Barzona Cattle: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo

The Barzona cattle are a domestic breed of beef cattle developed in the United States. It was developed in the 1940s and 1950s in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona.

They are, in approximately equal proportions, a combination of Africander, Hereford, Beef Shorthorn and Angus. Actually the breed has been bred to be especially hardy, having good heat, insect and disease tolerance.

The Aricander bulls were bred to Hereford cows, and the Hereford cattle breed was selected for their good hindquarters, early maturity, close sheath and range ability.

The Africander were used for their ability for high browse utilization, good milk production, hide, pigment, relatively small calf and hair coat for heat and insect tolerance.

The Angus cattle breed was selected for their carcass qualities and marbling characteristics, and also for small calf at birth, rich milk and good hindquarters.

And finally the Barzona cattle were a very hardy breed which were well adapted to their native area of Yavapai County of Arizona state.

The breed is also well adapted to the rugged and rocky area, do well in extreme temperatures and sparse rainfall and also can do well in scattered feed.

The Barzona Breeders Association of America was formed in January 1968 in Phoenix. Currently the breed is found and produced mainly in the United States. Read some more information about the breed below.

Table of Contents

Barzona Cattle Characteristics

Barzona cattle are medium sized animals. Their actual size an vary depending on the environment.

They are distinguishable by their longish head and may be either horned or polled.

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They are generally orange-red in color, but their body color may vary from dark red to light red. They occasionally have white on the underline or switch. Photo and info from The Cattle Site and


Barzona cattle are actually a beef cattle breed. They are raised mainly for meat production.

Special Notes

The Barzona cattle are very hardy and active animals. They are well adapted to their native climates.

The cows are very fertile and known for their easy calving. They have very hardy and strong feet and legs which are very suitable for browsing tough conditions. They are very heat tolerance and insect and disease resistance.

They have very good temperament and are relatively very easy to handle. The cows are very fertile and known for their easy calving.

The bulls are very hardy and vigorous, exemplifying high libido. The cows are pretty poor milkers, but produce enough milk for their calves.

Currently the breed is found and raised mainly in the United States. Review full breed profile of the Barzona cattle in the following chart.

Breed NameBarzona
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeMainly meat
Special NotesStrong, very hardy, well adapted to native environment, good for meat, excellent meat quality, good temperament, high fertility, easy calving, pretty easy to care
Breed SizeMedium
Climate ToleranceNative climates
Coat ColorGenerally orange-red, but their color may vary from dark red to light red
HornedYes or polled
Milk YieldAverage
Country/Place of OriginUnited States

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