Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep

The Bentheimer Landschaf sheep is a breed of domestic sheep which is found and originated in Germany. It is also known as the Landrace of Bentheim.

It is actually a cross between German and Dutch heath sheep and a marsh sheep.

The breed has been bred in the northern German Emsland area since 1934, especailly in the county of Bentheim.

Today the Bentheimer Landschaf sheep is highly endangered. And the breed is raised for landscape preservation. Read some more information about this sheep breed below.

Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep Characteristics

The Bentheimer Landschaf sheep are medium sized animals. They are mainly white in color and have black around their ears, eyes and legs.

They have a slender body, long head and Roman nose. Their ears are small and the tail is long and woolly. Both rams and ewes are generally polled.

Average body height of the mature ewes is around 67 cm at the withers, and the rams are slightly larger than the ewes.

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Average live body weight of the mature Bentheimer Landschaf rams is around 75 to 80 kg. And average live body weight of the mature ewes is between 50 and 60 kg. Photo and info from and Wikipedia.


The Bentheimer Landschaf sheep breed is raised mainly for vegetation management or landscpae preservation.

Special Notes

The Bentheimer Landschaf sheep are very hardy animals, and they are raised mainly for landscape preservation.

The breed is the largest of the German-heath and moor sheep with long legs and hard hoofs.

Average fleece production of these animals is around 3-4 kg. Their fleece is of pretty good quality with a fiber diameter of 34-40 microns.

The Bentheimer Landschaf ewes lamb easily, and they are very good mothers. These animals need to live in a flock, but they are easily satisfied.

Along with being used for landscape preservation, the breed is also good for producing delicious meat.

However, review full breed profile of this breed in the following chart.

Breed NameBentheimer Landschaf
Other NamesLandrace of Bentheim
Breed PurposeLandscape preservation
Special NotesWell adapted to local climates, very hardy animals, mainly used for landscape preservation, the breed is the largest of the German-heath and moor sheep, average fleece production is around 3-4 kg, the ewes generally lamb easily and they are very good mothers, these animals need to live in a flock, easily satisfied animals, good for producing delicious meat
Breed SizeMedium
WeightMature ram’s average body weight is between 75 and 80 kg, and the mature ewe’s average live body weight is around 50-60 kg.
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Country/Place of OriginGermany

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