigation systems.

How do I determine the best planting density for my blueberry farm?

Planting density will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of your plants, soil fertility, and desired yield. Consult with a local agricultural extension office for guidance.

Can blueberries be grown hydroponically?

Yes, blueberries can be grown hydroponically, but may require specialized equipment and management.

How do I manage weeds on my blueberry farm?

Weeds can be controlled through a combination of cultivation, mulching, and herbicides.

How do I manage soil pH on my blueberry farm?

Soil pH can be managed through the use of lime or sulfur amendments, or by applying acidic fertilizers.

Can blueberries be grown in greenhouses?

Yes, blueberries can be grown in greenhouses, but may require specialized equipment and management.

How do I prepare my blueberry plants for winter?

Blueberry plants should be pruned in the late winter or early spring, and should be protected from extreme cold with mulch or frost blankets.

How do I ensure pollination on my blueberry farm?

Blueberries require cross-pollination from bees or other insects. Be sure to provide ample habitat for pollinators.

How do I manage irrigation on my blueberry farm?

Irrigation should be managed to ensure proper soil moisture levels without causing waterlogging or nutrient leaching.

How do I prevent erosion on my blueberry farm?

Erosion can be prevented through the use of cover crops, terracing, and erosion-control structures.

How do I manage pests and diseases without using chemicals?

Integrated pest management techniques, such as cultural controls, biological controls, and physical barriers, can be used to control pests and diseases without relying on chemicals.

How do I ensure food safety on my blueberry farm?

Good agricultural practices, such as proper sanitation, pest management, and record-keeping, can help ensure food safety on your blueberry farm.

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